How to Powerfully Move From Crisis to Opportunity
In today's 'unfiltered' chat I share with you some tough moments I've been having and practical advice (from my mom!) for how to break out of crisis mode.
In today's 'unfiltered' chat I share with you some tough moments I've been having and practical advice (from my mom!) for how to break out of crisis mode.
Today’s topic is How to Live a Fully Engaged Life. To help me talk about this, I spoke with Tom Sterner, author of Fully Engaged and The Practicing Mind, which help you to develop focus and discipline in your life.
We welcome NBC News Financial Editor Jean Chatzky to ‘The LiftOff Project’ to tackle one of the biggest questions that we all ask ourselves before undergoing a reinvention, “How will I afford it?” Jean shares what you need to know in order to finance your reinvention and avoid the kind of stress that could derail your plans.
America's wealth mentor Linda P. Jones joins me this week to with the keys to establishing true affluence. A multi-millionaire by the age of 39, Linda shares advice on breaking through your mental barriers, driving away fear and feelings of unworthiness, plus a creative (and unique!) way to use affirmations to achieve your wealth goals.
In today’s episode I talk to you, unfiltered, about the lessons that I've learned from that type of moment in our lives where things just get thrown at us and we're like, "Oh my God, how do I deal?"
This week, I am sharing an interview, a real-life reinvention story that I had about a month ago with Markus Grindel. He is an international business executive and a serial re-inventor. In fact, Markus and I worked together. We're longtime friends, and he likes to say that he was my first reinvention client, which I find highly amusing, but it's true that we did engineer a reinvention for him. He has reinvented himself several times since.
I am thrilled to be back! It was lovely to take a break from creating podcast episodes over the month of August. The opportunity of taking this kind of break allowed me to take a step back and provide a space for reinvention. We are on a reinvention journey and the podcast is changing! Tune in to hear more.
Want to feel anchored in self-confidence? This episode is for you! In Tales From the Coaching Front I give you the low-down about an erroneous belief that zaps your inner power and how to overcome it. And in Ask Coach Pamela I share a useful strategy that helps you make progress in your reinvention, even during the busiest times.
Time for a new perspective on a challenging emotion! In Tales from the Coaching Front, I share how you can harness the energy behind that little green-eyed monster and turn it into a superpower for magic in your life. And in Ask Coach Pamela, I give you the inside scoop on the three biggest mistakes most job seekers make, and specific tips for how you can avoid those traps.
Time for a new perspective on a challenging emotion! In Tales from the Coaching Front, I share how you can harness the energy behind that little green-eyed monster and turn it into a superpower for magic in your life. And in Ask Coach Pamela, I give you the inside scoop on the three biggest mistakes most job seekers make, and specific tips for how you can avoid those traps.
In Tales From the Coaching Front, I share my secret strategy for how you can accomplish your goals in life without relying on willpower. (It works for both personal and career goals!) And in Ask Coach Pamela I outline a reinvention plan for listener Nikki who, by wondering if it’s time to pursue her passion, asks that perennial question “What should my career be?”
In Tales From the Coaching Front, I share my secret strategy for how you can accomplish your goals in life without relying on willpower. (It works for both personal and career goals!) And in Ask Coach Pamela I outline a reinvention plan for listener Nikki who, by wondering if it’s time to pursue her passion, asks that perennial question “What should my career be?”
Today’s eye-opening topic is how our brain’s natural aversion to uncertainty can cause us to take the familiar—yet riskier—path. In Tales From the Coaching Front. I focus on useful strategies to overcome that roadblock so you can maximize your opportunities in career reinvention. And in Ask Coach Pamela, I answer a question from two separate clients feeling drained by regrets, and offer them a recipe designed to reclaim personal power and move forward.
Today’s eye-opening topic is how our brain’s natural aversion to uncertainty can cause us to take the familiar—yet riskier—path. In Tales From the Coaching Front. I focus on useful strategies to overcome that roadblock so you can maximize your opportunities in career reinvention. And in Ask Coach Pamela, I answer a question from two separate clients feeling drained by regrets, and offer them a recipe designed to reclaim personal power and move forward.
The topic of 'cerebral congestion' is fresh on my mind this week as I share some interesting research about how downtime is required for healthy brain functioning and optimal productivity.
In today's moving and powerful interview, Kim Wise joins me to share how a shocking life event inspired her to step out and recreate her life around her long-time passion. The story of her journey shows us why it's so important to get started on our dreams and how accountability is the catalyst for making them happen.
Leading functional medicine expert Dr. Pamela Wartian Smith joins us again on the show to discuss something we generally take for granted until we start losing it-- our memory. She shares secrets for keeping our mind sharp along with proven techniques for strengthening (and even restoring!) our mental acuity.
I deal with a curveball this week-- my sound engineer taking a last-minute vacation-- by sharing three simple strategies that help you unleash the strength of "going with the flow" when life hands you unexpected events.
Things get really "real" this week, as I bring you into the unfiltered conversation Dina and I had after last week's interview. We pull back the curtain to talk about downside of our goals-- the personal toll they take, the sacrifices we make-- and what strategies help us maintain our boundaries and find time for ourselves.
There's plenty of motivation on tap in our two-part interview with real-life Reinventor Dina D'Alessandro. In today's episode, Part 1, Dina shares the practical tactics and strategies that have allowed her to shape her career to her passions, from publishing to event planning to her latest reinvention as a registered dietician. Get ready to be inspired!
This week is an encore of episode #2, where I revealed the truth about a hidden myth that is a big stumbling block to achieving your goals in life. And in Ask Coach Pamela I answered the question: “How do you build the drive to make a change in your life when everyone around you doesn’t understand why you want to change in the first place?”
Would it be okay with you if life got easier? If so, then this week's interview with Dr. Maria Nemeth, author of The Energy of Money, is for you! Dr. Nemeth shares her pragmatic, simple and powerful advice for how we can get past the mental chatter in our head and bring more clarity, focus, ease and grace to our relationship with money.
In my last episode I mentioned a totally free mini-course we offer called "Career Reinvention 101 - How to Create Work You Want and a Life You Love With Ease." All you need to do is text "Career101" to 44222 to receive it, however I neglected to mention that Career101 must be all one word! This course is the perfect jump start for getting unstuck and expanding the opportunities available to you, so send a text and grab your copy!
Want to feel anchored in self-confidence? This episode is for you! In Tales From the Coaching Front I give you the low-down about an erroneous belief that saps your inner power and how to overcome it. And in Ask Coach Pamela I share a useful strategy that helps you make progress in your reinvention, even during the busiest times.
Inspirational singer-songwriter Karen Drucker joins me for a musical party in today's episode! Karen shares her journey of how she came to make music that makes a difference and offers tips for how we can tune in, listen to the inner nudges that guide us, and allow our "big bright brilliant beam of radiant light shine."
I take a break from our regularly scheduled programming to have an frank (and quick!) chat with you about a few of my most recent bad days and the strategies I use to navigate through the tough moments.
It’s a no-holds-barred interview with Alex Roy, editor-at-large for, who joins us to share his reinvention story. In a brutally honest and funny conversation, Alex lets us in on the tough lessons and hard-won insights he gained on the bumpy road of his reinvention, and why—even when you hit rock bottom—it’s so important to choose what you REALLY want and pursue it.
Today’s eye-opening topic is how our brain’s natural aversion to uncertainty can cause us to take the familiar—yet riskier—path. In Tales From the Coaching Front. I focus on useful strategies to overcome that roadblock so you can maximize your opportunities in career reinvention. And in Ask Coach Pamela, I answer a question from two separate clients feeling drained by regrets, and offer them a recipe designed to reclaim personal power and move forward.
I interview award-winning journalist Brigid Schulte about her book Overwhelmed: How to Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time. In an honest and compelling conversation, Brigid gives us insights from both the practical research and her personal journey that will stop us from drowning in the deluge of busyness and move to a space of “time serenity”.
Time for a new perspective on a challenging emotion! In Tales from the Coaching Front, I share how you can harness the energy behind that little green-eyed monster and turn it into a superpower for magic in your life. And in Ask Coach Pamela, I give you the inside scoop on the three biggest mistakes most job seekers make, and specific tips for how you can avoid those traps.