ChooseFI - podcast cover

How would your life change if you reached Financial Independence and got to the point where working is optional? What actions can you take today to make that not just possible but probable. Jonathan & Brad explore the tactics that the FI community uses to reclaim decades of their lives. They discuss reducing expenses, crushing debt, tax optimization, building passive income streams through online businesses and real estate and how to travel the world for free. Every episode is packed with actionable tips and no topic is too big or small as long as it speeds up the process of reaching financial independence.


144R | Guard Rails and Dumpster Fires

A recap from Jonathan and Brad's visit to FinCon, FI Military, YNAB, and "what if my finances are like a dumpster fire?". For more information, visit the show notes at

Sep 13, 201954 minEp 144Transcript available on Metacast

143R | Is This the Top?

As most have probably seen, the news is calling for a recession soon. Specifically, Peter Schiff, a prominent economist, is warning of an impending financial disaster. However, this market volatility is nothing new. Join us today as we talk about Market Volatility, going Beyond FI, and Andrew Luck Embraces FI? For more information, visit the show notes at

Sep 06, 201952 minEp 143Transcript available on Metacast

143 | Beyond Financial Independence With Edmund Tee

Edmund Tee talks about reaching FI and the goals of teaching more people worldwide about Financial Independence. For more information, visit the show notes at

Sep 02, 201945 minEp 143Transcript available on Metacast

142R | Envelope Overwhelm

How to simplify personal finance and discussing Paula Pant’s take on real estate from Monday’s show. Personal Finances Made Simple Jonathan’s Budget Evolution How ChooseFI Makes Money For more information, visit the show notes at

Aug 30, 20191 hrEp 142Transcript available on Metacast

142 | Real Estate Investing Strategies with Paula Pant

Paula Pant discusses real estate as a path to FI as Brad shares his biggest financial mistake of his life - a speculative property in North Carolina. For more information, visit the show notes at

Aug 26, 201957 minEp 142Transcript available on Metacast

141R | Translating FI for the UK

David Sawyer comes back on to discuss the UK path to FI, and Jonathan makes a big personal announcement. For more information, visit the show notes at

Aug 23, 20191 hr 7 minEp 141Transcript available on Metacast

140R | The Real Cost Of A Financial Advisor

Diving into the costs of a financial advisor and Nick from Mapped Out Money returns to discuss college hacking. For more information, visit the show notes at

Aug 16, 201945 minEp 140Transcript available on Metacast

140 | FI Lifestyle Before FI Number With Nick True

Nick True from Mapped Out Money talks about designing an FI lifestyle before reaching an FI number. Currently, Nick and his wife live in an Airstream trailer with the flexibility to live wherever they want to be. For more information, visit the show notes at

Aug 12, 201955 minEp 140Transcript available on Metacast

139R | Time is on Your Side

Last week, Jonathan ended up at the DMV on a Friday afternoon with a crazy wait time. What should have been a quick trip turned into an ordeal worth avoiding. Today Jonathan and Brad discuss: How to Reclaim Your Time Side Hustling through the Secondary Market and how Sunny funded a Roth IRA for his child For more information, visit the show notes at

Aug 09, 201956 minEp 139Transcript available on Metacast

139 | Reaching FI With Real Estate | Sunny Burns

Sunny and his wife are 88.92% of their way to FI at only age 28 while living just 15 minutes outside of New York City. How did they do it? They share ow to pay for collect, the Department of Defense SMART Scholarship, car flipping, and more. For more information, visit the show notes at

Aug 05, 201957 minEp 139Transcript available on Metacast

138R | My Daughter's Mindset

Brad and Jonathan talk about Brad’s daughter's mindset, plus a review of Monday's episode with Anthony. For more information, visit the show notes at

Aug 02, 201945 minEp 138Transcript available on Metacast

138 | How To Get Paid To Go To College | Anthony Gary

Anthony talks about the strategy he used to go to college for profit in his senior year. The strategies he outlines could be used as early as freshman year to make college a profitable experience. For more information, visit the show notes at

Jul 29, 201948 minEp 138Transcript available on Metacast

137R | An Evening of Financial Independence

Brad and Jonathan discuss the Richmond Screening Of Playing With FIRE, FI 101, and how to be a storyteller. For more information, visit the show notes at

Jul 26, 201954 minEp 137Transcript available on Metacast

137 | Rebuilding a Life You Love with Christine

Christine and her husband, Jack, rebuilt a life that they love after an 85% reduction in pay 6 weeks into their marriage. For more information, visit the show notes at

Jul 22, 201949 minEp 137Transcript available on Metacast

136R | Silver Spoon or Skills

Jonathan and Brad discuss a case study on funding a child's Roth IRA and listen to feedback from the community. For more information, visit the show notes at

Jul 19, 201948 minEp 136Transcript available on Metacast

135R | The Plot Thickens

Another look at whether you should pay off your mortgage or invest, plus: Spam Caller Life Hack Life Hack for Small Business Owners Achieving FI on a Modest Income For more information, visit the show notes at

Jul 12, 201953 minEp 135Transcript available on Metacast

134R | Quit Like a Millionaire | Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung

Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung talk about their new book, Quit Like a Millionaire. Plus, Brad and Jonathan give updates on solar panels and YNAB. For more information, visit the show notes at

Jul 05, 20191 hr 4 minEp 134Transcript available on Metacast

134 | Early Retirement Case Study With Route To Retire

Jim from Route To Retire talks about about life after retirement and geo-arbitrage. His path to FI didn’t start with a community, it began when he was testing for Y2K bugs with Quicken. Don’t know what we’re talking about? You’ll just have to listen to find out. For more information, visit the show notes at

Jul 01, 201956 minEp 134Transcript available on Metacast

133R | Should I Pay off My Mortgage Early Or Invest

Possibly the most burning questions of FI: Should you Invest or Pay off your Mortgage early? We go through the numbers in today's show. For more information, visit the show notes at

Jun 28, 20191 hr 4 minEp 133Transcript available on Metacast

133 | How To Get Started Making Money With Airbnb | Zeona McIntyre

Zeona McIntyre built a successful AirBNB business and shares her best strategies, including Buying Properties Scaling the Business and Best Practices for an AirBNB Business For more information, visit the show notes at

Jun 24, 20191 hr 5 minEp 133Transcript available on Metacast

132R Insurance | A Framework

Find out what kinds of insurance you actually need and where to find them. Jennifer Fitzgerlad, the CEO of Policy Genius walks us through everything you need to know. For more information, visit the show notes at

Jun 21, 20191 hr 2 minEp 132Transcript available on Metacast

132 | Downsizing Your Life And Financial Coaching With Lisa Duke

Lisa Duke talks about her mindset shift and turning liabilities to assets. On today's show: Second Home--Asset Or Liability? Action Steps To Renting Out Your Home Getting off the "hedonic treadmill" ...and more. For more information, visit the show notes at

Jun 17, 201957 minEp 132Transcript available on Metacast

131R | Building a Brick in Your Wall

A recap of our conversation with Mr. Money Mustache and Mr. 1500. Plus, Jonathan and Brad answer listener questions about compounding and drawdowns during retirement. For more information, visit the show notes at

Jun 14, 201955 minEp 131Transcript available on Metacast

130R | Simplifying The Ultimate Buy And Hold Strategy With M1 Finance

Brad and Jonathan just returned from the world premiere of Playing with FIRE in San Diego. They discuss future showings (visit ) and then get into the ultimate buy and hold portfolio strategy. For the entire show notes, go to

Jun 07, 201948 minEp 130Transcript available on Metacast
ChooseFI podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast