15 What To Do When You're Not OK
Ever have those days (or weeks) when you’re just not OK and you’re not sure WHY? Yeah, me too. Let’s talk about some practical strategies to overcoming intermittent depression.
The I Have ADHD Podcast is a clear, concise, and FUN podcast for adults with ADHD. Listen to learn about how ADHD impacts every area of your life from the boardroom to the bedroom...and how you can begin to overcome your symptoms by accepting who you are, flaws and all.
Host Kristen Carder is a dually certified coach who has supported thousands of of people with ADHD worldwide. Kristen's extensive experience working with ADHDers began in 2012, and she now leads a global community of adults with ADHD in her coaching program, FOCUSED.
****OBVIOUSLY the content in this podcast is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice. Kristen Carder is not a medical professional.
Ever have those days (or weeks) when you’re just not OK and you’re not sure WHY? Yeah, me too. Let’s talk about some practical strategies to overcoming intermittent depression.
Based on the book Atomic Habits, let’s chat about how our small steps can lead to huge changes. And OH HOW WE AVOID those small methodical steps, don’t we?!
Hey it's just me over here dropping some truth bombs about relationships! I hope this episode is super helpful to you as you interact with the people that you love!
This is the first in a series of episodes on relationships. This is for MEN AND WOMEN - it is not a touchy feely episode, so make sure to listen. This is the foundation for the tips and tricks and hacks that you're all wanting!
Life changing! If you are not getting results in your life that you are happy with or proud of, you need to change your thoughts. visit www.ihaveadhd.com/5beliefs for show notes and additional resources Thanks for listening - it means the world to me
Suck at managing your money? Join the club. Let's chat about it - here's some really practical advice. Visit www.ihaveadhd.com/money for more resources
Do you often over-react or find yourself exploding emotionally? This is COMPLETELY NORMAL if you have ADHD. The experts call it emotional dysregulation. This episode is primarily about anger and frustration. [I will do an episode on anxiety and depression soon!] Please visit www.ihaveadhd.com/emotions for all of the resources used in this episode.
No idea how to set or achieve goals? I feel ya! Here are 5 practical tips you can apply today to get started on crushing those goals!
Do you hate grocery shopping as much as I do? Why do the "easy" things in life seem so hard for you and me? One word: dopamine. Let's commiserate about how much we hate mundane tasks!
Vision is the picture you have in your mind of what you want your life to be. It's the destination. The end goal. Unfortunately those of us with ADHD pretty much suck at living with a vision. But don't worry, I've got some tips for ya!
So many of us adults with ADHD are walking around feeling ashamed of our symptoms and behaviors. Shame can be limiting and debilitating. I invite you to let go of shame and change your thinking so that you can begin to make positive changes in your life! Warning: I get super vulnerable in this episode. Visit www.ihaveadhd.com for a psychologist-approved list of symptoms, resources, and additional support.
I thought I hated Marie Kondo's Netflix show, Tidying Up, but I've changed my mind. Find out which of Marie's tricks we ADHDers can use as we attempt to declutter our homes. If you've got piles everywhere, this episode is for you. The clutter is a constant struggle, isn't it? It is for me! Visit www.ihaveadhd.com for a psychologist-approved list of symptoms, resources, and additional support.
Your life won't improve until you accept and own your diagnosis. That's when the party really starts. It’s taken me several years to really change my thinking about ADHD. Once I changed my thinking, I could change my actions and improve my life, and you can, too. That’s actually psychology 101 – your thoughts determine your feelings. Your feelings determine your actions your actions determine your results. So if you want different results, it’s time to think different thoughts. You can...
Join me, as I chat about the frustrations, challenges, and humor of living life as an adult with ADHD. Every podcast episode will be filled with education, encouragement, and support for adults with ADHD. I'll help you understand your unique brain and implement systems to help you reach your potential. Here's the gist: Episode 2 is all about your frontal lobe and executive functioning and why you should care about both. It's life-changing information regarding adult ADHD that my d...
Join me, as I chat about the frustrations, challenges, and humor of living life as an adult with ADHD. Every podcast episode will be filled with education, encouragement, and support for adults with ADHD. I'll help you understand your unique brain and implement systems to help you reach your potential. You know I have ADHD, right? So the thought of writing detailed show notes for every single podcast episode is laughable. It’s just not going to happen. You're here to listen to the podc...