Critical Role & Sagas of Sundry
Welcome to Geek & Sundry’s hub for all things RPG! Each week, our collection of deeply nerdy storytellers take you on epic journeys across the multiverse in our critically acclaimed actual play podcasts that use tabletop role-playing games to tell ever-evolving, improvised stories, including the complete collection of Critical Role’s Campaign 1. Current Season: Sagas of Sundry: Goblin Mode Three monstrous minions find themselves in charge for once when the evil necromancer they serve mysteriously disappears. Will they remain in the dungeon or venture into the light to tell their own tale? Find out on Sagas of Sundry: Goblin Mode with gamemaster Amy Vorpahl and cast members Jason Nguyen, Danielle Radford, and Dan Casey. And stay tuned for a look inside the episode each week on Quests N’ An...