Top Japanese Souvenirs
今回のトピックは観光客に人気のお土産についてお話しします Unconventional training methods, throngs of tourists, and all the best ideas for things to pick up while in visiting Japan.
今回のトピックは観光客に人気のお土産についてお話しします Unconventional training methods, throngs of tourists, and all the best ideas for things to pick up while in visiting Japan.
Boats to Korea, sea legs, and some tips to make you less productive. 今回のトピックは誰かに教えたいGoogle検索のトリビアについてお話いたします!
Talking to yourself, singing in public, and scam artists - this week on the Konnichiwa Podcast.
Falling flowers, wrinkled sacks, and social deduction - it's been a busy week^^
How many dental clinics are there in Japan? A bazillion, there are a bazillion.
What did you want to be when you grew up? - this week on the Konnichiwa Podcast. Also, we've Konnichiwa Podcast recommends nativshark for all your Japanese learning needs^^ Use the code KONIPO at checkout to save 33% off at checkout.
Why now is the best time to visit your favorite Ryokan - This week on the Konnichiwa Podcast
今回のトピックは、美味しい匂いがするお香についてお話しします! Yurie tells us about an exclusive chance to make your house smell like....KFC? This week on the Konnichiwa Podcast
My takes us through some things that might be unusual depending on where you're from - This week on the Konnichiwa Podcast.
2023 brings fresh danger - find out more on this week's episode of the Konnichiwa Podcast
The paternity test is in! Get closure on one of the biggest monkey scandals of 2021 - this week on the Konnichiwa Podcast. 今回のトピックは1年前のトピックでお話しした、佐世保の動物園でおきたお猿のももちゃんの謎の妊娠について、父親が判明しました! さて、お父さんは誰でしょう?
今回のトピックは日本ではなるべくしない方が良い所作(しょさ)についてお話ししたいと思います! Game Jams, Turkish food, and Escalator etiquette - this week on the Konnichiwa Podcast.
Big scandals in the world of juice(hence the pun - I'm sorry) this week on the Konnichiwa Podcast. 今回のトピックはトロピカーナの100%メロンジュースの本当の正体とは?についてお話しします。
Dan has a birthday and Yurie breaks out a quiz about fish. This week on the Konnichiwa Podcast.
My talks about some phrases only used in Japan. We also talk about miso soup, lots of miso soup
We play some games, have some laughs, and invent a racy new swimming style - this week on the Konnichiwa Podcast 今回のお話しは子供の時に遊んでいた定番ゲームが今の子供達にも大人気! 3人で「マジカルバナナ」もします!
Yurie tells what people really want to eat while they're eating osechi^^
お待たせしました。シーズン11へようこそ! 今週はQ&Aの続きをします。 Part 2 of our Q&A episode - Big thank you to everyone who sent in questions
Hi All! This week we're re-running an episode from Season 8. We'll be back with season 11 before the end of the year. See you soon!
The season finale is here! Thank you to everyone who sent in questions
End of year parties, freezing temperatures, and hopes and dreams for the World Cup.
World Cup madness, early Christmas decorations, and Tanka Hirokazu x 178 - this week on the Konnichiwa Podcast
On this week's episode we talk about food, and then we talk about food a bit more.
Has science gone too far? This week on the Konnichiwa Podcast.
Disappointing buffets, Lazy Susans, and more serious things. 今回のトピックは韓国の梨泰院で起きたハロウィンの悲劇についてお話ししたいと思います
What happened to the oldest toilet in Japan? Find out this week on the Konnichiwa Podcast.
今回のトピックはハロウィンエピソードです。 日本の心霊スポットについてお話しします! Wardrobe malfunctions and haunted houses - this week on the Konnichiwa Podcast **Support the Podcast**
今回のトピックは日本の冷凍食品、ドライブスルーについてお話しします。 Things heat up, but then quickly cool down - this week on the Konnichiwa Podcast
All's well that ends well as Dan gets something he's wanted for years, My has a brush with disaster, and Yurie's sex appeal gets validation. This week on the Konnichiwa Podcast. 今回のトピックは久しぶりに3人そろったのでみんなの最近の出来事についてお話しします! ダンちゃんのは念願欲しかった物をゲットしたいみたいです! 一体なんでしょう?
For episode 10 of this season we wanted to share an older Patreon episode with everyone. If you’re interested, check for more information. 今週のエピソードでは皆さんにパトレオンエピソードを楽しんで欲しいと思います。良かったら をチェックしてね!