73: WWDC Event Planning
Planning for WWDC attendance (or not), and the value of the other conferences and social events around WWDC 2017.
Planning for WWDC attendance (or not), and the value of the other conferences and social events around WWDC 2017.
Building apps with acquisition in mind, calculating your app's valuation, and what to expect in a sale.
Accumulating a portfolio of apps that provide long-term income with minimal maintenance.
The difference between good and bad hacks, and some glorious hacks we've shipped in our apps.
Adding features to your app that you don't want or won't use in order to satisfy requests or reach new markets.
Some of the challenges and decisions that led to the newly released Overcast 3.
Maintaining, testing, and modernizing old apps.
Where we are on our gradual conversion to Swift programmers.
Preparing for and reacting to Apple implementing your app's core functionality themselves.
The potential impacts of the new "rate this app" API and our upcoming ability to respond to App Store reviews.
Experiences and skills we lack by being indie developers, and whether our career path may ever include them.
The significance of App Store star ratings and reviews, and how to tastefully ask people to review your app.
How to get back into the zone after the holidays.
Unrelated abilities and techniques that prove surprisingly useful in indie app development.
David's audio diary recorded throughout the launch day of his newest app, Workouts++.
How we test our apps before release.
Deciding how much of your app to keep secret before release, and how to slowly reveal it.
Strategies for surviving the ups, downs, and increasing challenges of today's App Store and nearby businesses.
The effectiveness and side effects of sales and price changes.
Appearance managers, self-theming views, and rapid design iteration with code and variables.
Planning for annual events and marketing opportunities, and accommodating variable cycles of productivity.
The challenges of learning new languages, APIs, and tools, how we avoid facing these difficulties, and what drives us to overcome them.
Overcoming fears of speaking at conferences, how much work it really takes, and deciding whether it's worthwhile.
Responsibly shutting down a failed app.
An overview of advertising terms, costs, and metrics, and getting started with App Store Search Ads for indie developers.
Adopting techniques, tools, and APIs long after they've been introduced, with specific examples from Overcast's development.
Choosing a database or scheme for local data storage, including Core Data, SQLite, property lists, JSON, user defaults, and NSURLCache.
When to require new iOS versions, and the real-world need for test devices.
David's app income shifting to ads over time, and Overcast switching to ads.
Ramifications of pruning very old apps from the App Store and cracking down on title-keyword spam.