This journey of self-discovery and transformation can be honestly brutal at times! We were getting by just fine... we were surviving before, right? It can be easy to look at what where we are at in a growth cycle and wonder, "why am I even doing this? Is it even worth it?!" Jordan answers that today and brings you some reminders of why this path chose you - not the other way around. Enjoy! Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton...
May 13, 2022•17 min•Ep 112•Transcript available on Metacast There are 4 core fear responses. And each of us has our own set of subconsciously programmed reactions when we feel fearful about money is really important to understand. So, today, Jordan dives into the 4 fear responses and shares how to start interacting with money in a new way! Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton
May 10, 2022•28 min•Ep 111•Transcript available on Metacast Through doing this money mindset challenge, I've realized something big... So, I share my experience with a tangible example this week! So, check out today's episode for how to start to disempowering your fear so you can feel freer to live and make moves towards what really matters most! Connect with Jordan Insta @jordanypendleton
May 06, 2022•13 min•Ep 110•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan walks you through the 4 core reasons why money mindset work is just as important, if not MORE important, for those that are financial advisors or helping other with their money! Join the May Money Mindset Challenge! Connect with Jordan: Instagram: @jordanypendleton...
Apr 29, 2022•12 min•Ep 109•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan & Chris talk about... Chris's journey as a CPA and Financial Advisor from being broke and in debt to financial independence; The importance of reprogramming our minds for success and wealth; The concept and importance of understanding and practicing Objective Reality; How to untangle your identity from your circumstances; and MORE! About Chris Felton Chris is a Founder and Principal of his own financial services business, which he started in 1999. He leads and trains hund...
Apr 26, 2022•44 min•Ep 108•Transcript available on Metacast Perhaps we have misunderstood financial freedom and what it really means? Oftentimes, we feel that if we JUST had more money, then we would feel less stressed and freer. But there is a flaw in this thinking that Jordan breaks down in this episode! Sign up for the 21-Day May Money Mindset Challenge! Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton LinkedIn: Jordan Youngblade Pendleton...
Apr 22, 2022•13 min•Ep 107•Transcript available on Metacast A MUST listen episdoe! In this episode, Melinda & Jordan talk about... The imprints from childhood and how we saw our parents handle their money; Money and spirituality - the vows of poverty that we may have unknowlingly adopted; The beliefs we have around creating, maintaining, and expanding wealth; Money shame and how to forgive yourself; and MORE! Sign up for the 21-Day May Money Mindset Challenge! About Melinda Jac...
Apr 19, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Ep 106•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode, Jordan talks about... Why we experience these emotions with money; The core differences between guilt and shame; Questions for exploring these emotions for yourself; How to move THROUGH them so you can make informed decisions moving forward and more! Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton LinkedIn: Jordan Youngblade Pendleton...
Apr 15, 2022•15 min•Ep 105•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan & Sara talk about... Making big life and career transitions; How to incorporate more of who you are in what you do; The emotional sides of money and how to create space for more healing in our finances; Addressing and removing the "shoulds" around our money and lives; and more! A bout Sara Bohl Sara is an artist and intuitive creator, sunshine lover, heart-centered healer, boy-mom, and wife living in Wyoming. She is a Financial Advisor with Northwestern Mutual, where her ...
Apr 12, 2022•39 min•Ep 104•Transcript available on Metacast We often hear about money being a "tool", yet most of us don't actually use it in this way. We have a lot of thoughts, feelings, subconscious beliefs, and identities about what money is and what it means about us. Tune into this episode to hear Jordan's perspective on money being a mirror and how to grow in our relationship with it! Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton LinkedIn:
Apr 08, 2022•19 min•Ep 103•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan & Alex talk about... The emotional and behavioral side of money; How to create more abundance in your life; Navigating the Financial Services space when you are approaching it in a different/new way; Healing and transforming your relationship with money; and MORE! About Alex Macfarlane Alex Macfarlane runs a financial planning practice that has worked with hundreds of business owners, individuals, and families. While assisting clients with investing, business planning, an...
Apr 05, 2022•41 min•Ep 102•Transcript available on Metacast *Submit your entries by Sunday, April 3rd at 11:59pm! * Drawing for a $100 Amazon Giftcard! 4 Ways to Enter: 1 Entry - leave a rating & review on iTunes (and/or Spotify Mobile app! Please DM me if you leave one on Spotify as I cannot see who leaves them) 1 Entry - Send me a DM with your favorite episode and/or what your takeaways have been from the podcast and/or the impact it's had on you. 2 Entries - Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on your Instagram and/or Facebook stories. Share...
Apr 01, 2022•17 min•Ep 101•Transcript available on Metacast Taking a moment to pause and celebrate milestones, no matter how big or small is SO important! In this episode, I want to celebrate with YOU on the 100th episode as well as the 1 year anniversary of the Lead on Purpose Podcast. Thank you for being along on this journey with me. It truly has been incredible and I'm so grateful for you! To share the love and celebrate WITH you, I am going to be giving away a $100 Amazon Gift card at the end of this week. Here are the different ways that you get mo...
Mar 29, 2022•16 min•Ep 100•Transcript available on Metacast A part of my personal cycle includes a stage where I am in total procrastination, putting off the things I KNOW I need to do to move my life and/or business forward in meaningful ways, and just waiting to FEEL "it". I'm sharing my tips and tricks for engaging when you totally aren't feeling "it" - or find yourself feeling disengaged with your goals! Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton LinkedIn:
Mar 26, 2022•25 min•Ep 99•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan & Heather talk about... The power of mindset, gaining awareness, and shifting your beliefs to create new results in your life; Heather's journey from quitting her corporate job to becoming a mindset coach, author, and podcast host; How mindset coaches still need mindset work, too :) and more! About Heather Hakes Heather Hakes is a Mindset Coach, speaker, and author of Take the Leap. She has been featured on numerous podcasts and published in Authority Magazine , Thrive Gl...
Mar 22, 2022•28 min•Ep 98•Transcript available on Metacast Never feel like you're actually successful, no matter how much you do or accomplish? A misunderstanding and confusion of what it really means to be successful. Especially in our culture! Tune in to get the IMPORTANT distinction between these two topics so that you can set yourself free to actually feel successful for the incredible person that you already ARE. And in turn... accomplish more in a healthier way! Connect with Jordan @jordanypendleton...
Mar 18, 2022•13 min•Ep 97•Transcript available on Metacast Ever feel like you are pushing and trying so hard and frustrated that things aren't coming together in the way you'd like them to? If so... this episode is for you! Jordan talks about one of the most powerful things you can do in those moments. Not the most "conventional" advice out there, but listen in to see how you can use this concept to your advantage. Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton LinkedIn: Jordan Youngblade Pendleton...
Mar 15, 2022•23 min•Ep 96•Transcript available on Metacast Don't let the title of this episode fool you. In this episode, Jordan breaks down the importance of really understanding that you are EXACTLY where you need to be in life. And why believing otherwise is detrimental to your growth, fulfillment, and progress. Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton LinkedIn: Jordan Youngblade Pendleton
Mar 11, 2022•7 min•Ep 95•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever felt like you have to "have it all together" in order to be a great leader? Or why would people follow me if I don't even know what I'm doing? Or I haven't made great money or earned awards? That's a common feeling - especially in the financial services space. In this episode, I share more about my journey with money and success and how it's impacted my leadership skills. Hopefully, this helps you unpack your story as well and step more fully into the leader that you were created t...
Mar 09, 2022•29 min•Ep 94•Transcript available on Metacast Are you scared to feel scared?! So many of us want to feel ALIVE, yet we aren't willing to push some edges every once in and while. Tune into this episode to learn how to "hold your edge" and press into these fears instead of running from them. Ready to find your edge and move past your fears? Schedule a free Strategy Session with Jordan: Connect with Jordan: Instagram: @jordanypendleton LinkedIn:
Mar 04, 2022•14 min•Ep 93•Transcript available on Metacast We are hitting that point in the year where the goals and resolutions can start to fade or we lose touch with them! So I wanted to publish this episode from a panel I moderated with 4 amazing coaches and consultants on their tips for making it through this lull. Connect with the Panelists Nikhil Paul Joanna Murphy Neha O’Rourke Rebecca Otis Leder About General Assembly Since 2011, General Assembly has transformed tens of thousands of careers through pioneering, experiential education in today’s ...
Mar 01, 2022•1 hr 2 min•Ep 92•Transcript available on Metacast It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the world. To focus on making more money, getting ahead, etc. But at the end of the day... there is something that supersedes ALL of that. What is it for you? Richard Rohr & Oprah Episode Connect with Jordan LinkedIn Instagram...
Feb 25, 2022•7 min•Ep 91•Transcript available on Metacast This episode was from Kylie Larson's podcast called "Here's the Deal with Kylie" where Jordan came on to chat about limiting beliefs and how to interact with them and working through them. Connect with Kylie Podcast on Apple: Instagram: @thekylielarson Ideal Client Masterclass 2/24 @ 4pm MST Connect with Jordan Instagram: @...
Feb 22, 2022•56 min•Ep 90•Transcript available on Metacast If you've been an advisor for awhile, you know what I'm talkin' about! It's the thing we never want, but a space we can all end up in at times. So, here are some tips for moving beyond living in that scarce space where we can give off "commission breath" and step into ATTRACTING sales with more ease. Sign up for Ideal Client Masterclass Tues, Feb 22 @ 12pm MST Thurs, Feb 24 @ 4pm MST Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton LinkedIn:
Feb 19, 2022•14 min•Ep 89•Transcript available on Metacast This is a Valentines Day special interview the my HUSBAND, Zach Pendleton! We talk about... Leaving comfort and making career transitions; What it's been like for Zach to support an entrepreneur the last 8+ years; Now his own perspective since transitioning into the entrepreneurial space; The biggest challenges we face as entrepreneurs; And more! About Zach Pendleton Zach has spent his career in the energy industry, building and leading teams in Finance, Operations, Strategy, and Project Managem...
Feb 15, 2022•38 min•Ep 88•Transcript available on Metacast One of my main pillars to being able to attract the people you are meant to work with is identifying your Ideal Client. And being very specific in who you work with, the problems you solve for them, and results you bring. Tune in to this episode to learn how to know who you are best suited to work with! Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton
Feb 12, 2022•14 min•Ep 87•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan & Patrick talk about... Patrick's journey to finding peace in his life through seeking "the more"; What this might look like for you and what it is beyond our material existence; The difference between Religion and Spirituality; The changing landscape of Financial Services and how we are adapting to that; and more! About Patrick Johnson Patrick Johnson is the founder of WellthPartner and the WellthCollaborative . In addition to promoting an evolution in wealth management,...
Feb 08, 2022•47 min•Ep 86•Transcript available on Metacast About Jordan Pendleton Jordan is passionate about helping purpose-driven entrepreneurial leaders in the financial services industry create authentic, sustainable, and soul-fulfilling success! Through her podcast, online courses, and coaching programs, Jordan guides others to uncover their authentic message and tell their story to attract their people and make the income AND impact they truly desire. Her passion and drive stem from her own pain of working around the clock to build a successful fi...
Feb 04, 2022•13 min•Ep 85•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan & Sarah talk about... The challenges of being a creative OR a highly strategic person and being your true, authentic selves; The difference between belonging vs. fitting in. And how to find real belonging. How to allow others into seeing and experiencing more of who you are; The importance of authenticity in today's environment; and more! About Sarah Caleb Sarah Caleb is a mindset coach that specializes in working with pioneers and creatives in media and entertainment. Sh...
Feb 01, 2022•42 min•Ep 84•Transcript available on Metacast If you want to step into attracting more people that you LOVE working with, then dive into this episode to understand why people truly buy from you and want to work with you! Connect with Jordan on Instagram @jordanypendleton
Jan 28, 2022•12 min•Ep 83•Transcript available on Metacast