This week we are looking at the Biblical concept of justice and what God has to say about it.
This week we are looking at the Biblical concept of justice and what God has to say about it.
This week we are looking at the first part of 2 Timothy 2, going over verses 1-13.
This week we talk about the song Unashamed by Matthew West.
This week we are talking about a parable of sorts found in Jeremiah 13 that involves some dirty underwear - and how that compares to the way we sometimes treat our relationship with God.
This week we are talking about the idea of cleanliness and what the Word says about being truly clean.
This week we are looking at the baptism of Jesus found in Matthew 3.
This week we are discussing the song "This We Know" by Vertical Worship.
This week we are in Luke 16 to discuss the parable of the shrewd manager.
This week, as we get into the new year, we are talking about the idea of "new" that we see throughout the Bible.
As we kick off the new year we are looking at some promises that God gives to us in Jeremiah 29:11-13.
This week we're talking about the Christmas song - Winter Snow by Christ Tomlin and Audrey Assad
This week we are looking at the parable of the lampstand found in Mark 4 and Luke 8.
This week we're talking about the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Word become flesh, the miracle of the birth of Christ.
This week we are looking at the last few verses of Matthew 9 where Jesus talks about a plentiful harvest and the need for workers to go into it.
This week we are discussing the song "People Like Us" by Micah Tyler.
This week were are in Matthew 13 to look at two parables that Jesus tells together - the mustard seed and the leaven.
We know we're a couple of weeks early- but this month for our episode on a spiritual concept or idea - we're talking about Thankfulness.
This week we're talking about what is probably the most well known verse in the Bible, and the often overlooked verse that follows it.
This week we are discussing the song "Place for Me by Jason Gray
This week we are talking about the parable of the rich man and Lazarus that Jesus tells in Luke 16.
That's right, this week we are talking about the enemy, Satan, the devil, Beelzebub, call him whichever name you like - but we're looking at what the Bible actually says about him, not what Dante and pop culture have told us.
This week we are looking at 1 Samuel 16 where David is anointed as the next king of Israel by the prophet Samuel.
This week we are discussing the Phil Wickham song "The Jesus Way"
This week we are in Matthew 13 to discuss Jesus' parable about a fishing net.
This week, we're tackling the first part of salvation and talking about justification - being made right with God.
This week we are in Matthew 5:13-16 talking about being salt and light in the world.
This week we are talking about the song "Creed" - originally by Rich Mullins, and recently redone by Shane & Shane.
This week we are in Matthew 25 to talk about the parable of the ten virgins.
This week we're talking about the idea of holiness - what is it, why is it important, how do we get it.
This week we are looking at the first part of Matthew 15 where Jesus answers some questions from the religious leaders and talks about what really makes us unclean - and spoiler, it's not about washing your hands.