It may SOUND like a Cinemax film from the 90s, but Virtual Obsession was actually a 3-hour ABC television EVENT, starring Peter "Caterpillar Brow" Gallagher, Mimi Rogers, and Bridgette Wilson, and directed by Mick "I Know Stephen King" Garris. Will Dan be able to convince Stu and Elliott that they're sad they missed it? Ever tried Microdosing? Visit and use FLOP for 30% off + Free Shipping.
Jul 23, 2022•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Somehow one of the most boring movies we've EVER covered on the show + Dan recovering from Covid-19 = an especially raucous episode of The Flop House. We suddenly remembered that we could watch horror movies during months that AREN'T October, so we decided to make the ultimate sacrifice to watch Firestarter -- we signed up for Peacock. Did we regret it? Listen to find out! Wikipedia entry for Firestarter Movies recommended in this episode Nanny McPhee Fire Island Through a Glass Darkly...
Jul 16, 2022•1 hr 22 min•Ep 375•Transcript available on Metacast We may not love the direction the country is headed right now, but at least the recent Independence Day holiday inspired this hilarious game from Elliott!
Jul 09, 2022•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Mixed-Review House rolls on with Kenneth Branagh's second outing as Hercule Poirot, Death on the Nile . It's a character he seems committed to playing, despite seemingly having no particular understanding or affinity for the source material. But hey, at least he's keeping the CGI pyramids industry in business! Wikipedia entry for Death On the Nile Movies recommended in this episode Mad God Miami Vice Horror Express...
Jul 02, 2022•2 hr 39 min•Ep 373•Transcript available on Metacast Dan's back in the driver's seat for this mini, and he challenges Elliott and Stu to a game so insidious, it almost breaks the podcast. Ever tried Microdosing? Visit and use FLOP for 30% off + Free Shipping.
Jun 25, 2022•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast Despite its relative financial success and reviews that are more "mixed" than bad, M. Night Shyamalan has become such a FH all-star, that we had to check out Old : The Beach that Olds People. (As Dan is fond of saying, "Don't get hung up on our name.") Unsurprisingly, it gave us a ton to chew on. Please don't be mad at us just cause we don't think it's a masterpiece, Blank Check buddies. Maybe y'all should skip this one. Everyone else in the world -- enjoy! Wikipedia entry for Old Movies recomme...
Jun 18, 2022•2 hr 37 min•Ep 372•Transcript available on Metacast Elliott takes us on another journey through a movie ONE of us have seen, but the others haven't -- in this case, the gritty crime thriller Night of the Juggler , a movie completely devoid of juggling. Ever tried Microdosing? Visit and use FLOP for 30% off + Free Shipping.
Jun 11, 2022•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast What's this? An IN-PERSON episode? That's right! Elliott was in town to officiate a wedding, so we took a little time to get together in person and record an episode for y'all. And what movie did we pick for such a special occasion? How about something that showed up on basically every "worst movies" list of last year -- something that sat on the shelf for half a decade and has been in development for 4x that? You guessed it! We tackled Pierce Brosnan's Wig Party aka The King's Daughter ! Wikipe...
Jun 04, 2022•1 hr 23 min•Ep 371•Transcript available on Metacast In which Stuart wastes the time of his friends and an Academy Award-nominated filmmaker by asking us all about our favorite fruits, a food Elliott hates.
May 28, 2022•1 hr 16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Let the moon faaaallll / when it crumbuuuules / we will watch iiiiit / and all make fun together! Slight hangovers on two of the Flop Boyz (tm) aren't enough to dampen the fun of the profoundly stupid Moonfall , a movie about a falling moon. Wikipedia entry for Moonfall Movies recommended in this episode Delta Space Mission Drive My Car A Field in England Thank you to Lumi Labs and microdose gummies for sponsoring our show.
May 21, 2022•2 hr 57 min•Ep 370•Transcript available on Metacast Elliott surprises Dan and Stu with a series of impromptu debate prompts, forcing his co-hosts to argue for the cinema mothers they'd most like to have as moms.
May 14, 2022•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Carnage that was teased at the end of Venom has arrived, albeit with much straighter, non- Ronald McDonald looking hair on Woody Harrelson's head. Cowards. But that's the ONLY part of Venom: Let There Be Carnage that's less goofy than the first one. Hear us dissect this movie like a symbiote eating a human head. Also, while Max Fun Drive is officially over, there's a weekend amnesty where you can get all the listener thank-yous and such. So this is officially-unofficially our last drive epis...
May 07, 2022•2 hr 41 min•Ep 369•Transcript available on Metacast What's this? A BONUS full episode in honor of Max Fun Drive? That's right! It's the Max Fun crossover event of the year! Griffin McElroy has already been a part of one amazing podcast about The War With Grandpa , over on sister Max Fun podcast My Brother My Brother and Me , and that was without even seeing the movie! What will he think now that he's seen it? We had such a fun time talking with him about this bonkers movie, and we hope you'll have just as much fun listening. And if you love this,...
Apr 30, 2022•2 hr 59 min•Ep 368•Transcript available on Metacast Weirdly, a constantly-wisecracking Ryan Reynolds isn't less irritating when you add a child version of him making the same smug jokes. Are Netflix's widely-reported woes because they churn out dreck like The Adam Project ? The world may never know! Wikipedia entry for The Adam Project Movies recommended in this episode: Everything Everywhere All at Once Akira Fighting Elegy...
Apr 23, 2022•2 hr 50 min•Ep 367•Transcript available on Metacast Fiendish gamemaster Dan returns to quiz the other Peaches on some of the hardest working men in showbiz. Things start goofy and only get goofier when Dan realizes how bad he is at counting. Thank you to our sponsor — microdose gummies from Lumi Labs
Apr 16, 2022•43 min•Ep 388•Transcript available on Metacast The erotic thriller is back, baybee! Sure, it has more Ben Affleck gazing lovingly at snails than it used to, but you gotta expect that kind of wear and tear after leaving it in the garage for a couple of decades. This week, the peaches take on Adrian Lyne's direct-to-Hulu cuckold murder-stravaganza Deep Water . Wikipedia entry for Deep Water Movies recommended in this episode: Video Diary of a Lost Girl -- If you want to be added to the mailing list for future screenings/ways to see, message th...
Apr 09, 2022•2 hr 46 min•Ep 366•Transcript available on Metacast Our Oscars chat is back, baybee! America may have stopped watching, but we're still here! Thank you to our sponsor — microdose gummies from Lumi Labs
Apr 02, 2022•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast In honor of our Masters of the Universe streaming show (tonight, 3/19 - tickets still available now & for another week!) Elliott takes us on a very silly tour through some of his favorite movie toy tie-ins. Thank you to our sponsor — microdose gummies from Lumi Labs .
Mar 19, 2022•51 min•Transcript available on Metacast The always affable and delightful Charles Wayne "Chuck" Bryant of the blockbuster-huge Stuff You Should Know podcast joins us to talk about the very odd Bliss , from Amazon Studios, a "what if The Matrix was not-so-secretly Requiem for a Dream" freakout, starring Owen Wilson and Salma Hayek in a series of silly hats. Wikipedia entry for Bliss Movies recommended in this episode: Near Dark Oslo, August 31st Swoon Five Corners...
Mar 12, 2022•2 hr 43 min•Ep 364•Transcript available on Metacast We're in the endgame now, people.
Mar 10, 2022•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Stu returns to his smash hit mini format, to discuss the hit show about teens and drugs that everyone's talking about.
Mar 05, 2022•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Update on who's winning the bracket for our bonus commentary!
Mar 04, 2022•2 min•Ep 387•Transcript available on Metacast We've got a new best friend , and it's Alison Rosen ! She drops by to discuss the Oscar-nominated Being the Ricardos , a movie that expresses Aaron Sorkin's deep and not at all bizarre understanding of how TV comedy works, and how it's the most solemn, earth-shaking thing that could ever exist, filled with people staring very seriously at jokes until their genius strikes them and they spew an impeccably-worded monologue about someone slipping on bananas, or whatever. Wikipedia entry for Being th...
Feb 26, 2022•2 hr 57 min•Ep 363•Transcript available on Metacast Who's winning in our brackets? Find out here, without even having to check Twitter!
Feb 25, 2022•7 min•Ep 386•Transcript available on Metacast We're going to do something a little different for this year's Maximum Fun donors exclusive bonus episode -- our first full-length movie commentary! And we're going to let YOU pick which of our previously-discussed Flop House faves we're recording a commentary for! We've put together a bracket, and starting on Monday, and going for four weeks in total, we'll be running Twitter polls at @theflophousepod to determine which fan-favorite movie will be revisited! But fear not! Even if you're NOT a Ma...
Feb 19, 2022•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast We're joined by bestselling children's book author and illustrator Adam Rex , to discuss the misbegotten Dungeons & Dragons movie from 2000. What does he know about D&D, oh, we dunno... just that he was an illustrator for a little book called... THE MONSTER MANUAL (3rd edition)? Ever heard of it? ( a ton of other D&D manuals, Magic the Gathering cards, and other role playing and fantasy games). Join us as we point our magic missles at this magic misfire. Wikipedia entry for Dungeons & Dra...
Feb 12, 2022•2 hr 17 min•Ep 362•Transcript available on Metacast We're joined by Erik Marcisak , the man who holds a hallowed place in Flop House history, as the man who introduced Dan and Elliott to one another. We reminisce with Erik about the old days, doing shows in his tiny comedy theater; then we segue into a discussion of Nukie , one of the bad movies that bonded him with Elliott; and wrap up with Erik subtly hijacking the show to interview us for a little bit....
Feb 05, 2022•52 min•Ep 385•Transcript available on Metacast Here's a new one -- two of the credited writers of Accidental Love (aka "Nailed," the movie that went through so many production issues that director David O. Russell asked for his name to be removed) actually PITCHED their own movie to us to cover. That's right, Elliott's colleagues, Matt Silverstein and Dave Jeser , join us to discuss this legendarily troubled film, and they seem just as baffled as anyone about it! Wikipedia entry for Accidental Love Movies recommended in this episode: Tenebra...
Jan 29, 2022•2 hr 45 min•Ep 361•Transcript available on Metacast Scott Meslow , author of the soon-to-be-released (Feb 1st!) book "From Hollywood With Love: The Rise and Fall (and Rise Again) of the Romantic Comedy ," joins us to explain the surprising interconnectedness of Netflix's holiday romcom offerings. Praise for Scott's book: “ From Hollywood With Love gives rom-coms the analysis and respect they finally deserve, especially since part of the snobbery around them is rooted in misogyny.” - Rachel Bloom, comedian, actress, and writer...
Jan 22, 2022•49 min•Ep 384•Transcript available on Metacast Up until now, Audrey has been like one of those sitcom characters who's oft-referenced, but remains unseen, but now it's time for her to take the spotlight! Did we mention that Dan married her in November? Mazel tov, etc. And for such a joyous occasion the boys have given themselves a break by watching a movie that many people have goofed on, but they were all pretty sure they'd actually enjoy -- Lady Gaga's accent extravaganza, House of Gucci ! Wikipedia entry for House of Gucci Movies recommen...
Jan 15, 2022•2 hr 15 min•Ep 360•Transcript available on Metacast