0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and theme0:35 - 2:30 - We reintroduce special guest host Brock Mahan.2:31 - 36:53 - We put on our critics' high-heeled red leather books to take on the no-rom, no-com, rom-com All About Steve40:56 - 40:55 - Final judgments40:56 - 44:07 - An all-comments Flop House mailbag.48:45 - 55:07- The sad bastards recommend.55:08 - 57:53 - Plugs, goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.
May 20, 2010•58 min•Ep 98•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:33 - Introduction and theme0:34 - 2:24 - We waste a few minutes talking about how long it's been since we've invaded your ear-holes.2:25 - 35:39 - We discuss Law Abiding Citizen, the most egregious movie title crime against hyphens since The 40 Year Old Virgin.35:39 - 38:18 - Final judgments38:20 - 39:25 - Station identification39:26 - 44:07 - We attempt to re-create a Flop House Movie Mailbag from memory, and we make fun of Stuart's fragile mental state.44:08 - 52:10- The sad bastards ...
May 09, 2010•53 min•Ep 97•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and theme0:35 - 37:36 - Hail, hail, the gang's all here. Which gang? All of the supposedly-full-time Flop House co-hosts! A podcast with all three floppers together comes along once in a blue moon. Or in this case, a new moon. A Twilight: New Moon. ...Remind me never to hire myself as a copywriter. 37:37 - 39:33 - Final judgments39:34 - 43:31 - The long-awaited WINNERS of the "Give Dan a Hook" contest!43:32 - 51:19 - The sad bastards recommend.51:20 - 52:13 - Goodbyes,...
Apr 11, 2010•52 min•Ep 96•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:36 - Introduction and theme0:37 - 8:10 - Before getting down to business we discuss Stuart's vacation, Dan's nasal surgery, and the acting career of guest host Eric Zuckerman.8:11 - 39:48 - We talk about Sorority Row, the remake of House on Sorority Row, which, of course, was a remake of Erich Von Stroheim's Greed, based on the novel Push, by Sapphire.39:49 - 44:17 - Final judgments44:18 - 52:00 - Flop House Movie Mailbag52:01 - 59:14 - The sad bastards recommend.59:15 - 59:53 - Goodbye...
Mar 27, 2010•1 hr•Ep 95•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:31 - Introduction and theme0:31 - 5:00 - We reintroduce guest co-host Amanda Melson, and spend nearly five full minutes reminiscing about the New York comedy scene in a way that's almost completely alienating to outsiders. 5:01 - 39:12 - You know your movie's in trouble when even an ice ax-wielding killer and Kate Beckinsale in her underwear can't generate any excitement39:13 - 43:10 - Final judgments43:11 - 48:00 - Flop House Movie Mailbag48:01 - 53:48 - The sad bastards recommend.53:4...
Mar 06, 2010•55 min•Ep 94•Transcript available on Metacast TEN BEST PICTURE NOMINEES? HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD?!
Mar 01, 2010•11 min•Ep 93•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:30 - Introduction and theme 0:31 - 3:35 - Stuart wastes all of our time by discussing his upcoming 30th birthday. 3:36 - 34:25 - If your criteria for a romantic comedy is that it contains the words "the" and "truth," and has a negative descriptor in the middle, may we suggest The Awful Truth starring Cary Grant? 34:26 - 40:31 - Final judgments 40:32 - 50:00 - Flop House Movie Mailbag 50:01 - 51:14 - An explanation of the new Movie Minute policy. 51:15 - 56:31 - The sad bastards recommen...
Feb 21, 2010•59 min•Ep 92•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:36 - Introductions and Theme0:37 - 33:42- We welcome Matt Koff, our second guest host of a still-young 2010, and we introduce him to a rising star named Gerard Butler, in a little film called Gamer.33:43 - 37:57 - Final Judgments37:58 - 48:38- A very navel-gazing movie mailbag.38:39 - 51:47 - Two out of three bastards recommending aint' bad.51:48 - 52:37 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.
Feb 07, 2010•53 min•Ep 91•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:34 - Introductions and Theme0:35 - 3:00 - We welcome Elliott back and, for some reason, Stuart wastes time quizzing him and Dan about current events.3:01 - 37:24 - We discuss Hannah Montana: The Movie, because surely the audience for that picture was white males in their late twenties to early thirties.37:25 - 40:27 - Final Judgments40:28 - 53:49- Our longest letters segment yet, resulting in one of our patented vague Flop House contests.53:50 - 56:49 - A very short sad bastards recomme...
Jan 23, 2010•58 min•Ep 90•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:36 - Introductions and Theme0:37 - 3:47 - We introduce our guest co-host, Nigel Wood.3:48 - 29:50 - We discuss 90 minutes of bright colors, loud noises, and disconnected action, in a DVD mislabeled "Dragonball: Evolution."29:51 - 33:23 - Final Judgments33:24 - 34:30 - Station identification34:31 - 41:46 - The sad bastards recommend.45:47 - 45:02 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.
Jan 10, 2010•45 min•Ep 89•Transcript available on Metacast We answer another letter from a loyal listener.
Dec 20, 2009•12 min•Ep 88•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:32 - Introductions and Theme0:33 - 1:37 - We introduce our special guest, Flop House contest winner Dash.1:38 - 43:35 - As four comic book nerds, we find far too much to say about X-Men Origins: Wolverine.43:46 - 45:55 - Final Judgments45:56 - 51:55 - The sad bastards recommend.51:56 - 54:19 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.
Dec 12, 2009•54 min•Ep 87•Transcript available on Metacast Our most self-indulgent movie minute yet!
Dec 06, 2009•11 min•Ep 86•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and theme0:35 - 3:40 - We devote a little time to patting ourselves on the back for reaching fifty episodes.3:41 - 28:51 - We celebrate our fiftieth anniversary by discussing Delgo, the movie most likely to inspire blank stares in our audience, followed by "What the fuck's a Delgo?." Maybe we'll get it together for our 100th. 28:51 - 29:58 - Pause for station identification29:59 - 35:55 - Final judgments 35:56 - 40:40 - Flop House Movie Mailbag, plus discussi...
Nov 22, 2009•49 min•Ep 85•Transcript available on Metacast Who doesn't love trailers and shaggy dog puns?
Nov 17, 2009•3 min•Ep 84•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:37 - Introduction and theme0:38 - 39:10- We dive right in and discuss a movie based on a video game character that was only popular because preteen boys are too scared to talk to real girls - Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li.39:11 - 40:10 - Final judgments 40:11 - 41:33 - A CONTEST WINNER ANNOUNCED, for the contest everyone (even the hosts) forgot was happening.41:34 - 47:47 - The sad bastards recommend. 47:48 - 50:17 - Plugs, goodbyes, theme and outtakes.50:18 - 51:17 - Station id...
Nov 08, 2009•51 min•Ep 83•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:56 - Introduction, APOLOGY, and theme0:57 - 4:00 - The return of Dan's least favorite reoccurring segment.4:01 - 41:41- Dan, Stu, and Elliott make vicious fun of a movie you've never heard of, giving the lie to their claim that they're too nice to kick a film when it's down.41:42 - 44:53- Final judgments 44:54 - 51:54 - Our second and final SHOCKTOBER sad bastards recommend of 2009. 51:55 - 55:00 - Plugs, goodbyes, theme and outtakes.
Oct 26, 2009•55 min•Ep 82•Transcript available on Metacast Our first ever video podcast lets you join us in NYC, at the UCB Theater, for the Flop House's guest appearance on Andy Rocco's Hipster Show.
Oct 18, 2009•9 min•Ep 81•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and SPOOKY theme0:35 - 2:27 - The usual off-topic nonsense up front.2:28 - 30:44- Finally, the pro-abortion, anti-holocaust, Jewish demon horror story you've been waiting for! The Unborn.30:45 - 34:04- Final judgments 34:05 - 39:29 - Movie Mailbag39:30 - 47:11 - A special SHOCKTOBER sad bastards recommend. 47:12 - 48:37 - Goodbyes, theme and outtakes.
Oct 10, 2009•49 min•Ep 80•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:33 - Introduction and theme0:34 - 4:14- We engage in a hilarious bit about how everyone spent last weekend.4:15 - 28:26- Race-baiting mixed with Fatal Attraction seems like a recipe for trashy film fun. And yet, count the times that Dan sighs wearily, while discussing Obsessed.28:27 - 30:30- Final judgments 30:31 - 34:30 - Movie Mailbag34:31 - 39:24 - Inspired by the final letter, we segue directly into a special older "bad movie" edition of sad bastards recommend.39:25 - 43:3...
Sep 27, 2009•46 min•Ep 79•Transcript available on Metacast A commercial for our new, more convenient web address.
Sep 20, 2009•2 min•Ep 78•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:31 - Introduction and theme0:32 - 3:58- We introduce our guests, lycanthropy activists Ritch Duncan and Bob Powers.3:59 - 35:58 - What are "Skinwalkers?" Are they ancient legendary beasts? Are they sufferers of a terrible curse? Are they nudists? Or, perhaps they're just a way to tart up a lousy werewolf movie in Native American garb.35:59 - 41:51- Final judgments 41:52 - 48:21 - The sad bastards recommend.48:22 - 50:09 - Goodbyes, theme and outtakes.
Sep 13, 2009•50 min•Ep 77•Transcript available on Metacast More letters from our loyal listeners.
Sep 06, 2009•13 min•Ep 76•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:33 - Introduction and theme0:34 - 33:52 - The original Peaches unearth a time capsule with a warning for all mankind: avoid Knowing.33:53 - 36:27- Final judgments 36:28 - 37:34 - A break for station identification.37:35 - 42:50 - The Flop House Movie Mailbag42:51 - 47:59 - The sad bastards recommend.48:00 - 49:17 - Goodbyes, theme and outtakes.
Aug 29, 2009•49 min•Ep 75•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:37 - Introduction and theme0:38 - 5:20 - We spend some time discussing Stuart's penis and introduce our guest host, Meghan O'Neill.5:21 - 36:59 - How many lousy movies do two of the greatest actors of their generation have to make, before we give up on them? Just one, if it's Righteous Kill.37:00 - 38:06- A break for station identification and all things Flop House.38:07 - 42:45 - Final judgments42:46 - 43:52 - We tease letters but cruelly do not read any this episode.43:53 - 51:27 - Th...
Aug 15, 2009•53 min•Ep 74•Transcript available on Metacast The Flop House gets just as lazy in August as anyone else, so while we're on vacation, please enjoy this rerun of our most popular movie minute.
Aug 09, 2009•8 min•Ep 73•Transcript available on Metacast 0:00 - 0:30 - Introduction and theme0:31 - 3:09 - We introduce our guest host, Brock Mahan.3:10 - 30:55 - We watch that mall cop movie. No, not that one. The dumb one.30:56 - 34:00- Final judgments34:01 - 39:42 - The sad bastards recommend.39:43 - 40:50 - Goodbyes, theme and a special message about Stuart's penis.
Aug 02, 2009•41 min•Ep 72•Transcript available on Metacast Lou Fernandez of Loureads.com helps us out by lending his melifluous pipes and his sophisticated producing style to this advertisement.
Jul 26, 2009•4 min•Ep 71•Transcript available on Metacast Dan was out of town this weekend, so he didn't have time to write full show notes for this episode, but he did have time to post it, and HERE IT IS!
Jul 20, 2009•58 min•Ep 70•Transcript available on Metacast Thanks to recording in advance, we're a little late to the party discussing the Oscar Best Picture change.
Jul 12, 2009•7 min•Ep 69•Transcript available on Metacast