FH Mini 7 - Missed That Movie - GetEven
Dan joins in the missed movie fun with his report on "Geteven" (yes, all one word) AKA " Road to Revenge ," a passion project that's more passion than project.
Dan joins in the missed movie fun with his report on "Geteven" (yes, all one word) AKA " Road to Revenge ," a passion project that's more passion than project.
How can we follow up heavy-hitting guests like Griffin Newman and Chris Weitz, you may ask? Uh, well how about with JAMELLE BOUIE , New York Times columnist and guy you've definitely seen saying smart things on the news. Why does he like us? Who knows! But he stopped by to discuss Sonic the Hedgehog , about some sort of hedgehog who has definitely never been pregnant on the internet. Meanwhile, Jamelle gives us his history with SEGA, Stuart uses literary terms correctly, Dan only has old man ref...
Stuart tries for extra credit (no one tell him that Flop House extra credit isn't a thing), by checking out the puppy-kidnapping family comedy Rusty: A Dog's Tale and reporting back to the guys.
Guys, we're so excited for our guest this episode. He's a big-time Hollywood gent who's worn many hats -- and to name just a few: he wrote and directed About a Boy. As an actor, he co-starred as "Chuck" in Chuck and Buck. He was one of the producers of The Farewell. The man co-wrote a Star War (Rogue One), for Pete's sake! And, as we never get tired of reminding him, he directed Twilight: New Moon . But up until now, he's been missing one line on his resume -- Flop House guest. I'm sure now he w...
Griffin Newman came back (for reals, not one of these "we actually recorded it at the same time") to chat for a bit about Watto, Star Wars in general, his career, and, of course, Tom Selleck.
First off, how are you guys? Everyone doing okay? We hope so. Take care of yourselves. Secondly, my lord were we excited to have Griffin Newman , of many, many things, including the Blank Check podcast and Amazon's The Tick , but MOST IMPORTANTLY, the world's #1 Vin Diesel fan, join the show to discuss Vin's latest vinsanity, Bloodshot . Meanwhile Elliott takes us on a tour through the 4th most popular comics publisher of the 90's, Griffin offers a unified Diesel theory, and Stu and Dan do some ...
Elliott gives us a preview of his son Sammy's novel, and then things take a turn.
In our first episode recorded after shit got real, we take a change of pace, and discuss your aunt's favorite movie, Book Club . Can a cast of wonderful old pros elevate the world's most banal script? Meanwhile, Elliott presents his Golden Girls hypothesis, Dan's a huge crybaby, and Stu bravely soldiers on, through his COVID-19. Wikipedia synopsis of Book Club Movies recommended in this episode: Tommy Come to Daddy The World, the Flesh and the Devil The Music Man...
Please read... bear with us on this one -- this was originally intended to be our Maximum Fun Drive episode, before the world exploded. So it may seem a little choppy in places, where we chopped out some fairly extensive MFD talk* (also there's some minor equipment/audio interference toward the end -- sorry). Thank you to our intrepid editor Jordan Kauwling for going above and beyond. Anyway, even though this would normally not be a full episode week, we thought we'd post it now anyway, to help ...
Is Holmes & Watson somehow an even worse version of the Sherlock Holmes stories than Sherlock Gnomes ? Will Elliott and Stu be able to console Dan about the latest insult to his beloved hero? Join us for this live show, taped last year in Portland, Oregon, to find out! Wikipedia synopsis for Holmes & Watson Like this live show? Join us in the future! – The Flop House in Toronto – April 18!...
In this minisode we take on the topic of teams of specialists, like you might find in heist films. If you want to dictate a future minisode, tweet at us @theflophousepod.
We've been wanting to tackle this one for quite a while, folks, and... oof. Be careful what you wish for. Adal Rifai of the podcast " Hello From the Magic Tavern " joins us to discuss The Fanatic , the movie that asks "What if Fred Durst directed a movie starring a career-self-destructing John Travolta as a man with a developmental disability, with his trademark Limp Bizkit sensitivity?" Meanwhile, Stuart invents the newest horror movie killer, Elliott attacks Dan for his nonexistent position on...
In this minisode we take on the topic of jobs in movies. If you want to dictate a future minisode, tweet at us @theflophousepod.
It's the second and final of our two contest winner-selected episodes, this one picked by Scott Yacychyn, who designed our delightful new Flop House "couch monsters" poster, which you can purchase HERE ! It's a romantic comedy called Little Italy (or as they pronounce it, li'lit'ly), set in the world's most romantic city... Toronto! Meanwhile, Stuart gets mad at Elliott, Dan gets mad at Elliott and Stuart, and Elliott just keeps on singing a happy song. Wikipedia synopsis of Little Italy Movies ...
Here's a little thing we're trying, sort of as a snack between episodes. Minisodes that are more tangent than show. On this first one, we ask: Goofy -- what's HIS deal?
Zar-who-what-now ? We finally get around to one of our contest winner episodes, this one picked by Elizabeth Stege, who designed our delightful new Flop House Housecat t-shirt, which you can purchase HERE ! It's a Full Moon Features (awww yeah, Stu) kaiju movie with about 5 minutes of giant monster action in the whole film. But what it lacks in reason to exist, it makes up for in... charm? We guess? Meanwhile, Stuart explains the advantages to playing with dead things, Elliott explains how time ...
Didja really think we'd pass up The Happytime Murders ? The movie that many proclaimed the worst of 2018? Don't be silly! We just held onto the episode in our vault of live shows until it was no longer relevant! Please enjoy this live recording from... last summer? We can't remember. Taped at our ol' stomping grounds, The Bell House , in fabulous and increasingly unaffordable Brooklyn, NY! Wikipedia synopsis for The Happytime Murders...
SURPRISE! It's an off-week extra episode, just because we didn't want to go ANY longer without discussing that purrfect mewowsical, directed by Tomcat Hooper: CATS ! It's a show so big, we couldn't do it without the dual returns of Cats enthusiast, Jenny Jaffee , and musical theater authority, Ms. Natalie Walker who was AT THE MOTHERFUCKING CATS PREMIERE! We know that there's usually a bunch of gibberish at this point, teasing stuff from the episode, but just dive in, folks! IT'S CATS! Wikipedia...
We kick off the New Year (and the next 300 episodes?) by discussing a movie that no one has ANY strong feelings about -- Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker . One programming note: we sort of threw together this episode at the last moment because Elliott was visiting New York, so we skip the usual letters and recommendation segments. Don't worry, though -- we still manage to talk for 100 minutes. Because it's Star Wars. Wikipedia synopsis of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker...
Well, we made it to three hundred, guys. And it only took us 12 years. What a triumph of the human spirit. Or monument to three lives sorely misused. One of those two things. But hey! It's Cagemas, when we celebrate the work of Saint Nicolas Cage! And Hallie 's here! And we're talking about The Wicker Man ! That's a 300th birthday to be proud of Meanwhile Elliott and Stu really love pronouncing "raspberries," Dan wonders how long you can hold bullets, and Hallie isn't gonna let motherhood tank h...
We attempt to exploit the zeitgeist by... reviewing a movie from 1969. We may not be good at this zeitgeist thing. More to the point -- since Disney+ has been in the news, we attempt to bask in some reflected glory by talking about the young Kurt Russell Disney live-action vehicle, The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (thanks to longtime Daily Show producer and head researcher Adam Chodikoff for the idea). Meanwhile Stu makes the fatal error of encouraging Elliott's singing, Elliott takes us inside th...
No, you didn't dream it. Way back in January the Peaches went to the University of Wisconsin, Madison (the dead of winter being the best time to visit the upper Midwest), and they discussed the infamous anti-hero superhero movie, Venom . This is that! Wikipedia synopsis for Venom
Enough about small failures like Slender Man, let's talk about massive, hubristic failures like Mortal Engines ! Meanwhile Stuart discourses on other evil Valentines in fiction, Elliott's got Morgan Spurlock's reciepts, Dan doesn't understand how a single goddamn thing in this movie works, and we're joined by Brendan Hay , executive producer for Harvey Girls Forever! Wikipedia synopsis of Mortal Engines Movies recommended in this episode: Crawl Bones Centipede Horror Pieces Ashes and Embers Read...
Shocktober 2019 concludes with our dissection of the Internet meme/creepypasta horror film, Slender Man . Thanks to Max Fun HQ for letting us pop in and use an actual studio for once. Meanwhile Stuart tells a tale of nude figure drawing, Dan reveals karaoke antics, and Elliott's not afraid of businessmen. Wikipedia synopsis of Slender Man Movies recommended in this episode: Boy Three Tears on Bloodstained Flesh Who Let the Dogs Out...
We dip our toe into Shocktober by discussing one of the million court-mandated "The Conjuring" spin-offs, The Nun . Meanwhile Dan prefers that all demon-fighting talk be kept to work hours, Elliott takes down New Age music, and Stuart demands that you stop preaching at him. Wikipedia synopsis of The Nun Movies recommended in this episode: Child's Play Velvet Buzzsaw Emitai LIVE SHOW DATES 2019! October 12 (THAT'S TODAY, JERKS!) – LOS ANGELES – The Regent Theater...
For the second episode of Smalltember (Smallvember) 2019, we cave to overwhelming demand and discuss Love on a Leash. Meanwhile, Elliott ain't your daddy's Crypt Keeper, Dan exhibits his remarkable ability for telling two voices apart, and Stuart isn't having a breakdown, that really IS the plot of the movie. Love on a Leash HAS no Wikipedia page. Movies recommended in this episode: Tigers Are Not Afraid Paris is Burning The Murderer Lives at Number 21 LIVE SHOW DATES 2019! September 28 – BOSTON...
Smalltember (Smallvember) begins with a return appearance by the Flop House's favorite (insomuch as a terrible asshole can be a favorite) Canadian energy drink magnate-turned-filmmaker, Frank D'angelo , and his latest cinematic leavings, The Joke Thief . Meanwhile, Stuart reveals his love for all things Stu, Dan gives a few minor script notes, and Elliott's Nicholas Cage has snakes on the brain. You know? Honestly the Wikipedia page for this movie has almost no information. Movies recommended in...
Hoo boy, this was a tough one folks. How to navigate the Hollywoodization of a real-life trauma with a dash of weird gender politics? Answer -- less funny than usual, as we discuss Welcome to Marwen . Meanwhile, Elliott completely misunderstands the etymology of "painstaking," Dan details the many tones of Marwen, and Stuart bestows Dan with his Looney Tunes identity. Wikipedia summary for Welcome to Marwen Movies recommended in this episode: Burning The Head Hunter Scary Stories to Tell in the ...
We're taking a very brief summer break from new recording, and taking the opportunity to release one that we've been holding on to for too long -- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom . Recorded at Stuart and Dan's very own alma mater, Earlham College , in Richmond, Indiana! Wikipedia summary for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom LIVE SHOW DATES 2019! September 28 – BOSTON – WBUR CitySpace (early show SOLD OUT, but there are still tickets to the later show!) October 12 – LOS ANGELES – The Regent Theater...
Stuart's been hard at work running more Hogsbottom Three RPGs for Elliott, Stuart, and Flop House favorite guest host Zhubin Parang. Here's a little taste of the first episode of their new adventure! They're only available on the Maximum Fun bonus feed, exclusive for donors, so if you want this, and other wonderful bonus content from all the Max Fun shows, please become a member! Thanks to Alexander Smith for editing the episodes, putting together the sound effects, and composing the music....