Please celebrate our One Year Anniversary with us! With 27 episodes, more than 100,000 listens from around the world, and so much more to come, we are very grateful for your continued support. Our hope and prayer is that these stories will continue to make a difference in the lives of many.
Nov 01, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Former skeptic Jeremy Evans comfortably presumed his atheism was true until a sobering event caused him to ask life’s biggest questions. Dream Center Non-Profit: Unbelievable Podcast Link Episode Transcript Hello, and thanks for joining in. I’m Jana Harmon, and you’re listening to the Side B Podcast, where we listen to the other side. Each podcast, we listen to someone who has been an atheist and also been a Christian. Through listening to their st...
Oct 29, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Former skeptic Rachel embraced atheism until her intellectual curiosity regarding God’s existence led her to Jesus. Learn more about Rachel and her book at Recommended Resources: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Confronting Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin Reason for God by Tim Keller Episode Transcript Welcome to the Side B Podcast, Rachel. It’s so great to have you with me today. It’s my pleasure to be here. Thanks. Wonderful. As we’re getting star...
Oct 15, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Former atheist Dr. Mike Bird tells his story of moving from a culturally-informed skepticism and caricatured Christianity to finding that perhaps his presumptions were mistaken. You can find out more about Mike here: Twitter: @mbird12 Blog: Books: The New Testament in Its World: An Introduction to the History, Literature, and Theology of the First Christians (2019) How God Became Jesus: The Real Origins of Belief in Jesus’ Divine Nature – A R...
Oct 01, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast We presume we are right and correct in our beliefs. But, sometimes we are challenged to consider why we believe what we do. In today’s podcast, former atheist Robert Kunda takes a closer look at his atheistic presumptions, opening him to new possibilities. Robert mentioned the influence of these Christian thinkers: Hugh Ross (on science): C.S. Lewis (argument from desire): Mere Christianity William Lane Craig (debates): James Whit...
Sep 17, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Stunned by events of 9/11, financial trader Brian Causey finds his beliefs about life after death lacking and sets off in a search for answers. Brian’s book: Trading Gods – A Rationale for Faith Brian’s blog: Brian’s recommended resource: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Episode Transcript Hello and thanks for joining in. I’m Jana Harmon and you’re listening to the Side B Podcast where we ‘see how skeptics flip the record of their lives.’ Each podcast w...
Sep 03, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Can the thinking person believe in God? In today’s episode Bruce tells his story of moving from atheism as informed by science to a rational Christian faith that informs both science as well as the most profound questions of life. You can find out more about Bruce through his blog Philosophical Apologist at Episode Transcript Welcome to the podcast, Bruce. It’s so great to have you on the show! Thank you for having me. As we’re getting started...
Aug 20, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Former skeptic Ashley declared herself an atheist as a young woman. Dissatisfied with atheistic nihilism, she turned to psychedelics and mysticism in her search for something more. Her longing eventually led her to reconsider God. Ashley Lande‘s blog: Episode Transcript Welcome to the Side B Podcast, Ashley. It’s so great to have you! Thank you. I’m so very glad to be here. As we’re getting started, before you tell your story, I would love to know, and...
Aug 06, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Believing that science provided better answers than religion, and faced with the problem of evil in the world, Erik viewed Christianity as just a pleasant myth. But after becoming dissatisfied with his conclusions, his search for meaning led him to affirm the truth and reliability of the Christian faith. If you’d like to know more about Erik or his apologetics work, you can follow him on: Instagram: @isjesusalive Twitter: @IsJesusAlive Facebook: Websit...
Jul 23, 2021•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast As an atheist, Rob Oram presumed God didn’t exist until unexpected circumstances caused him to reconsider. Trained as an investigator, he began to look at the question of God more closely. Episode Transcript Hello, and thanks for joining in. I’m Jana Harmon, and you’re listening to the Side B Podcast, where we listen to the other side. Side B is that side of the story that you don’t usually hear. Growing up, I used to buy vinyl records and listen to side A, the popular song tha...
Jul 09, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Matt endured a tragic accident that pushed him away from God. In the years that followed, his natural curiosity and search for purpose led him to reconsider the God of the Bible. Episode Transcript Hello, and thanks for joining in. I’m Jana Harmon, and you’re listening to the Side B Podcast, where we listen to the other side. Sometimes, people move towards God during disappointing life experiences and times of acute tragedy, but sometimes they move further away. Disappointment and tr...
Jun 25, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Former skeptic Craig thought he was too intelligent to believe in God, but after a series of sobering events, he was shocked to find himself affirming the truth of Christ. Episode Transcript Hello, and thanks for joining in. I’m Jana Harmon, and you’re listening to the Side B Podcast, where we see how someone flips the record of their life, more specifically where an atheist unexpected becomes a Christian. There’s something fascinating about dramatic life change, when someone b...
Jun 11, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Former skeptic Julie Hannah takes an intellectual, scientific journey to discover answers to life’s biggest questions and finds Christ. Julie’s autobiographical book, A Skeptic’s Investigation into Jesus (2020), is available on Amazon and Kindle Episode Transcript Hello, and thanks for joining in. I’m Jana Harmon, and you’re listening to the Side B Podcast, where we see how someone flips the record of their life. Each podcast, we listen to someone who once did not believe in Go...
May 28, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Raised in a godless communistic world, former KGB agent and undercover spy Jack Barsky found God when he was least expecting it. To learn more about Jack and his story, visit: Or read Jack’s book Deep Undercover: My Secret Life and Tangled Allegiances as a KGB Spy in America Episode Transcript Hello, and thanks for joining in. I’m Jana Harmon, and you’re listening to the Side B Podcast, where we listen to the other side. No matter who you are, if there’...
May 14, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast University professor Dr. Mary Poplin was “spiritual, not religious” and sampled many ideologies until a vivid dream made the Jesus of Christianity undeniable to her. Listen as Mary tells her story. Mary is author of the book Is Reality Secular?: Testing the Assumptions of Four Global Worldviews (2014) Mary‘s reflection on her time spent with Mother Teresa is written in Finding Calcutta: What Mother Teresa Taught Me about Meaningful Work and Service (2008) And, her academic writ...
Apr 30, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Many people presume there is no God because that’s all they’ve known. The question of God seemed irrelevant. In today’s episode Daniel Rodger tells his story of moving from a culturally-informed atheism to an unwavering belief in God who completely transformed his life. Learn more about Daniel and Critical Witness: Critical Witness link: Episode Transcript Hello, and thanks for joining in. I’m Jana Harmon, and you’re liste...
Apr 16, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast A Jewish atheist, Nikki wanted nothing to do with Jesus until an unexpected spiritual experience caused her to question all she believed as real and true. Follow The Side B Instagram: @thesidebpodcast Twitter: @thesidebpodcast Facebook: Episode Transcript Hello, and thanks for joining in. I’m Jana Harmon, and you’re listening to the Side B Podcast, where we listen to understand how someone flips the record of their life from atheism to Christianity. Each podcast,...
Apr 02, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Former atheist Stuart moved from a world without God to one where God changed his whole world. Stuart’s new book, Faith that Lasts: A Father and Son on Cultivating Lifelong Belief, is co-authored with his son, Cameron. They reconsider each myth in the light of the Christian faith and their own experiences. When our confidence is rooted in the good news of Jesus, our homes can be places of honest conversation, open-handed exploration, and lasting faith. For more information on events and re...
Mar 19, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast We’re all searching for something to satisfy us and sometimes that’s hard to find. In today’s episode, Dr. Ted Cabal‘s wandering journey led him the long way home to a Person who had been waiting for him all along. You can follow Ted on Twitter: @CabalTed Recommended resources from this podcast include: St. Augustine: The Confessions of Saint Augustine Ted Cabal, general editor: The Apologetics Study Bible: Understand Why You Believe (2007) Ted Cabal: Controversy of the A...
Mar 05, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast There is often a presumption that religion is irrational, far from truth and reason. In today’s episode, Philip Vander Elst describes his “journey of discovery” from atheism to an intellectually-grounded Christian belief. Find out more about Philip and his writings at Recommended resources from this podcast include: C.S. Lewis’s books: Mere Christianity , Miracles C.S. Lewis essay “On Obstinacy in Belief” N. Geisler...
Feb 19, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Former atheist Warren Prehmus thought he had all that life had to offer until a turn of events sparked reconsideration of what might be missing. But, the answers were not coming from a place or position that he wanted to believe. Warren found himself in a dilemma of need and belief. Someone who had no need for God realizes perhaps, well, that he does. Not merely because of his own need, but because it was true and provided the most satisfying answers for his questions and his life. Email Us: inf...
Feb 05, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Apatheism is a word to describe someone who doesn’t believe in God and thinks religion is irrelevant to life. In today’s episode Mary Jo Sharp tells her story of moving from apatheism to a strong belief in God that informs all of her life. Learn more about Mary Jo Sharp at There’s a wealth of information to explore – debates, a blog, books and much more! Episode Transcript Hello, and thanks for joining in. I’m Jana Harmon, and you’re listening t...
Jan 22, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast Many people think the stories in the bible are mere myth and legend. As a historian, so did Frank. In today’s episode he talks about moving from a skeptical view of Christianity to one which changed the whole of history as well as his own life. Episode Transcript JH: Podcast will listen to the story of a former atheist to change their mind and came to believe in God the culture today it’s hard to find places and spaces where you can listen to two sides of a story but for the guests w...
Jan 08, 2021•Transcript available on Metacast We hold beliefs for many different reasons. In today’s episode Peter talks highlights the combination of motivations he had for disbelief as well as belief in God. Episode Transcript Hello and thanks for joining in. I’m Jana Harmon, and you’re listening to the Side B Podcast, where we listen to the other side. Each podcast, we listen to the story of a former atheist who changed their mind and came to believe in God. There are lots of reasons why we believe what we do. We don...
Dec 25, 2020•Transcript available on Metacast In today’s episode author and scholar Dr. Carolyn Weber tells her story of moving from a busy place of survival to a place of contemplation at Oxford University. There she met authentic Christians and was able to investigate Christianity on its own merits for the first time. You can find out more about Carolyn’s work and writing by visiting her website at . If you’d like to read more about her story, Carolyn’s award-winning memoir describing her journ...
Dec 11, 2020•Transcript available on Metacast Many people reject God because of a heartbreaking event in their lives. In today’s episode Brandon talks about not only what pushed him away from God, but also what drew him towards belief in God. You can follow Brandon on his Facebook page called Crooked Sticks at If you’re looking for the Cold Case Christianity book investigating evidence on Christianity by cold case detective J Warner Wallace, you can find it here: http...
Nov 27, 2020•Transcript available on Metacast Raised to think critically, Jordan Monge began to question her own atheism at Harvard University when she was intellectually challenged to investigate the grounding of her worldview. Resources recommended from this episode: C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (Liar, Lunatic, Lord argument) ( ) Episode Transcript Hello...
Nov 13, 2020•Transcript available on Metacast Former atheist Mike Arnold suffered an unspeakable childhood tragedy which suddenly catapulted him into atheism. After twenty years, he was given cause to reconsider not only God’s existence, but God’s goodness as well. Episode Transcript Hello, and thanks for being with me today. I’m Jana Harmon, and you’re listening to the Side B Podcast, where we listen to the other side. What happens to your view of God when bad, especially traumatic things happen in your life? You ma...
Oct 21, 2020•Transcript available on Metacast