In this episode of the UX Q & A series, Darren responds to a question about managing measurement effect during observation-based research methods, identifying the methods and sharing strategies for how to optimize engagement during the initiatives. Tune in for more details #ux#measurementeffect#uxresearch#uxstrategy#darrenhood#theworldofuserexperience
Mar 09, 2021•27 min•Ep 43•Transcript available on Metacast This episode includes another first, as Darren fields questions solicited from the worldwide user experience community. For this week's topic, Darren answers questions about formative research and how to best communicate return on investment (ROI) to clients, stakeholders, and the C-suite. Tune in to hear the details! #ux#formativeresearch#returnoninvestment#uxcommunication#uxstrategy#darrenhood#theworldofuserexperience
Mar 03, 2021•25 min•Ep 42•Transcript available on Metacast For this special and extended episode, Darren interviews Dr. Casey McArdle, the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures at Michigan State University. This department is responsible for the Experience Architecture program at the institution. Check out this episode to learn about the wonderful things Dr. Casey and his team at MSU are doing to help prepare the Experience Design professionals of tomorrow. #ux#experiendedesign#uxeducatio...
Feb 23, 2021•42 min•Ep 41•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever labored feverishly to provide data and resources to support design efforts, only to be disregarded on a whim? If you've been practicing UX for any length of time, this resonates with you. We know and understand what we do and want others to ascribe the same value, but this doesn't always happen. Piggybacking on last week's topic, Darren presents a critical philosophy needed to gain trust, respect, and inclusion with leaders and stakeholders. Tune in as Darren presents an all too co...
Feb 16, 2021•26 min•Ep 40•Transcript available on Metacast In all disciplines, it's important to know and understand the associated methods, methodologies, and tenets. UX has the same requirements. What's different about UX, however, is its age and maturity (or lack thereof) across the entire professional landscape, along with the related challenges, threats, and pitfalls. For this reason, Darren spends time this week issuing a call to embrace what he refers to as A Holistic View of UX. Listen in for more details. #ux#uxuncensored#pureux#uxmaturity#darr...
Feb 09, 2021•26 min•Ep 39•Transcript available on Metacast Continuing last week's address about continued development for UX professionals, Darren shares a 7-step process for achieving excellence in the discipline. The steps range from properly defining UX through a surprise elements that, though simple, will make or break each and every individual. Tune in today to hear the details about The UX Cycle of Excellence. #ux#darrenhood#uxmaturity#uxcareers#uxadvancement#uxcycleofexcellence
Feb 02, 2021•25 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast Darren is often asked what a person should do in order to learn more about UX. First, a UXer needs to be committed to continued education. In addition, every UXer should build what's known as a PLN (personalized learning network). In this episode, Darren talks about the importance of a PLN in the life of every UX professional and describes the components and categories one should have in their PLN. Tune in for more details. #ux#uxeducation#learning#continuededucation#darrenhood#pureux#personalux...
Jan 27, 2021•25 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast During this segue from the last series, Darren pulls no punches and elaborates on specific mindsets required to transition into the UX profession from such positions as instructional designer, business analyst, developer, graphic/visual designer, and creative director. Are you looking to transition into UX? Check out this episode for some key info. #ux #transitioningintoux#uxcareers#businessanalystoux#instructionaldesignertoux#developertoux#visualdesignertoux#graphicdesignertoux#creativedesigner...
Jan 19, 2021•27 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast Are you interested in user experience, but coming from another discipline? In the series conclusion, Darren tells his personal story of transition into UX from another discipline and provides insights and encouragement on how to best make such a move. #ux#darrenhood#transitionintoux#uxcareers #podcasts #theworldofuserexperience #uxcareers #uxcriticaltruths
Jan 12, 2021•25 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast This week, continuing the efforts to provide a reality check on the types of work involved in the daily activities of a UX professional, Darren resumes coverage by address such topics as data synthesis and analysis, error and risk mitigation, and others. Tune in for more details and to examine yourself to see whether or not you're up to the task-at-hand. #ux #darrenhood #uxcareers #podcasts #theworldofuserexperience #uxcareers #uxcriticaltruths
Jan 05, 2021•25 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast In this week's episode, Darren takes pause from the current UX research methods review and engages in another interlude, addressing some stark realities about UX associated with such things as the importance of identifying erroneous UX operation, educational paths, false and misleading UX positions, and the truth about UX gatekeeping (i.e., what it really is). Those who really want to be UXers are challenged to accept these and other facts and mindsets. Tune in today to hear this important serie...
Dec 29, 2020•24 min•Ep 33•Transcript available on Metacast Today, many express a desire to be a UX researcher, but don't really know what it entails. In this episode, in an effort to help provide proper understanding of this subject, Darren presents and describes many types of UX research. Tune in to learn more and evaluate your own perspectives. #ux#darrenhood#uxcareers#podcasts#uxresearch#theworldofuserexperience #uxcareers
Dec 22, 2020•24 min•Ep 32•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Darren resumes his presentation on factors, personality traits, and the work associated with being a user experience professional, with a focus on basic components of UX research. Are you interested in UX research? Tune in for Darren's coverage of some foundational and oft-overlooked elements associated with the topic. #ux#darrenhood#uxcareers#podcasts#uxresearch#theworldofuserexperience #uxcareers
Dec 15, 2020•24 min•Ep 31•Transcript available on Metacast This week's episode features a conversation with our first interview guest — Keith Instone. Keith has been working in the world of user experience since 1989. As a first-generation UXer, he has a wealtth of information to share. In this special extended edition of the podcast, we covered the following topics: • The core definition of UX• Users as customers• Spins on UX (i.e., bringing clarity to what constitutes UX)• UX communities for aficionados, practitioners, and professionals Tune in for a ...
Dec 08, 2020•39 min•Ep 30•Transcript available on Metacast Do you want to be a UXer? Are you sure? Do you know what the work consists of? This week, Darren continues his presentation on different factors and elements associated with being a UX professional, challenging those interested to be sober-minded and realistic. This episode focuses on creating task flows and provides a high-level look at the purpose of creating personas. Check out the episode for more details. #ux#darrenhood#uxcareers#podcasts#theworldofuserexperience #uxcareers
Dec 01, 2020•24 min•Ep 29•Transcript available on Metacast Many folks express interest in UX.... until they find out about some of the more menial and ""unattractive"" types of work that it takes to excel. This week, Darren spends time talking about some of those very aspects of UX that many of today's practitioners lack knowledge about or avoid. Do you have the courage to face the facts today? Listen to this episode to hear more and examine yourself. #ux#darrenhood#uxcareers#podcasts#theworldofuserexperience #uxcareers
Nov 24, 2020•24 min•Ep 28•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Darren provides more insights about what it takes to be a user experience professional by delving further into a list of common activities and responsibilities. Think you have what it takes to be a UXer? Interested in confirming that you have genuine interest? Check out this episode for your weekly UX barometer. ;-) #ux#darrenhood#uxcareers#podcasts#theworldofuserexperience #uxcareers
Nov 17, 2020•22 min•Ep 27•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Darren spend time sharing various tasks and responsibilities that UX professionals engage in on a regular basis. Tune in today to hear the first segment of the list to help you set proper expectations and assess whether or not being a UXer is for you. #ux#darrenhood#uxcareers#podcasts#theworldofuserexperience #uxcareers
Nov 10, 2020•23 min•Ep 26•Transcript available on Metacast In Part 3 of ""So.... You Wanna Be a UXer,"" Darren provides critical information that will help you lay a sound foundation by focusing on realistic expectations, patience, and being ready to do what it takes to embark upon a UX career the right way. He also shares specific character flaws one must renounce and overcome in order to succeed. Tune in for the details. #ux#darrenhood#uxcareers#podcasts#theworldofuserexperience
Nov 03, 2020•23 min•Ep 25•Transcript available on Metacast In this week's episode, Darren continues addressing perspectives associated with being a UX professional by focusing on key personality traits, espcially those aligned with emotional intelligence, their place in UX operation, and the rhetorical inquiry of whether or not a person is ""cut"" for this profession. #ux#podcasts#darrenhood#uxandemotionalintelligence#theworldofux
Oct 27, 2020•22 min•Ep 24•Transcript available on Metacast In response to a question from a recent talk in Tunisia, Darren begins a new series focusing on what it takes to become a UX professional and launch a promising and sound career, beginning with hard truths about the discipline that might get overlooked in most conversations. Tune in for Part 1 of 3 to hear more details. #ux#theworldofux#podcasts#darrenhood#harduxtruths
Oct 20, 2020•22 min•Ep 23•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Darren concludes his review of dark patterns, sharing some examples, and talking about the responsibilities of user experience professionals regarding this challenging and popular business strategy. #ux#darkpatterns#darrenhood#userexperience
Oct 13, 2020•22 min•Ep 22•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever visited a website to subscribe to a newsletter, purchase a product, or attempted to view some content, only to have your experience go completely awry? Maybe you signed up for something other than a mailing list. Maybe you purchased a product you didn't know was in your shopping cart. Or maybe the content you tried to view was constantly blocked by cross-selling, promotional materials, or other messaging that wasn't aligned with your goal. These are called dark patterns. This week,...
Oct 06, 2020•21 min•Ep 21•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Darren concludes the current topic by paralleling personal UX maturity with certain segments of Nielsen's famous, classic organizational UX maturity model and stressing much needed character traits needed to proceed properly. Do you know where you stand today? Are you trying to move too fast? Are you up for the challenge? Tune in for details on ways to evaluate your own development, status, and growth. #ux#darrenhood#podcasts#uxmaturity
Sep 29, 2020•21 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast There isn’t a scientific discipline in the world that doesn’t require time and an investment in sweat equity to achieve any level of mastery. UX, being a science essentially, is no different. In Part 2 of "The Mirage of Personal UX Maturity," in addition to sharing some insights about the meaning of Personal UX Maturity, Darren provides some insights about the path to progress, as well as the mental aptitudes needed to make said progress. Tune in for the details! #ux #userexperience #uxmaturity
Sep 22, 2020•22 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast Many of us know about corporate UX maturity, but what about personal UX maturity. Where do we stand when it comes to our personal understanding of the discipline and where is our current level of operation? Darren begins another series focusing on mirages associated with how long it truly takes to develop UX skill and knowledge, focusing on three questions: 1) Can you really take a course to learn UX in weeks or months?2) Is UX so simple that “anybody can do it?”3) Is UX a complex discipline? Tu...
Sep 15, 2020•22 min•Ep 18•Transcript available on Metacast A mirage is the by-product of two things: a deficiency and a desire to alleviate said deficiency. This results in experiencing something outside the bounds of reality. In the conclusion of the series about "Overcoming the Mirage of UX Ambiguity," Darren takes time to provide his recommendation on how to overcome this problem — by embracing what he calls the "UX Cycle of Excellence." This 7-step process helps us to be rooted and grounded in the discipline and to dispel any and all forms of ambigu...
Sep 09, 2020•22 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, following a brief recap, Darren continues his discussion on what he considers to be the biggest contributor to the perception of ambiguity in UX — willful misrepresentation of the discipline. Picking up where he left off last week, Darren speaks about three more examples of willful misrepresentation: portfolios, misdirected equality, and gaslighting people about experts and what experts actually stand for. Tune in to hear the details.
Sep 02, 2020•22 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Darren addresses what he considers to be of the biggest contributors to confusion in the world of UX — willful misrepresentation. Today, we face large volumes of people claiming to be what they are not and framing UX in misguided ways, all for the purpose of getting ahead at the expense of the discipline AND its occupants. Listen to this episode to hear examples and strategies we need to embrace to help benefit the discipline and secure its future in a responsible manner.
Aug 25, 2020•21 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast Do you remember how you chose to eat when you were younger? Do you remember the days of ramen noodles and just-add-water pancakes? We chose what we ate due to budgetary constraints. Today, due to a perceived lack of ability to evaluate combined with heightened zeal, people do the same when choosing learning resources, opting for whatever they come into contact with without evaluating and validating what they partake of. This is extremely dangerous, especially to the person in the earlier stages ...
Aug 18, 2020•21 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast