Talking about that big tower
God wanted humanity to disperse and take lands across the entire world. Mankind on the other hand had something different in mind.
God wanted humanity to disperse and take lands across the entire world. Mankind on the other hand had something different in mind.
Pastor Paul talks about how the bible leads up to the bible and how its making a "horizontal" line for us to see the nations and their involvement in the next even in Genesis.
Pastor Paul makes a small parenthesis to go into the lineage of Noah leading up to Jesus our Lord.
Noah is not a story of a happy family that went on a vacation cruise. And after the flood Noah fell into sin. Pastor Paul studies what happened to him and those involved with this event.
After one son made fun of his father, the other two showed love to his father by not looking at him and walking backwards. Pastor Paul studies this event in Genesis chapter 9
"Men of God should be very careful after a spiritual victory". Pastor Paul talks about what happened after the waters went down after the flood.
The Lord makes a covenant with Noah of not flooding the earth again and establishes a sign of that covenant.: THE RAINBOW. In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul discusses what that entails.
God speaks to Noah and by proxy to his descendants and establishes a way of living that includes protecting life and how God would not be directly in\volved in the human form of justice at all times. Establishing a human form of government.
After the flood ended and God gave us his promise of not flooding the earth again. But there is a comment in the bible that mentions the seasons. In this episode of Daily Manna Pastor Paul explores that.
The flood is over and Noah sent away a dove and it has returned back with an olive branch. And Noah know that the waters have receded because, out went the dove and it did not come back. And now there is a brand new world that Noah and his family are finding.
In this episode of Daily Manna Pastor Paul discusses what happens right after the flood ended in Genesis 7. And how God is going to continue something that he already began.
In this episode of Daily Manna Pastor Paul discusses what happens right after the flood ended in Genesis 7. And how God is going to continue something that he already began.
After just seeing God's judgement being poured down on earth in the time of Noah. And the the bible mentions something that could seem strange: " ...and the Lord remembered Noah..." Pastor Paul answers the question that might come to mind: Did God forget about Noah?
After just seeing God's judgement being poured down on earth in the time of Noah. And the the bible mentions something that could seem strange: " ...and the Lord remembered Noah..." Pastor Paul answers the question that might come to mind: Did God forget about Noah?
Pastor Paul discusses the story of the flood that has left echoes on almost every culture and continent. We tend to remember the storybook version that we are told as children but when studied in depth as an adult you see that it's actually a devastating story of destruction.
Pastor Paul discusses the story of the flood that has left echoes on almost every culture and continent. We tend to remember the storybook version that we are told as children but when studied in depth as an adult you see that it's actually a devastating story of destruction.
Pastor Paul discusses how the flood actually happened and how 8 people witnessed it from a sheltered perspective and how the rest of the world experienced destruction.
Pastor Paul discusses how the flood actually happened and how 8 people witnessed it from a sheltered perspective and how the rest of the world experienced destruction.
After "all the buildup" finally we come to the flood. And before the flood there's a curious 7 day pause. Pastor Paul discusses how just before the flood God gives 7 last days.
After "all the buildup" finally we come to the flood. And before the flood there's a curious 7 day pause. Pastor Paul discusses how just before the flood God gives 7 last days.
After finishing Genesis 6 here we see how after the murder of Abel, sin took over the world. The descendants of Cain forgot of God's commandments. This led God to give a deadline of 120 years for repentance.
After finishing Genesis 6 here we see how after the murder of Abel, sin took over the world. The descendants of Cain forgot of God's commandments. This led God to give a deadline of 120 years for repentance.
Up until now, we've been discussing the character on Noah, and what was happening in the days of Noah and the society in what he lived. And how this led to God giving him the instructions of the ark of gopher wood.
Up until now, we've been discussing the character on Noah, and what was happening in the days of Noah and the society in what he lived. And how this led to God giving him the instructions of the ark of gopher wood.
As a culture, we've all grown up with story and coloring books of the story of Noah and his ark presenting a nice and adventurous story. In this episode of Daily Manna , Pastor Paul answers the question of: "What possible reason could've God had to take this harsh decision on Earth?"
As a culture, we've all grown up with story and coloring books of the story of Noah and his ark presenting a nice and adventurous story. In this episode of Daily Manna , Pastor Paul answers the question of: "What possible reason could've God had to take this harsh decision on Earth?"
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about how we are studying the bible from a literal standpoint. So even in moments where it's a little hard to understand, we believe it is the literal account of history. And how in Genesis 6, sin has taken over the world causing the great flood.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about how we are studying the bible from a literal standpoint. So even in moments where it's a little hard to understand, we believe it is the literal account of history. And how in Genesis 6, sin has taken over the world causing the great flood.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul describes the people that were on earth weren't cavemen. He also describes how many were there by the time of the great flood in Genesis 7.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul describes the people that were on earth weren't cavemen. He also describes how many were there by the time of the great flood in Genesis 7.