The rest of the weekend, and books.
In a lot of the post I talk about what I've been reading. I do talk about what else Bob and I did over the weekend.
In a lot of the post I talk about what I've been reading. I do talk about what else Bob and I did over the weekend.
I try the post again. I talk about books, and what Bob and I have been up to.
A bit of talk about music, and what we're up to lately.
I rather long winded like talk about what Bob and I have been up to.
I start off by talking about how I'm making coffee. That doesn't last too long though, because I know you'd all rather hear about books!
I talk about how it's kind of irritating that people jump ship right when an app quits working with VoiceOver. A good bit of the post though has to do with books.
In the first post I talk about a book I just couldn't stand. No worries though, since I do talk about books I've read that have been awesome)
The first update was done from the car. In the rest of the post I talk about how much fun the weekend was. I also of course talk about what I've been reading.
We didn't know the first musician, and we didn't know the girls. We do know Smith and Blackwell though. They're our friends Jared and Ryan. I hope you all enjoy.
I start off the post talking about how fun lunch was. The second segment is where we're at the house talking about Zuey's. I finish by posting Bob opening his brand new custom made light sager. He's super excited to have this.
Bob, Ricky and I all talking before karaoke at Eldo's. The other voice you're going to hear having to do with drinks is Claude, one of the greatest bartenders in all the universe. We all had such an excellent time.
I start out the post talking about a situation that irritated me. I end by talking about a book that I'm obsessed with.
I talk about what I am thankful for this past year. I also talk about all the fun. This does include hanging out with people, going to concerts, and of course, books! Enjoy!
I talk about the show we went to last night. There's also a little sample.
A lot of fun book talk. Pretty much the usual for me lately.
I talk about why I've not updated lately. I also sort of obsess over the Demon Cycle series that I'm liking. I also discuss some kids issues I'm reading about.
A longer than I expectedpost about all that Bob and I did over the weekend. Don't worry, I also talk about books. You're not off the hook as far as that goes. I finish by wondering about an issue I'm having with the M Braille app.
I explain my lack of updates. I also talk about food, what I've been up to. I conclude by talking about books, because it's what I do!
I talk about what I've been reading. I also talk about something awesome WhatsApp has done.
Awesome food, and fun. I talk about it all here in this post.
Most of the rundown of a concert Bob and I went to. The podcast does contain Death Metal, and other such vocal stylings. Don't listen if you don't like such things. If you are curious, feel free.
I finally got to see my dear friend TomCat. I've not seen him in ages, so I tell you all about it. I talk about how there's some Controversy around the Golden Compass books. I've not read them, so this is hearsay. Heh.
Again, I talk about food. I also talk about why I'm not a super huge Lord of the Rings fan.
I promise, I didn't mean to talk all about food and books, but it just happened in this episode. I do hope you all enjoy.
The rundown on what Bob and I have done today. It's been great fun.
I talk about where XTFM started, and where we are now.
I talk about all the goodness Bob and I have bden up to.
All the fun times Bob and I had while hanging out this weekend!
I go on for about 10 minutes talking about howemuch I enjoyed Anne of Green Gables.