Week 16_Launching a Lifelong Winning Streak
Eric Reed concludes the 16-week series by recapping what we have learned, examining the 5 key promises that we made at the beginning, & giving 3 key moves to insure each of our 10 key moves gets lived out.
Eric Reed concludes the 16-week series by recapping what we have learned, examining the 5 key promises that we made at the beginning, & giving 3 key moves to insure each of our 10 key moves gets lived out.
Lee Hsia, the Minister of New Initiatives, uses his passion for evangelism and business to give us a winning strategy for making an impact for Christ in the marketplace.
Lee Hsia, the Minister of New Initiatives, shares from his diverse experiences in corporate America regarding establishing a solid reputation at work.
We conclude our lesson overviewing work & then focus on the 2 views of work. Eric Reed continues to spotlight the area of life where we spend 60% of our adult life-work. How we view work will either put us in bondage or unleash us for Kingdom purposes.
Winning at Work and Home takes a turn into the final chapter. Eric Reed leads us in an overview of the world of work by exploring our motives, God's view, and what we need from our jobs. This is the 1st of 6 sessions on work.
Jason Swiggart, the Ministries Pastor at Houstons's First Baptist Church, concludes our sessions on parenting with a lesson on how to maximize our impact as fathers. Whether you have new children or they have flown the coop, you can still benefit from the insights & truth in this lesson.
Ben Pritchett brings some very practical advice upon parenting by looking at the 5 types of dads and some core components to Godly parenting.
Ben Pritchett, the Minister to Education at HFBC, begins a two week look at what a father needs to know and do to impact his children. This week's lesson includes 10 key ingredients for a healthy family, as well as what every child wishes their father understood about parenting.
Pastor Gregg returns to lead the Band of Brothers in a conversation about where the abundant life is truly found.
This week Eric Reed tackles the subject of money in a very straightforward and simple way. You will be given a clear pathway toward learning to manage money and honor God.
After being sidelined the first 4 weeks of Winning at Work and Home, Eric Reed ponies up & teaches on the area of his non-expertise--SEX. Mixing a Salt-N-Pepa song with some confessional teaching & straight talk, he explores what men wish wives knew about sex, what wives wish husbands knew about sex, & practical tips for great sex with your wife. Watch out, Dr. Ruth:)
Jason Swiggart injects a little Barry White into his lesson on utilizing communication and courage to grow closer even in conflict.
Jason Swiggart continues examining how a man can successfully engage the women in his life. Some of the tools explored are understanding personalities, the five love languages, and deciding what kind of man each of us will be.
Jason Swiggart begins examining how a man can successfully engage the women in his life. This week the focus is on the core differences in men and women.
Pastor Gregg Matte leads us in the introduction to Winning at Work and Home. He explores the two mirrors that each man uses to examine and evaluate his life. Discover what these mirrors are and how living the "Paradox Principle" is the key to victory.