Vayeshev 5778/2017
Listen for the Message
Listen for the Message
God and Others
Transmit the Stories
Dig the well.
Heal the past.
Follow the lead.
Take the detour.
Never say never.
We need each other.
You Reap What You Sow
Ground yourself.
Carrot or the stick?
Keep your friends close.
Weigh your words
Take the Long View
You Didn't Do It On Your Own
Check your negativity
Awaken to What's Different
Sense in the nonsense
One thing should not affect the many
Create your reality
It's Simchat Torah in spring as we begin a new year of Torah tl;dr
We have second chances.
What are your limits?
What's your role?
Don't talk about the past.
Care, Concern and Consideration for All.
Announce and Send Out
Reveal your treasure.
Take risks to grow.