Shelach Lecha 5779/2019
Know your limits.
Know your limits.
Scatter your foes.
Public or Private
First count
Always hope.
Abuse it or lose it.
Know what you do not know.
Treat everyone equally.
Who is your guide?
Think when, not if.
All are equal.
Self before others
Offer your inner self.
Make communal atonement
Inspiring and practical
Wisdom, Knowledge, Ability
Honor and danger.
Hear. Act. Move.
Be fixed, yet flexible.
Take it slow.
Let things pass.
Don't Take the Shortcut
Declare what is to be.
Hold Accountable
Hear. Remember. See. Know.
The future may be elsewhere.
Be in the moment
Right place, right time.
Value others.
The gift of relationship.