ManTalks Podcast - podcast cover

ManTalks Podcast

The ManTalks podcast features conversations between one of the leading men’s work facilitators and philosopher, Connor Beaton, and world class guests with expertise in mindset, life purpose, psychology, relational communication, sexual intimacy, business and spirituality. For more information about ManTalks go to:


How To Cultivate Direction In Your Life

I've found in my work that cultivating direction is one of the most simple-yet-complex things in a man's life. Without it, most men fall into hopelessness, despair, anger, or worse, a kind of stagnant acceptance that's ultimately harmful to themselves and the world around them. So this week, some straightforward steps in how to first find direction, and then how to cultivate it. As always, let me know what you think! DM me on Instagram @mantalks. Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us...

Apr 21, 202217 minTranscript available on Metacast

Michaela Boehm - Grief, Growth, And Staying Grounded

I'm in the thick of editing my book, so I wanted to reconnect with one of our most popular episodes ever. This was such a good conversation! Michaela and I covered a TON of ground; everything from grief's role in relationships to anal sex (yup). This was originally recorded around May 2020, so it's also an interesting sort of time capsule. Michaela Boehm teaches and counsels internationally as an expert in intimacy and sexuality. Born and raised in Austria, Michaela combines her background in ps...

Apr 18, 20221 hr 3 minEp 381Transcript available on Metacast

7 Skills Every Man Should Master

You're damn right it's a clickbait title! And for good reason. I put this list together after years of working with men, observing what most of them struggle with, and where their greatest potential lies. However, it's also influenced by what we're going through socially and politically. Listen in, and if it resonates with you, DM me . Let me know what skill you're working on! Or if you think I missed an important one, tell me that too. Would love to hear your thoughts. Did you enjoy the podcast...

Apr 14, 202224 minTranscript available on Metacast

Daniel Kwak - The Economy And Inflation: WTF?

I started off not really knowing much about money, nor did I have any real opinion about it. I made it, I spent it, and that was that. But recently I've taken a much deeper interest, and tried to educate myself about economics in general, especially with all the uncertainty brewing around global markets, supply chains, and the rest. Join me and Daniel Kwak this week to get a primer. Daniel Kwak came to the US in 1999 to Chicago, IL. The son of an immigrant pastor, Daniel comes from a background ...

Apr 11, 20222 hr 37 minEp 380Transcript available on Metacast

The 14-Day No Challenge

I created this challenge a while back, and the traction it got was surprising! So after several requests to revisit it, here we are. The No Challenge is a solid way to develop greater confidence and self-sufficiency, as well as clear out some of those nice guy (or nice girl) behaviors you may be having trouble with. Like most challenges and prompts I offer to listeners, clients, and Alliance members, it's straightforward, but not necessarily simple. Listen in. Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, p...

Apr 07, 202211 minTranscript available on Metacast

Owen Marcus - What Emotional Intelligence Is, And Why Men Need It

In modern masculine culture, there can be a lot of pressure to shut down, suppress, or numb out emotions. But just like everything else we can experience, there's tremendous amounts of information in what we're feeling. This is why I'm such a big advocate for somatic practices—really feeling in your body what's going on—and cultivating emotional intelligence. And it's why I sat with EVRYMAN co-founder Owen Marcus; he's an expert on this subject. For more than twenty-five years, Owen Marcus has w...

Apr 04, 202256 minEp 379Transcript available on Metacast

How To Handle Being Rejected By A Woman

I get asked about this a lot, in various ways: how do I deal with rejection? What do I say (and how do I say it) when she says no? I'm worried about getting rejected, what do I do? Rejection can suck, but it doesn't have to shatter your sense of your own value. In fact, it can help you both recognize and build your worth. Listen in this week for how that works, some actions to take, and questions you can ask yourself in the face of rejection. Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a r...

Mar 31, 202212 minTranscript available on Metacast

Ben Goresky - What Today's Men Are Challenged By

Honored as always to speak with an old friend of mine, Ben Goresky. As a fellow coach of men, we wanted to take an episode to give each other some thoughts on what we're seeing out there in the world of men's work: how do we better ourselves in the current global situation? How do we find personal fulfillment? We also dig into relationships and discuss different ways to engage in challenging conversations with a partner. Ben's got great great insight, so listen in! Ben Goresky is a counselor, co...

Mar 28, 202253 minEp 378Transcript available on Metacast

Five Building Blocks To Confidence

Confidence. We all want more of it, even though we consume loads of content on it. So does it have to be something so hard to achieve consistently? I don't think so. In this episode, I outline five simple building blocks you can use to be more confident overall. Notice I said they were simple, but not necessarily easy! They require practice and commitment. Listen in. Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts , Stitcher , or Podchaser . It helps us get into the ...

Mar 25, 202213 minTranscript available on Metacast

Rabbi Manis Friedman - The Nature Of Intimacy

Last week, Zen. This week, a unique perspective on intimacy, relationships, and marriage from Rabbi Manis Friedman. I've been wanting to hear differing ideas from differing traditions on what it means to really cultivate an intimate relationship, and Rabbi Friedman had some interesting things to say! We cover loving someone versus loving things about them, what it really means to marry someone—from a more mystical frame of mind, how a "performance" mindset around sex destroys intimacy, and a lot...

Mar 21, 202253 minEp 377Transcript available on Metacast

The Key To Navigating Crisis

Understatement of the decade: there's a lot going on. I wanted to dig a little into how a man can navigate crisis, and one of the most important components to this: community. The simple reality is this: if you as an individual aren’t meant to process the events in your own community by yourself, there's no possible way you can process everything on earth by yourself. We’re built to thrive in a shared network of understanding so that navigating a crisis doesn't crush YOU, it strengthens US. Did ...

Mar 18, 202214 minTranscript available on Metacast

Henry Shukman - Zen Awakening: It's Not What You Think

You hear it all the time: enlightenment, awakening, expansion, liberation. Yadda yadda yadda. But...what is it really? Is it even possible to describe? This week, I sit with acclaimed Zen teacher and poet Henry Shukman to try and get the actual Zen take on things. We dig into his own spiritual journey, how to meditate in the Zen way, and how chasing after something can sometimes prevent you from ever getting it. Henry Shukman is a mindfulness teacher and the spiritual Director of Mountain Cloud ...

Mar 14, 202256 minEp 376Transcript available on Metacast

Become A Vessel Of Strength

One of the hardest things to do as a man is to keep your heart open. And it is in times like these that it's also the most critical. There is an incalculable amount of grief that needs holding and help right now. Will you answer it's call? Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts , Stitcher , or Podchaser . It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community , and help others find the self-leadership they’re looking for. Are you looki...

Mar 11, 202211 minTranscript available on Metacast

Dr. James Hollis - The Jungian Way To Hear Your Calling

I've waited a long time for this one! Deeply honored to have spoken with Dr. James Hollis, one of the foremost Jungian analysts. Ever. Period. This conversation focused almost entirely on men and their relationship to fear, women, purpose, direction, and what Jung had to say about all of them. An hour isn't nearly enough for such a heavy conversation, so he'll be returning in the near future. If you've ever been curious about the Jungian approach to therapy, have a listen. James Hollis, Ph. D., ...

Mar 08, 20221 hrEp 375Transcript available on Metacast

Choose Who Has A Say In Your Life

Today, a Public Service Announcement. One I wish I'd heard a long time ago. You've got to decide—consciously—who has a say in who you are, what you do, and what you want to be. Listen in. Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts , Stitcher , or Podchaser . It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community , and help others find the self-leadership they’re looking for. Are you looking to find purpose, navigate transition, or fix your...

Mar 03, 202215 minTranscript available on Metacast

Duey Freeman - Gestalt Therapy, What Men Struggle With, And How We Protect Ourselves

Forgive the occasional sound blips. Sometimes Zoom behaves badly! Whether you've just dipped your toes into therapy or have been a long-time adherent, have a listen to this. I love Duey's no-nonsense yet compassionate approach. It's rooted in connection and relationship—a result of his extensive training in gestalt therapy. We cover what gestalt therapy is, what men typically struggle with and why, and how we're all just trying to protect ourselves. Duey Freeman, MA, LPC is co-founder of the Ges...

Feb 28, 202252 minEp 374Transcript available on Metacast

Where Men Find Meaning

Purpose (especially now) can feel elusive for so many men. And when purpose goes missing, meaning isn't far behind. This week, some thoughts on where to find meaning, how to regain a sense of purpose, and why both are critical components of any man's journey. Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts , Stitcher , or Podchaser . It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community , and help others find the self-leadership they’re lookin...

Feb 24, 202222 minTranscript available on Metacast

Dr. Shy Krug - Navigating A Healthy Sex Life

This was such a good conversation! Dr. Krug has to be one of the most engaged and informative guys I've had on when it comes to sexual health. We cover the mind's role in healthy sex, balancing what you can and can't control in your sexual health, the surprisingly critical role of uncertainty and anxiety in sex, the physiology of erections and orgasm, how porn addiction works, the list goes on. Dr. Shy Krug is a Clinical Psychologist and AASECT-Certified Sex Therapist on the Upper West Side of M...

Feb 21, 202253 minEp 373Transcript available on Metacast

Dr. Carl Erik Fisher - The Complex History Of Addiction

It goes without saying that the more informed you are on the nature of addiction, the easier it is to see and break the patterns that trap you or the people you care about—addiction can be a LOT more subtle and nuanced than you think. So this week, I asked Dr. Carl Erik Fisher to dig into his new book, The Urge: Our History Of Addiction. It's a profoundly empathetic, personal, and intelligent book, and if you like this episode you'll want to check it out. We cover how addiction was perceived by ...

Feb 14, 202250 minEp 372Transcript available on Metacast

The Boys Are Not Alright

We all crave meaning, purpose, and feeling like we're needed. It's deeply important for anyone's mental health. But for a significant number of men, it simply isn't happening. There are all sorts of reasons for this, and there's no easy answer, but it's something that genuinely worries me. This week, I'm thinking out loud about what's going on for younger men and what they can do to find that purpose and meaning for themselves. Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple ...

Feb 10, 202218 minTranscript available on Metacast

Dr. Martin Shaw - The Depth And Value In Myth

How do I sum up this conversation? Because we could have talked for days. Dr. Shaw's work is incredibly powerful, so get ready for a very depth-oriented and intense conversation. For example, Dr. Shaw and I cover the real meaning of blessing and the importance of being defeated —not winning. The power of story and myth, comfort versus shelter, and how it all relates to how we're living now. Martin Shaw is widely regarded as one of the most exciting teachers of the mythic imagination. Author of t...

Feb 07, 202251 minEp 371Transcript available on Metacast

The Dating Crisis

A huge of my job is digging into the twists and turns of modern dating. The landscape men and women are facing in the world of sex and relationships is always shifting, and can leave you more than a little frustrated. So this week, I'm sharing a compelling article from David M. Buss: "The Mating Crisis Among Educated Women". There is a growing discrepancy here that deserves our full attention. Listen in and let me know your thoughts. Read the article here:

Feb 04, 202221 minTranscript available on Metacast

Traver Boehm - Victimhood, Incels, And Modern Masculine Culture

This week isn't so much an interview. Instead, a long-ranging conversation with an old friend focused around some of the more, uh, volatile aspects of modern masculine culture. The functionality of incel ideology, redpill rhetoric, the rise of victimhood narratives on all sides. In short, we're talking about some heavy stuff. Expect an open dialogue and frank opinions. Traver Boehm knows men. How they think, what’s behind their behavior, and most importantly — their unique challenges in the mode...

Jan 31, 20221 hr 28 minEp 370Transcript available on Metacast

Every Man Needs To Develop This One Skill

Yes, that is a borderline clickbait title, and it's for good reason. It's easy to learn but takes years to master, and so many things in a man's life build off and are enhanced by this one crucial practice, even though it's something you're not really taught anymore in school. Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts , Stitcher , or Podchaser . It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community , and help others find the self-leaders...

Jan 27, 202213 minTranscript available on Metacast

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi - Building Muscle, Fasting, And How The Male Body Ages

Tons of men know how their body changes, adapts, or grows throughout their teenage years and their 20s. Not so many know how the natural aging process affects things in the late 30s and onward into their 50s. Speaking as a new father myself, I've got a lot to learn about how to maintain my fitness while being a parent and heading quickly towards 40, which is why I brought back Dr. Anthony Balduzzi. Anthony's an expert at providing pragmatic, actionable advice for men of all stripes and fitness l...

Jan 25, 202247 minEp 369Transcript available on Metacast

Don't Feel Worthy Enough For The Woman You're Dating? Listen To This.

What happens when you don't feel worthy of the person you're with? I recently got this fantastic question from a follower on Instagram, and wanted to give it extra attention, because worthiness, success, and all those other buzzwords can get pretty vague. Listen in. Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts , Stitcher , or Podchaser . It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Community , and help others find the self-leadership they’re...

Jan 20, 202210 minTranscript available on Metacast

Initiation: What Makes You A Man?

Why do men of all kinds say (or do) the most insane things for validation? Why do so many men abuse their power? Why are there so few decent male role models? My guess is a lack of initiation. But what is "initiation"? How does it work? This week, a deep dive into the what, how, why, and consequences of initiation for men. Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts , Stitcher , or Podchaser . It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Co...

Jan 17, 202227 minEp 368Transcript available on Metacast

Are You A Domesticated Man?

Coming to you from the comfort of my car, some thoughts on how current cultural trends push men away from what actually matters to them and towards the means and ends of others. It's imperative that each of us takes time to notice the things, thoughts, and practices we're attached to that maybe aren't serving us anymore. Did you enjoy the podcast? If so, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts , Stitcher , or Podchaser . It helps us get into the ears of new listeners, expand the ManTalks Comm...

Jan 13, 202212 minTranscript available on Metacast

Lara Aknin - The Science Of Happiness

It's more important than ever to ground healing work with expertise, careful research, and study. Otherwise, it's basically just cheerleading. This is why I brought on one of Canada's best social psychologists, Lara Aknin. Lara's work centers on not just what makes people happy, but what keeps them happy: gratitude, reminding yourself and others of shared connections and community, and more. Obviously, the pandemic shut out a lot of ways we cultivate connection and community—at least physically....

Jan 03, 202252 minEp 367Transcript available on Metacast

Peter Crone - The Nature Of High Performance

What an honor (and what great timing) to have Peter Crone—the Mind Architect himself—on the show for my final conversation of 2021. This was such an engaging and enjoyable conversation! We delve into the nature of language and the subconscious, how to tackle things like anxiety, and some of the strategies Peter has used to help athletes with the same. Peter Crone is a thought leader in human potential and performance as well as an Ayurveda practitioner and the Founder/Chief Inspirer of Be Alive,...

Dec 27, 20211 hr 7 minEp 366Transcript available on Metacast
ManTalks Podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast