The Padded Room Podcast Ep.630 (The Mummy)
Busy busy busy weekends, action figures of horror, movies we forgot were made for TV, bad places to find sand, things to do in Egypt and The Mummy!
Busy busy busy weekends, action figures of horror, movies we forgot were made for TV, bad places to find sand, things to do in Egypt and The Mummy!
Outdoor workout spots, replica weaponry, the romance of spiders, special guests in studio and Dawn of the Mummy!
Welcome back to Dummies of Horror with Episode 262. This is probably the most controversial episode we've ever done but here we are, Extreme horror! Thanks to our patreon, Heather Powell, She wants us to discuss two of the most "Unique" films out there. A SERBIAN FILM and SALO. Films that many people turn away from, but what did we think? Are they films we recommend or should you avoid these all together? Also just how extreme are these films are and which is more extreme than the other. These q...
Halloween animatronics, steel books absolutely nobody asked for, the horrors of romance, half marathons, missing jewelry and The Mummy!
4rth place, revisiting some of the movies you hate, death ray zappers, what to do when everything turns yellow and Shock Waves!
New jobs, expanding universes, nights in the desert, female zombies and It Stains the Sands Red!
Amazon shopping at work, the problem with Blumhouse, novelizations, the fastest way to shut down a swingers party and Shaun of the Dead!
Welcome back to Dummies of Horror with Episode 260. After weeks of looking deep into each decade, its time to pick a winner. Join 3 hosts as we discuss which of the remaining decades is the best and why DUMMIES OF HORROR is a weekly show that’s released every second Sunday. If you’d like to support our show, please subscribe to our podcast free in iTunes, Apples Podcasts app, Spotify or any other great podcasting apps. If you want to support us the best way possible and get some bonus content, c...
Sequels and DLC packs, the problems with PG-13, BIRDIE, drunk blind or just dumb, Stephen King mini-series and Zombie Night!
Inappropriate horror sex dolls, half way to Halloween, unofficial sequels, dirty old men and Flesheater!
Welcome back to Dummies of Horror with Episode 259. We are continuing our decades of horror elimination fight with the 1960's going up against the 1980's. Which decade had the most influential films and which is more beloved. Plus we speak about what 2024 films we checked out and much much more DUMMIES OF HORROR is a weekly show that’s released every second Sunday. If you’d like to support our show, please subscribe to our podcast free in iTunes, Apples Podcasts app, Spotify or any other great p...
Hitting the NO button, haunted AirBnBs, sequels that don't feel like sequels but actually are, Halloween costumes of the future and Blair Witch 2 Book of Shadows!
More remakes than you can shake a stick at, the perils of small town life, how much fog machine is too much fog machine, strangeness at the lake house and City of the Dead!
Welcome back to Dummies of Horror with Episode 258. We are continuing our decades of horror elimination fight with the 1940's going up against the 2010's. Which decade had the most influential films and which is more beloved. Plus we speak about what 2024 films we checked out and much much more DUMMIES OF HORROR is a weekly show that’s released every second Sunday. If you’d like to support our show, please subscribe to our podcast free in iTunes, Apples Podcasts app, Spotify or any other great p...
Drug animals and the dumb movies they create, is it Canadian, things that happen in small towns, all things EAP and The Witches of Eastwick!
The various uses of steel books, untethered poultry, stupid mistakes kids make, all things Canada and Pyewacket!
Welcome back to Dummies of Horror with Episode 257. We are continuing our decades of horror elimination fight with the 1920's going up against the 1990's. Which decade had the most influential films and which is more beloved. Plus we speak about what 2024 films we checked out and much much more DUMMIES OF HORROR is a weekly show that’s released every second Sunday. If you’d like to support our show, please subscribe to our podcast free in iTunes, Apples Podcasts app, Spotify or any other great p...
Single use trophies, upcoming releases, the terrors of VR, rapest traps, bad skin and Wolfen!
Gut wrenching car accidents, horror games we love and cant tell you why, a champion is crowned and Bad Moon!
Welcome back to Dummies of Horror with Episode 256. We are continuing our decades of horror elimination fight with the 1950's going up against the 1970's. Which decade had the most influential films and which is more beloved. Plus we speak about what 2024 films we checked out and much much more DUMMIES OF HORROR is a weekly show that’s released every second Sunday. If you’d like to support our show, please subscribe to our podcast free in iTunes, Apples Podcasts app, Spotify or any other great p...
Super Bowl hangovers, aliens and predators, the songs that take us to horror town, government experiments and the way they go wrong and Project Metalbeast!
Popcorn buckets and the joy they bring, the franchises that failed us, werewolf month, dumb uses of deep fryers and I am Lisa!
Welcome back to Dummies of Horror with Episode 255. On this episode we start the biggest fight of them all. Which decade is the best in the horror genre? Over the next few weeks we will fight it out until there's is only decade remaining. We start with the 1930's vs the 2000's Which decade had the most influential horror films? Which decade had the better films and which decade do we prefer DUMMIES OF HORROR is a weekly show that’s released every second Sunday. If you’d like to support our show,...
Over due sequels, making a case for RZs Halloween 2, strange things that people where into in the 70's, erotic adaptations and The Blood Spattered Bride!
Diarrhea for dogs, getting ready for Halloween, horror reviews from non horror people, drugs and the problems they cause and Midnight Son!
Welcome back to Dummies of Horror with Episode 254, and its that time of the year were we look at the upcoming releases of horror films. We give you and extended list of what's coming out in 2024 DUMMIES OF HORROR is a weekly show that’s released every second Sunday. If you’d like to support our show, please subscribe to our podcast free in iTunes, Apples Podcasts app, Spotify or any other great podcasting apps. If you want to support us the best way possible and get some bonus content, come joi...
The anxiety causing video games of yester-year, breast feeding man babies, spoof or horror comedy, vampire or dingey creeper and Martin!
Old friends, is it so bad its good or is it just pooh, mail order brides, vampire on vampire combat, the LA drug scene and Bliss!
Welcome to the New year of the Dummies of Horror with Episode 253, and its that time of the year were we count down our personal favorite's of the year just gone. We have our top ten Favorite's and our top ten most disappointed film lists plus with a few non horror movies and honorable mentions. DUMMIES OF HORROR is a weekly show that’s released every second Sunday. If you’d like to support our show, please subscribe to our podcast free in iTunes, Apples Podcasts app, Spotify or any other great ...
A Happy New Year, Disney cartoons as horror movies, late voicemails, blown up TV stations, bad vampires and Stakeland!