A dedicated Christian is some one who is set apart, fully surrendered to God. But what does that look like. In this episode we talk about three things were must give to God to become a dedicated Christian: our body, our mind, and our will.
Sometimes we start a journey but end up stuck between where we were and where we want to be. The Israelites experienced this when God brought them out of Egypt but their complaining an unbelief kept them out of the Promised Land. We are still doing this today. In this episode we'll talk about how to not be a betweener and step Ito the promises God has for us.
Can we draw near to God? How close should we be to God? How close can we even get? In this episode we discuss, our relationship with our Heavenly Father and we can abide in Him.
Mankind fell from the glory of our original creation when we turned away from God in the Garden of Eden. We've been living with the consequences of our rebellion ever since. But God has promised to a restoration. Past episode: https://lorialtebaumer.com/podcast/healed-hearts/
We are still on the subject of God's glory, and in this episode we're talking about what it looks like in us as Believers. It brings us new life and intimacy with our Creator. It shapes our behavior and our choices, and equips us to navigate through times of suffering. But most beautiful of all, it moves us to worship with a pure heart.
The glory of God is evidenced by everything around us in the natural world. But it also exists in the wonder and awesomeness of His desire to be in relationship with us. Are we attuned to His glory as we experience the details of life? Connect with us: www.lorialtebaumer.com/podcast mymorningswithjesusandjoe@gmail.com
What is the glory of God? How do we experience it and why does it matter to God anyway?
There is power in prayer, but that power doesn't originate with us. It's not the words we used, when or where we pray, or even the strength of our faith. God alone is the source of power in our prayers.
This is an encore presentation of Season 1 Episode 003.
We learned the 5Ws--Who, What, When, Where, & Why--in grade school. But there is a practical application for them in our prayers as well. Considering the answers to these five little words can have a big impact on our prayers.
Like an infant who knows to cry when they are hungry, we pray because we know--even subconsciously--that's how we reach our Heavenly Father. Prayer is the gift of communication given by God that we might speak to Him. Satan doesn't have to keep us from praying. He only needs to keep our prayers shallow. But God promises so much more when we choose to communicate with Him.
Sometimes walking with God is not our top desire when we encounter Jesus. We are like the rich young ruler who comes running to Jesus because we want what He offers. But then we find out what it will cost. Even after we've counted the cost, though, and taken up our cross to follow Him, there is still that pesky word "walk" when what we really want to do is run. In a world that says "hurry", God says "walk."
Feelings aren't facts. When we allow our feelings to establish our thoughts, rather than seeking the truth, we can miss the mark on identifying the real problem that may be causing us angst. Sometimes it takes others to help us sort out truth from feeling by seeing when our thoughts are headed in the wrong direction. But by taking our thoughts captive, we can along them with the truth of God's word. Only then can we get to the true root of the issue and be able to resolve it with sound judgment....
Obedience starts with a single first step and from it can come things far beyond our expectations--far beyond anything we can think to hope for. But like Moses heading to the burning bush, we have to take that first step. Other resources mentioned in this episode: https://lorialtebaumer.com/faith/ready-or-not/#fullpost Pilgrim's Promise by John Bunyan Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans Connect with us: www.lorialtebaumer.com/podcast mymorningswithjesusandjoe@gmail.com Facebook @LoriAltebau...
We won't overcome Satan's attacks by giving him all the credit for everything that happens in out life. The truth is that we live in a broken world where things happen. We have a choice to seek God's face, knowing everything is Father filtered, or we can glorify the devil be giving him all the credit. They Means War
Just like knowing we need to take a dietary supplement won't help us until we not only take, but digest it, neither will knowing we need to read the Bible help us spiritually until we not only read, but digest it. Three simple questions can help us: What? So what? Now What? Planting a Vineyard: What the Proverbs 31 Woman Teaches Us Prayers Before Reading Your Bible JKM & Associates Mindset Coaching...
We may have a wide group of friends, but the Bible has something to teach us about the qualities we should find in our closest friends. In this episode, we discuss seven verses that can guise us into stronger, deeper, more impactful friendships while helping us move away from those that might be harmful. Links to past episode mentioned: Friendship? Why Our Closest Friends Matter Intercessory Prayer Connect with us: mymorningswithjesusandjoe.com...
Our gifts, His Glory! Each of us has a gift that is bestowed upon us by God. And we are to use this gift to bless His Kingdom and glorify Him. So aren't more people doing this? Connect with us at mymorningswithjesusandjoe@gmail.com
We may not know the day or hour, but God's message to be prepared is clear. In this episode we'll talk about what it looks like to be prepared for Christ's return? mymorningswithjesusandjoe@gmail.com
The new year brings about new resolutions aimed at improving our self or our lives--a new you. But can they really bring the change we long for, the change we need? In this episode we discuss some common goals, what they fall short even when we succeed, and the most important question we can ask ourselves when setting our new year's resolutions. Additional resources: All It Takes Is A Goal Resources for Bible Study Connect with us: www.lorialtebaumer.com/podcast mymorningswithjesusandjoe@gmail.c...
Everything about the Christmas holiday fills us with a sense of anticipation. But too often the day after Christmas leaves us feelingly down because we've misdirected to focus of our anticipation. Matthew 2:9 Read more about Christmas anticipation here . Connect with us: www.lorialtebaumer.com/podcast mymorningswithjesusandjoe@gmail.com Facebook @LoriAltebaumerWrites Instagram @Lori_Altebaumer Additional Resources List...
What does it mean to be ready in season and out? God gives us plenty of examples while we travel. Additional Content: Priorities, Interruptions, and The Joy of the Holidays What Does It Mean to be Salt and Light, Part 1 What Does It Mean to be Salt and Light, Part 2 Connect with us: www.lorialtebaumer.com/podcast mymorningswithjesusandjoe@gmail.com Facebook @LoriAltebaumerWrites Instagram @Lori_Altebaumer Additional Resources List...
What makes the Bible special above all other written documents, records, and accounts? And how do we know it's trustworthy? In this episode we'll talk about these questions and more as we discuss the miraculous creation of the one book that is foundational to every thing we think, experience, and do.
https://lorialtebaumer.com/podcast/the-heart-of-a-man/ https://lorialtebaumer.com/podcast/qa-part-2-doing-life-well/ https://lorialtebaumer.com/podcast/the-power-of-words/ https://5lovelanguages.com/
We live in a world where enough is never enough. Knowing how that sets us up for hard times is the first step in finding freedom from our continual desire for more. There is only one thing we can't get enough of and that's Jesus.
Human beings are destined for worship. Not to be worshiped, but to worship. We all worship something—even if that something is ourselves. It is a uniquely human thing to worship, but where does this desire come from? For Believers who know and recognize the Creator and His creation, we understand this desire was intentionally built into the DNA of who we are. God gave us the desire to worship so we wouldn’t lose sight of who we are and Whose we are. We owe everything to God, and through our wors...
Unshakeable The acorns are falling this time of year where I live, and we are experiencing an abundant crop. These little round objects often accumulate in places making walking there treacherous, like walking on ice. We have to choose our steps wisely, and we must clean away the acorns that are creating a fall hazard. This world is being shaken, but are we? As followers of Christ, we shouldn’t be. Psalm 55:22 tells us that God will never let the righteous be shaken. And these are the words of K...
Even a good thing can be a bad thing when it becomes an idol. In Ezekiel 14:4-5, God warns His people about the idols they create in their hearts, saying “they are all estranged from Me by their idols.” This is what an idol—any idol—does. It takes the place of God in our hearts and redirects the worship that should be for Him alone to someone or something else. Wealth, power, and popularity are obvious no-nos when it comes to idols. Though they too can creep in so subtly we may be caught unaware...