Spiritual Drift, Part 2
Here are six signs of spiritual drift: Your interest in God's Word will decrease You spend less time praying You stop worshiping with one another You don't give the minimum of a tithe to God You never talk to anybody about Jesus You don't feel close to God anymore Previous episodes: Drawing Near to God Prayer: Getting Unstuck Drift Away Order my newest book here: Beneath the Broken Oak...
God wants us to seek him and Christ not only for our salvation but also for the storms of this life! Hindsight and to remember means we are able to look back and consider past events. Look at all the promises in God's word that He has made and kept. God cannot lie, He always keeps His promises. Look back over your own life for confirmation of His goodness and grace. Pray for God to give you eyes to see back in your past Look at your past blessings Look at your trials and growth – Psalm 121:12 Re...
There is danger in not knowing or believing in your worth to God. We must believe infGod's promise that once you have accepted Christ as your savior, nothing can seperate you from Him.
I have heard it said many times and have said it myself many times that some of our actions and habits are from generational curses. However, I have come to learn that it is not really accurate. The truth is that what we are really dealing with is learned response behavior. Here's an example. I watched adults, mainly my dad, and where they turned when things weren't going their way. As a young boy watching adults who are stressed, grab a bottle of alcohol or drink way too many beers one after an...
New mystery book releasing Feb 22. Beneath the Broken Oak deals with issues of identity, forgiveness, and finding healling. Order Beneath the Broken Oak The Prgression: A Book of Poetry by Nikki Herrin...
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, Colossians 3:23 Purpose. The thing at the root of so many of our New Year’s Resolutions and goals. We think we might have been created for more, and we assume that purpose is buried somewhere at the end of a long list of things we can accomplish to find it: learn a new language, run a marathon, choose a new career, get out of debt. Our purpose isn’t what we do, but how we do it. When we give praise t...
Financial Stewardship Part 2 Last week we discussed 4 basic points about money 1. Money is dangerous 2. Money is limited 3. Money is valuable 4. Money is like water And we must remember this one thing Its all God's anyway, God is the owner and we are the managers! This week we will discuss 4 principles associated with money and financial stewardship 1. Give faithfully (Proverbs 22:4) We are not to let appetite and anxiety rule us We should trust God (Proverbs 3:9) 2. Work diligently (Proverb...
Financial Stewardship Part 1 - 4 Basic Points Money is dangerous Money is limited Money is valuable Money is like water Key verses: Proverbs 18:10 Proverbs 23:5 Proverbs 15:14 Proverbs 22:7 Proverbs 8:18 Proverbs 9:18 Link: https://lorialtebaumer.com/podcast/do-we-have-margin/ https://www.gotquestions.org/managing-finances.html...
1. Epiphany · celebrates the magi’s visit to the Christ · kept on January 6 and also called “Three Kings’ Day” and “Twelfth Day · means “manifestation” or “revelation.” Celebrates the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, represented by the magi (the wisemen/mago were Gentiles · Simeon’s prophecy in Luke 2:32 - a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel. · For some, Epiphany also commemorates other manifestations of Christ’s divinity to the world o His baptism...
A godly rut is still a rut. But what is the difference between a routine and a rut?
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We can move forward with confidence when God's Word is our path.
God's word clearly commands us to tend the Garden and to love our neighbors. Our obedience requires us to be active participants in the governments over us, and this requires that we also vote, basing our choices on the biblical standards set forth in Scripture. Biblical Citizenship https://youtu.be/iHp1tdsjte0? si=Aex5I8PSR8hLPvV https://youtu.be/jAAWC_UROoA? si=vLlT0yis7JVDToE4 https://youtu.be/Wby2vRj2FbU? si=Tj4mVhDY-O9rVTTU...
Running with a team is like living the Christian life. We are all a part of one body and the body finished the race together.
The Christian life isn't the promise of an easy life, but we do have the promise we'll never walk it alone. Link to Jonathan Isaac talk: https://youtu.be/n_Rk6T9LPY8? si=40A_aJguTQVREuxi
Our passion for the Lord should be like a fire, but the flames must be fanned to keep them burning.
In this episode we continue our discussion on how to be a witness with some practical tips for sharing our witness in ways that connect and impact the lives of others.
Are we prepared to give the reason for our faith? How can we gain the confidence to try?
Nehemiah is a model and an encouragement for us when we follow Christ into doing our Father's work.
Each piece of the Armor of God serves an irreplaceable role in the life of the Believer. Christians need to be intentional about applying the whole armor to be victorious.
Christians aren't called to go it alone. There are good reasons to surround ourselves with true friends.
In a culture bent on changing the meaning of words to make their message more palatable, how can the words of our testimony remain God honoring? Some words have already fallen in value by being misapplied, misused, or even just overused. Some have had their meaning stolen to be replaced with only a fuzzy shadow of what they were meant to convey.
When we answer Jesus' invitation to "follow me," we can expect a life of adventure. We truly do get to "come and see."
We are commanded to leave the edge of our fields unharvested, but in a society that never seems to have enough, we often neglect this command. In this episode we are talking about how and where we need to be diligent in protecting our margin. https://www.truenorth.live/ podcast/episode/39a2ffe0/ tears-of-pain-to-tears-of-joy- joe-altebaumer https://www.truenorth.live/ podcast/episode/e2cb45b4/ tears-of-pain-to-tears-of-joy- part-2-joe-altebaumer https://open.spotify.com/episode/3vkyz9N6pWnpL5ceQ...