Россия на самом деле дружит с Китаем? Сегодня поговорим об этом и выучим много интересных слов и выражений. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian m...
Jul 11, 2024•36 min•Ep 283•Transcript available on Metacast Рассказываю про странные занятия моего детства, которое проходило в конце 90-х и начале нулевых. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficie...
Jul 03, 2024•36 min•Ep 282•Transcript available on Metacast Говорим про стресс на русском языке. Эпизод подкаста про осеннюю хандру. Здесь можете найти статью. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more effi...
Jun 25, 2024•44 min•Ep 281•Transcript available on Metacast Я случайно открыл для себя целый новый мир... Что же это такое? Давайте узнаем! ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Jun 18, 2024•33 min•Ep 280•Transcript available on Metacast Рассказываю историю одной моей неудачи, которая обернулась... удачей:) ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Jun 10, 2024•33 min•Ep 279•Transcript available on Metacast Говорим о критике СССР в рок песнях времён Перестройки. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
May 28, 2024•45 min•Ep 278•Transcript available on Metacast Что значит "галопом по Европам"? И в плюсы и минусы путешествий в компании. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with M...
May 22, 2024•26 min•Ep 277•Transcript available on Metacast Как выглядит жизнь русских за границей ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
May 14, 2024•36 min•Ep 276•Transcript available on Metacast Учим русский вместе с песней "Лесник" группы "Король и Шут" ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
May 08, 2024•41 min•Ep 275•Transcript available on Metacast Говорим о Павле Дурове, соцсетях и интервью Такеру Карлсону. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Apr 30, 2024•48 min•Ep 274•Transcript available on Metacast Рассказываю о своих работах и зарплатах в России. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Apr 23, 2024•42 min•Ep 273•Transcript available on Metacast Говорим про баланс в жизни и "золотую середину". ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Apr 16, 2024•42 min•Ep 272•Transcript available on Metacast Расскажу про то, что я ел у бабушки, а что в городе, когда был маленьким. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Apr 09, 2024•39 min•Ep 271•Transcript available on Metacast Сегодня будем практиковать будущее время. Поговорим о том, кем я вижу себя через 5 лет :) ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently wi...
Apr 02, 2024•30 min•Ep 270•Transcript available on Metacast Расскажу 2 истории, которые дают понять как прошли выборы президента РФ в 2024. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Mar 26, 2024•49 min•Ep 269•Transcript available on Metacast Расскажу про одну скандальную "голую вечеринку" и про реакцию общества и государства. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficien...
Mar 20, 2024•47 min•Ep 268•Transcript available on Metacast Место, которое мне очень напомнило Россию :) ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Mar 13, 2024•26 min•Ep 267•Transcript available on Metacast Идём в поход, учим новые слова и практикуем настоящее время! :) Что может быть лучше? ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with M...
Mar 07, 2024•32 min•Ep 266•Transcript available on Metacast Мои воспинания о детстве в России. Что я делал зимой у бабушки. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Feb 27, 2024•48 min•Ep 265•Transcript available on Metacast Сегодня я отвечаю на вопрос нашего подписчика по имени Marcin и говорю то, что думаю на тему возможности (или невозможности) распада России. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies...
Feb 21, 2024•41 min•Ep 264•Transcript available on Metacast Нашей дочке Сабрине исполнился год. Как прошло наше второе полугодие с ребенком? В этом выпуске мы с моей женой Юлей делимся своими мыслями и опытом. Выпуск про первое полугодие: https://www.russianwithmax.com/237-how-much-a-child-changes-your-life-dialogue-with-yulia/ ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaini...
Feb 14, 2024•28 min•Ep 263•Transcript available on Metacast В этом выпуске вы услышите небольшой фантастический рассказ на русском, а после этого я предлагаю вам порефлексировать и ответить на вопрос. Вопрос будет в конце подкаста:) Жду ваших ответов! ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on yo...
Feb 07, 2024•20 min•Ep 262•Transcript available on Metacast Что неожиданного и интересного происходит на президентских выборах в России в 2024. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max...
Jan 31, 2024•48 min•Ep 261•Transcript available on Metacast Что я больше всего люблю в России? ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► Join our membersh...
Jan 25, 2024•47 min•Ep 260•Transcript available on Metacast Размышляю о вопросе, который занимает умы россиян долгие-долгие годы. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Jan 19, 2024•45 min•Ep 259•Transcript available on Metacast Рассказываю о моём самом опасном путешествии в жизни. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Jan 12, 2024•47 min•Ep 258•Transcript available on Metacast Get 30% discount coupon for all www.russianwithmax.com products: RWM2024 (valid until 01/01/2024) New Year's YouTube live show: https://youtube.com/live/dtm7InIRsu8 ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand re...
Dec 28, 2023•40 min•Ep 257•Transcript available on Metacast Мое субъективное сравнение жизни в Аргентине и России. ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► ...
Dec 21, 2023•46 min•Ep 256•Transcript available on Metacast Оля - учитель русского языка. Она начала учиться на французском без знания франзуского Оо... Как у неё это получилось? Какие советы она может дать изучающим русский? Узнаем в этом выпуске:) Как найти Олю? Инстраграм: @refreecula Почта: olga.akhtanova@gmail.com ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words ...
Dec 11, 2023•37 min•Ep 255•Transcript available on Metacast Говорим о водных путешествиях... и не только:) ----- This podcast is for learning Russian (A2\lower intermediate and above). My goal is to get you involved in the Russian language through interesting, fun, educational, and controversial topics. I speak clear and slow, explaining words in Russian to build your strong Russian foundation and help you on your way to understand real Russian (TV-shows, movies, podcasts, etc). Learn Russian more efficiently with Max: ► Join our ...
Dec 05, 2023•24 min•Ep 254•Transcript available on Metacast