EP1008: The Mystery of the Letter, Part Two
Lois flies to Paris at her sister's request and finds her sister's gone. Original Air Date: August 17, 1948
Lois flies to Paris at her sister's request and finds her sister's gone. Original Air Date: August 17, 1948
Lois receives a letter from her sister telling her she's got a great story and is flying into Metropolis, however when Lois goes to the airport, her sister is nowhere to be found. Original Air Date: August 16, 1948
Now that Jim knows the Secret of the Genie will he live to regret it? Original Air Date: August 13, 1948
Jimmy goes to a rendevouz with the genie that promises immortality while Clark searches for him before its too late. Original Air Date: August 12, 1948
Jimmy tries to get away from Lois while Clark rushes back to Metropolis but about the likely motive behind the genie's appearances. Original Air Date: August 11, 1948
Clark charges Lois with watching Jimmy while he investigates his recent "good luck" which Clark believes may actually mask an attempt at murder. Original AIr Date: August 10, 1948
Clark warns something's dangerous about Jimmy's spate of luck while Jimmy prepares to press it for another big story. Original AIr Date: August 9, 1948
Jimmy pursues robbers in Lois' Car on a tip from the genie. Original Air Date: August 6, 1948
Jimmy Olsen is given a chance to make another wish. Original Air Date: August 5, 1948 After the show Adam Graham celebrates 1000 episodes of the podcast with conversation with former Guest Hosts Nathan Caldwell and W. Blaine Dowler.
Superman has to save Jimmy Olsen from an exploding Sewer. Original Air Date: August 4, 1948
The Genie has a tip for Jimmy to become a great reporter. Original AIr Date: August 3, 1948
Jimmy receives a strange visitor who gives him an even stranger gift. Original AIr Date: August 2, 1948
Superman v. Butcher Stark: The final showdown. Original Air Date: July 30, 1948
Superman tracks down Butcher Stark for the final showdown. Original Air Date: July 29, 1948
The Scarlet Widow prepares to get rid of Butcher Stark. Original Air Date: July 28, 1948
Superman's efforts to capture the Scarlet Widow and Butcher Stark are thwarted. Original Air Date: July 27, 1948
The Scarlet Widow begins a massive plan to take over the gangs as Superman begins a more determined pursuit. Original Air Date: July 26, 1948
Superman sets out a more proactive search for Butcher Stark Original Air Date: jly 23, 1948
Can Superman save Dick Grayson by flying him into the Stratosphere? Original Air Date: July 22, 1948
Robin is in trouble in Chicago. Original Air Date: July 21, 1948
Superman is hit with high powered soundwaves to prepare for a rematch with Butcher Stark. Original Air Date: September 20, 1948
Clark has to convince Perry and Lois of the danger of Butcher Stark and the power of sound. Original Air Date: July 9, 1948
Superman has a clue and flies to a rematch with Butcher Stark. Original Air Date: July 16, 1948
There's new clue in the murder in the Butcher Stark---a bank vault that's been blown away. Original AIr Date: July 15, 1948
Butcher Stark has disappeared and the man he had a grudge against is dead. Original Air Date: July 14, 1948
Superman and Batman try to keep their search for Butcher Stark on the down low.
Butcher Stark defeats Superman. Can anyone stop him? Original Air Date: July 12, 1948
Superman closes in on a killer whose gotten strange new powers. Will he be too tough for the Man of Steel. Original Air Date: July 9, 1940
A killer has acquired awesome powers and escaped. Original Air Date: July 8, 1948
Clark Kent is dragged from his bed by Bruce Wayne with news of a strange happening at a laboratory. Original Air Date: July 7, 1948