Ep. 17: Millions of people disagree with your political views. That doesn't make them moral monsters.
I am not a fascist. I am not a communist. I just disagree with you.
I am not a fascist. I am not a communist. I just disagree with you.
Make no mistake: Donald Trump is a boorish, megalomaniacal ignoramus sporting the worst bouffant in the Western hemisphere. But he also represents something rare: truth in advertising.
Trading tattoos for grades? Yup, guilty.
Ban dumb baby names!
Jessica Fletcher is not just the star of your grandmother's favorite show. She is a phenomenon.
On the dark side of democracy
What was it all for?
Tatum's next role is a mermaid. Nothing could be more perfect.
On House of Cards , Shakespeare, and the release of catharsis
I'm a progressive millennial feminist — and no, I'm still not ready for Hillary the Hawk
The 2016 race has seen a flood of ghostwriters and speechwriters peeking out from behind the curtain to remind us of their existence — and that these are not your politician's words
Kermit the frog used to be a real jerk
An audio picture of what the country was like when Hillary Clinton was growing up.
The Republican Party burned its bench in 2016. There's a better way to run primaries.
America's greatest innovation might be preservation
New data suggests a degree is no longer an automatic ticket to the good life
Autonomous robots might sound scary, but in the future, they could actually prevent a lot of unnecessary deaths
Seven-Minute Opinions are intellectually rigorous, ideologically diverse, and entertaining. As the name suggests, Seven-Minute Opinions pack big ideas into a short amount of time and promise to challenge, inspire, and get you thinking about a range of points of view that you may or may not agree with. Coming soon!