Ep. 77: What the Star Wars 'who-shot-first' controversy tells us about modern-day fandom
We live in an age in which audiences simply reject a filmmaker's explanation of what happens in his movie. For more, visit TheWeek.com/Podcasts
We live in an age in which audiences simply reject a filmmaker's explanation of what happens in his movie. For more, visit TheWeek.com/Podcasts
Christmas isn't always merry. Here's how to deal with grief over the holidays. For more, visit TheWeek.com/Podcasts
The left has found the perfect medium for its message. For more, visit TheWeek.com/Podcasts
A Frenchman's ode to this quintessential American holiday. For more, visit TheWeek.com/Podcasts
The generation charmingly called "America's neglected middle child" could save Washington ... if we hurry.
Nothing builds social cohesion like a call for shared sacrifice. For more, visit TheWeek.com/Podcasts
The things we imagine can often be scarier than anything seen on screen.
October is the best month of the year. If you disagree, you are wrong. For more, visit TheWeek.com/Podcasts
The Second Amendment isn't here to defend gun-right absolutists. For more, visit TheWeek.com/Podcasts
Baseball teams aren't even battling for wild card spots anymore. That's a problem. For more, visit TheWeek.com/Podcasts.
Canada has constructed a workable liberal nationalism in the age of mass-migration and populist backlash. Can America learn from it? For more, visit TheWeek.com/Podcasts
There's a season for everything, so chill out with those pumpkins. Read more at TheWeek.com/Podcasts
The rise of the political she-ro. For more, check out TheWeek.com/Podcasts
It's the poor who will suffer most when bus travel is neglected. For more, visit TheWeek.com/podcasts
This episode is dedicated to all the insomniacs out there. That inky swamp of panic you live in? Banished by Kelsey Grammer's soothing voice and plush neuroses. For more, check out TheWeek.com/Podcasts
During the Great Depression, the government created thousands of jobs for the unemployed. James Pethokoukis explains why that would never work today. For more, visit TheWeek.com/podcasts
Free speech absolutists are ignoring history. Find more at TheWeek.com/podcasts
How Trump exposes a dangerous problem at the heart of American government. Read more at TheWeek.com/podcasts.
America has become a lost, exhausted superpower. And it may well get much, much worse.
Stressing out over paperwork is one of the signature features of modern life. Sometimes it's necessary — like when you're buying a car. But a lot of it, especially anything connected with government programs, could easily be avoided.
Just 36 percent of Americans have a passport, and I get it — some people, just don’t care for traveling. But for those like me, who want to cross places off their to-do list and just need a little push, we need to ignore that feeling of hesitation and go for it. Read more about this story at TheWeek.com/Podcasts
Every birth is a miracle. Every child is made beautifully in the image of God. It's as simple as that.
He does not care enough about the American presidency to give up his business for it
There's a very good reason nearly half of American colonists didn't take sides during the Revolutionary War. Read more at TheWeek.com/Podcasts
We need to stop glorifying this form of birth control and instead help women get better access to reproductive health care.
I'm going on vacation without my kids, and I can't wait. Don't judge me.
If you're at all concerned with what your lawmakers are doing on Capitol Hill, C-SPAN should be your lifeblood.
In light of the Paris (dis)agreement, Ryan Cooper resurrects a bold solution to combat America's catastrophic global warming — wage war on climate change.
Since 1911, the country has added more than 200 million citizens to its population, and yet the size of the House of Representatives has stayed relatively fixed. Today, each House member represents, on average, more than 700,000 citizens. It's time for this to change.
She'd hoped to play alongside the boys. The boys had other ideas.