A/Prof Sethu Subha discusses sensorineural hearing loss and diabetes with Dr. Rithvik Reddy.
A/Prof Nigel Biggs discusses acoustic neuroma with Dr. Agustina Lagioia.
Dr Rithvik Reddy discusses Epiphora and DCR with Professor Raymond Sacks.
Dr Marco Raftopuos and Professor Wytske Fokkens discuss the use of biologics in patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis.
Professor Robin Cotton and Dr Niall Jefferson talk about the history and future of paediatric open airway reconstruction.
Dr Niall Jefferson speaks with Dr Stacey Ishman about non OSA sleep disorders. Dr Ishman is an Associate Professor and current Director of the Upper Airway Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center.
Dr Nicholas Jufas interviews Dr Dave Pothier, a Staff Otologist & Neurotologist in the Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery at Toronto General Hospital, and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. He has a strong interest in clinical and translational research and has published and presentented extensively. In...
Dr. Nicholas Jufas speaks with Professor Thomas Balkany, an otolaryngologist and neurotologist specializing in cochlear implantation. He is the Hotchkiss Endowment Distinguished Professor and Chairman Emeritus in the Department of Otolaryngology and Professor of Neurological Surgery and Pediatrics at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He holds 14...
Dr Nicholas Jufas interviews Professor Manohar Bance, an Otologist and Neurotologist and Head of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at QEII Health Services Centre and Dalhousie University in Halifax. He is Director of the EAR lab, a middle ear mechanics laboratory at Dalhousie University. The interview covers the basics principles in...
In this podcast, Dr Niall Jefferson interviews Dr Gregory Postma, an international leader in the diagnosis and management of dysphagia. The discussion defines the symptom and elaborates on the history, exam and relevant investigations. We close with a discussion on current and future directions for diagnosis and management of this...
Dr Niall Jefferson sits down with Dr Dan Choo, current director of the division of pediatric otolaryngology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and medical center to discuss Congenital aural atresia. The discussion covers incidence, clinical examination and physical examination pearls of the CAA patient as well as operative candidates, tips and...
Dr Nicholas Jufas interviews Professor Michael Seidman, Director of the Division of Otologic/Neurotologic Surgery at the Henry Ford Health System in Bloomfield, Michigan. He is also the Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine and Professor at Wayne State University. He is the past chair of the Board of Governors...
In this podcast Dr Niall Jefferson sits down again with Dr Phillip Chang an ENT surgeon based in Sydney to discuss bone anchored devices. The discussion covers typical presentation, standard workup, relevant investigations and the pros and cons of different implant devices as well as expanding technologies and future directions.
Dr. Niall Jefferson talks Thyroid Nodules with Dr. Faruque Riffat
Dr Nicholas Jufas interviews Dr Nirmal Patel. The interview covers the definition, workup and prognosis and treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss, as well as salvage treatment and management options and future directions.
Dr. Niall Jefferson discusses the evolving trends in Cochlear implantation with Dr. Phillip Chang
Dr Niall Jefferson talks with Associate Professor Jeffery Koempel about thyroglossal duct remnants. They discuss its origins, presentation and relevant investigations in particular the role of imaging. The surgical management covers the key tips and pitfalls especially when managing the supra-hyoid area.
Dr Niall Jefferson interviews Dr Stephen Cooper, a radiation oncologist and current chair of the multi-disciplinary Head and Neck cancer meeting at St Vincent’s hospital in Sydney on the topic of radiotherapy for metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. The discussion covers the basics of radiotherapy, current...
Dr. Nicholas Jufas interviews Prof. Daniele Marchioni, an ENT surgeon based in Verona, Italy. He is a founding member of the International Working Group on Endoscopic Ear Surgery (IWGEES). Prof Marchioni has recently published the first textbook on the technique - "Endoscopic Ear Surgery: Principles, Indications and Techniques". The interview...
Professor Paul Fagan is one of Australia's most influential skull base surgeons. In this interview we discuss canal wall up and canal wall down surgery, the role of the facial nerve monitor as well as pre and post operative considerations. It is important to note that the bulk of Professor...
Dr Niall Jefferson interviews Associate Professor Gerald Fogarty a leading global expert on cutaneous melanoma
Dr Jefferson talks with Melisha Sirisena, a paediatric audiologist about hearing loss in children. The discussion covers newborn hearing screening, the age-appropriate tests to assess hearing, as well as future directions for audiology. This podcast is a comprehensive discussion on hearing in the paediatric population.
Dr Sean Flannagan and Niall Jefferson talk Glomus tumours which are a vascular tumour that can affect the head and neck.