The parables of Jesus force a choice for his listeners. Will they embrace the upside-down value system of the Kingdom of God, or will they refuse to participate in the party? In this episode, Tim and Jon discuss two additional themes of the parables. View full show notes and images from this episode → Show Music Defender Instrumental by Tents Late Night Driving by Broke In Summer Morning Station by Tokyo Music Walker Collages by Sleepy Fish Show produced by Dan Gummel Powered and distributed by ...
Apr 06, 2020•53 min•Ep 189•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus often used parables as a means of indirect communication to critique and dismantle his listener’s views of the world in order to show them the true nature of God’s Kingdom. In this episode, Tim and Jon talk about the role of the parables in persuading listeners through subversive critique. View full show notes from this episode → Additional Resources Klyne Snodgrass, Stories with Intent , 8-9. Robert Farrar Capon, Kingdom, Grace, Judgment in the Parables of Jesus , 5-7. Our video, How to R...
Mar 30, 2020•1 hr 4 min•Ep 188•Transcript available on Metacast Many of Jesus’ parables sound oddly similar to the parables of the prophets. This isn’t coincidence. Jesus saw himself as fulfilling the role of a prophet to Israel’s leaders. In this episode, Tim and Jon discuss the parables as part of Jesus’ prophetic role to Israel. View full show notes and images from this episode → Additional Resources Craig L. Blomberg, Interpreting the Parables . N. T. Wright, Jesus and the Victory of God , 180-181. Show Music Third Floor by Greyflood Conversation by Brok...
Mar 23, 2020•1 hr 15 min•Ep 187•Transcript available on Metacast In this interview with Dr. Carmen Imes, Tim and Jon discuss the command, “Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.” What does this mean? Carmen discusses how many people miss the point of this commandment all about who we are and what we’re called to do. View full show notes and images from this episode → This month, we launched Classroom—free online graduate-level courses from BibleProject. Learn more and sign up for the beta at Resources Carmen Imes, Bearing Go...
Mar 19, 2020•56 min•Ep 186•Transcript available on Metacast View full show notes and images from this episode → Resources N. T. Wright, Simply Jesus: A New Vision of Who He Was, What He Did, and Why He Matters , 87-88. Our video on How to Read the Parables of Jesus Show Music: Defender Instrumental by Tents When I Was A Boy by Tokyo Music Walker Oyasumi by Smith the Mister Velocities by Sleepy Fish Show Produced by Dan Gummel. Learn more about BibleProject at Powered and distributed by Simplecast....
Mar 16, 2020•1 hr 12 min•Ep 185•Transcript available on Metacast View full show notes and images from this episode → Watch our video on the Tree of Life. Resources: Dr. Crispin Fletcher-Louis Jewish Apocalyptic and Apocalypticism Show Music: Defender Instrumental: Tents Show Produced by Dan Gummel Powered and distributed by Simplecast....
Mar 09, 2020•1 hr 5 min•Ep 184•Transcript available on Metacast View full show notes and images from this episode → Watch our video on the Tree of Life. Take our first class for free at Resources R. Riesner, “Archeology and Geography,” ed. Joel B. Green, Jeannine K. Brown, and Nicholas Perrin, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels , Second Edition , 55. Music Defender Instrumental: Tents Scream Pilots: Moby Ambedo: Too North Reminiscing: No Spirit Chillhop daydreams 2 Show produced by Dan Gummel. Powered and distributed by Simplecast....
Mar 02, 2020•1 hr 20 min•Ep 183•Transcript available on Metacast View full show notes from this episode → Watch our Tree of Life video. Resources R. T. France, The Gospel of Matthew Leon Morris, The Gospel according to Matthew Music Defender Instrumental by Tents Show produced by Dan Gummel. Powered and distributed by Simplecast....
Feb 24, 2020•52 min•Ep 181•Transcript available on Metacast King David sets up a new Eden in Jerusalem, but the people continue to set up false Edens in high places. How will God respond, and when will he raise up the seed who will usher in a new Eden? The book of Isaiah brings these themes together and points us to God’s answer. View full show notes and images from this episode → Resources Holiness (theme video) Music Defender Instrumental by Tents Euk's First Race by David Gummel All Night by Unwritten Stories For When It's Warmer by Sleepy Fish Show p...
Feb 17, 2020•53 min•Ep 180•Transcript available on Metacast The story of Moses repeats key themes from the stories of the garden, Noah, and Abraham. Moses and Israel both face tests before trees on high places, and Moses takes the act of sacrifice one step further. Listen in as Tim and Jon discuss Moses and the s’neh tree. View full show notes and images from this episode → Show Music Defender Instrumental by Tents Sundown by Aarbor x Aarigod Daylight by Jay Someday Coniferous by Kupla Show produced by Dan Gummel and Tim Mackie. Powered and distributed b...
Feb 10, 2020•1 hr 8 min•Ep 179•Transcript available on Metacast Why are moments of testing on high places often accompanied by sacrifice in the Bible? Why does the Eden story seem ambiguous about the number of trees in the garden? Were humans mortal when they were placed in the garden? Tim and Jon respond to these questions and more in this question and response episode. View full show notes and images from this episode → Music Defender Instrumental by Tents Show produced by Dan Gummel. Powered and distributed by Simplecast....
Feb 03, 2020•37 min•Ep 178•Transcript available on Metacast Noah and Abraham both face important tests before a tree on a high place. Their obedience and sacrifice opens the door for mercy and blessing, and their stories point us to a future hope of one who will overcome the tree of knowing good and bad and restore humanity. Listen in as Tim and Jon discuss Noah, Abraham, and their moments of decision at trees on high places. View full show notes and images from this episode → Resources Why Did God Ask Abraham to Sacrifice Isaac? Blog by Andy Patton Musi...
Jan 27, 2020•1 hr 9 min•Ep 177•Transcript available on Metacast View full show notes from this episode → Resources How to Read the Bible: The Books of Solomon Music Defender Instrumental by Tents Show produced by Dan Gummel. Powered and distributed by Simplecast.
Jan 20, 2020•50 min•Ep 176•Transcript available on Metacast View full show notes and images from this episode → Resources Bruce Waltke, An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach , 257 William Osborne, Trees and Kings: A Comparative Analysis of Tree Imagery in Israel’s Prophetic Tradition and the Ancient Near East. Terje Stordalen, Echoes of Eden Genesis 2-3 and Symbolism of the Eden Garden in Biblical Hebrew Literature. Charles Taylor, A Secular Age . Music Defender Instrumental by Tents Show produced by Dan Gummel. Power...
Jan 13, 2020•58 min•Ep 175•Transcript available on Metacast View full show notes → Resources Matthew Sleeth, Reforesting Faith George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, Metaphors We Live By Music Greyflood: A Moment, A Memory, A Beginning. John Williams: The Force Kyle McElvoy & Stan Forebee: Bloom KV: Bloc Defender Instrumental by Tents Show produced by Dan Gummel. Powered and distributed by Simplecast....
Jan 06, 2020•1 hr 7 min•Ep 174•Transcript available on Metacast Check out all we're up to in 2020 and beyond at . View our classroom beta at . And learn how you can join a growing family of supporters at Happy New Year! Theme Music: Defender Instrumental by Tents Show Produced By: Dan Gummel Powered and distributed by Simplecast....
Dec 31, 2019•18 min•Ep 173•Transcript available on Metacast QUOTE "The design of the wilderness narratives in the Torah are trying to tell us that the arrival in the promised land is an image of the future seventh day rest that is beyond.” KEY TAKEAWAYS The book of Hebrews is written to Messianic Jews who are extremely familiar with the Old Testament. Hebrews 3 is built around a long quote from Psalm 95, which is a psalm reflecting on Israel’s failure to enter into the promised land of rest. Israel rebelled seven times against the Lord in the wilderness....
Dec 30, 2019•58 min•Ep 172•Transcript available on Metacast QUOTE "We're getting into the scandal that Jesus represented—which wasn’t offering an alternative religion; it was saying that he was bringing the whole storyline of the Scriptures to fulfillment." KEY TAKEAWAYS Jesus' claim to be "Lord of the Sabbath" was a key part of his understanding of his own identity. Jesus’ resurrection is literally and metaphorically the first dawning of a new week. He was literally raised on the first rays of a new week, and metaphorically, this represented Jesus and a...
Dec 23, 2019•1 hr 10 min•Ep 171•Transcript available on Metacast Tim and Jon Responded to these questions: David from Arizona (2:25) My question is, does the frequent occurrence of the number seven and the seventh day in Genesis, Exodus, and the rest of the Bible have more to do with the authors creating design patterns within the narrative to make theological claims? Or is it actually how God himself worked in history? Maybe these are synonymous, but I would love to hear your response. Ashley from Arizona (13:30) I have a question for you regarding Jesus' wo...
Dec 19, 2019•44 min•Ep 170•Transcript available on Metacast QUOTE "What Jesus is claiming is that the ultimate jubilee that the prophets pointed to has begun. Here it is. I’m doing it. It’s a massive claim." KEY TAKEAWAYS The Sabbath was a big deal to Jesus. He and the Jewish religious leaders often disagreed over what observing the Sabbath should actually mean. Jesus announced his public ministry at a synagogue on the Sabbath by reading from Isaiah 61, which is a prophecy about a future time of jubilee. Jesus claimed that he was fulfilling all that the ...
Dec 16, 2019•1 hr 15 min•Ep 169•Transcript available on Metacast QUOTE “Welcome to a fascinating industry in biblical scholarship. What we know is that every Jewish group that left a literary record, whether it’s the Qumran community, the Pharisees, the Zealots, and the early Christians—everyone is is talking about Daniel 9. And you can see why. It sets the clock." KEY TAKEAWAYS Daniel 9 and the passage commonly known as "The Seventy Sevens" is one of the most symbolically complex passages in the Bible and also has a wide range of scholarly interpretations su...
Dec 09, 2019•1 hr 5 min•Ep 168•Transcript available on Metacast KEY TAKEAWAYS The land is entitled to a Sabbath rest as a part of the Torah commandments. If Israel disobeys the Torah and does not allow the land to rest, they will be punished by God, including being sent into exile. Romans 8 is similar to Leviticus 26. The land (creation) is waiting for its release from bondage, which will occur when humans attain their release from their bondage. QUOTE “What we call the natural world in the biblical story is an existence with humans living at odds with our r...
Dec 02, 2019•44 min•Ep 167•Transcript available on Metacast QUOTE “Since it occurred usually only once a lifetime, an impoverished Israelite would spend most of his life anticipating this event of restoration. So when we get to Jesus and the Jesus movement, it was a jubilee movement. Jesus started his mission by reading from Isaiah 61. He said it’s the favorable year of the Lord, the year of release.” KEY TAKEAWAYS The Year of Jubilee in Leviticus 25 is one of the most radical ideas in the Bible. Every 50 years, every Israelite was supposed to return to ...
Nov 25, 2019•58 min•Ep 166•Transcript available on Metacast 7th Day Q+R 1 Sam from Ohio (1:55): “I've heard you use the phrase that the Hebrew authors are in conversation with their Canaanite neighbors. In the creation narratives, when the Hebrew authors use the word avodah —for slave labor or work—are they saying something significant to their Canaanite neighbors, who in some of their creation accounts claim that the gods created humans to be their slaves? Is the word avodah tied to a unique claim that the Hebrew authors are trying to make about the rel...
Nov 21, 2019•54 min•Ep 165•Transcript available on Metacast QUOTE “The Holy One, blessed be He, created seven ages, and of them all He chose the seventh age only, the six ages are for the going in and coming out (of God’s creatures) for war and peace. The seventh age is entirely Sabbath and rest in the life everlasting.” – Rabbi Eliezer KEY TAKEAWAYS The seven festivals or feasts in the Jewish sacred calendar are integral to understanding the theme of the seventh-day rest in the Bible. These feasts have symbolic meaning connecting back to the creation ac...
Nov 18, 2019•1 hr 7 min•Ep 164•Transcript available on Metacast QUOTE "The Sabbath is to time what the tabernacle and temple are to space: a cathedral in time. On the seventh day, we experience in time what the temple and tabernacle represented in spaces, which is eternal life with God in a complete creation." KEY TAKEAWAYS The building of the tabernacle in Exodus 40 has deep connections with the theme of seventh-day rest and the creation account in Genesis. The tabernacle is presented as a mini cosmos, brought into being by the seven acts of divine speech b...
Nov 11, 2019•57 min•Ep 163•Transcript available on Metacast QUOTE "Another layer of Genesis is that the first, the middle, and last day are all designed to show God creating structures of time. In the timing of the middle fourth day, God appoints the sun, moon and stars to rule over day and night, and they are to mark the moadim, the sacred feasts, the annual sacred feasts. So the whole sacred calendar of Israel that you’ll meet in Exodus and Leviticus is already baked into the story at the beginning of Genesis. (This is) sacred time." KEY TAKEAWAYS The ...
Nov 04, 2019•1 hr 7 min•Ep 162•Transcript available on Metacast QUOTE “So once [the fall] happened, we go to Genesis 3, and all of a sudden the ground that was the source of humanity’s life as a gift from God—‘cursed is the ground because of you.’ So all of a sudden, we’ve lost the seventh-day ideal and not attained it.” KEY TAKEAWAYS After the fall, there was a change in the fundamental nature of humanity’s work. Before the fall, it was enjoyable by default. After the fall, work becomes a task done for survival. God calls Abraham in Genesis 12 with a seven ...
Oct 28, 2019•1 hr 1 min•Ep 161•Transcript available on Metacast QUOTE “Genesis 1 isn’t just telling you about what type of world you’re living in; it’s showing you, as a Israelite reader, that your life of worship rhythms are woven into the fabric of the universe.” KEY TAKEAWAYS The idea of resting and the number seven are intimately connected in the Bible. In Genesis 1, the word or number "seven" has two key symbolic meanings: seven represents a full and complete world, and getting to seven is a linear journey from one to seven. The rhythm of practicing sab...
Oct 21, 2019•1 hr 5 min•Ep 160•Transcript available on Metacast SHOW DESCRIPTION The sabbath. Talking about it can be complicated and confusing, yet the biblical authors wrote about it a lot. So what’s it all about? The sabbath is more than an antiquated law. It’s about the design of time and the human quest for rest. The sabbath and seventh-day rest is one of the key themes that starts on page one of the Bible and weaves beautifully all the way through to the end. FAVORITE QUOTE “The seventh day is like a multifaceted gem. One of the main facets is the fabr...
Oct 14, 2019•57 min•Ep 159•Transcript available on Metacast