Don’t want to fly for the airlines? Fractional aviation explained
Avination, this is episode 239 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today we are answering all of your questions about Fractional aviation from pay to schedule to QOL.
Avination, this is episode 239 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today we are answering all of your questions about Fractional aviation from pay to schedule to QOL.
Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast, this is episode 238. Todays podcast is an AMA. I answer all your questions!
Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode 237. Todays episode was supposed to be released last Tuesday. But we had technical difficulties and it is not just being released. Maybe it works out for the best. Because my dad has shared his September 11th story.
Avination, welcome to episode 150 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast featuring, Diane Dollar. Find why Diane decided to join the Coast Guard, become a helicopter pilot, fixed wing pilot, sky diver. As you are listening to this episode you will fully understand why her Instagram name is Foreveronthefly and its safe to say, if it can fly, Diane can fly it. Happy Flying, Justin 2021 is the year of Patreon! Join today
Avination, welcome back to episode 236 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is a day in the life for my companies training. I explain what AQP is and how and why my company is able to use it being a 135, 91/91k operation!
Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. This is episode 235 featuring Captain Joe. Joe made the trip all the way from Germany to check out EAA AirVenture for the first time! S/O to Cirrus for letting us use their booth to record
Avination, episode 234 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast takes off now. Todays episode is with AOPAs ne training initiative AFTA. AFTA aka AOPA Flight Training Advantage is a structured training program for part 61 schools!
Avination, welcome back to episode 233 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with Cirrus CEO, Zean Nielsen. It was so great to talk with Zean and learn more about his story, and his plans for Cirrus.
Avination welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. This episode is the very first live podcast we have done. And I promise you it won’t be the last! AirVenture was a success, met some great new people and of course great to see old friends. Hope you enjoy this episode.
Avination, what is going on and welcome to episode 232 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with Ty Burlingham. Ty has an awesome story and has flown some amazing equipment and had crazy schedules. Think being gone for 330 days a year crazy.
Avination, have you ever wanted to know what it’s like to fly ag planes? Todays archived episode is for you. My buddy Reed Keahey comes on the podcast to share his story.
Avination, welcome to episode 230 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is a State of the Industry podcast with, Dr. Jim Higgins. In this episode we cover pay rates, future mergers and much more.
Avination, welcome back to episode 229 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, is an AMA episode make sure you follow Pilot to Pilot on Instagram so you can have your question answered next time!
Avination, welcome back to the pilot to pilot podcast. This is episode 228, a day in the life of a fractional pilot. Today I talk about a trip to the Bahamas and a trip to Costa Rica.
Avination, welcome back to episode 227 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with my buddy, Jason McDowell. You might know Jason by his IG profile, Cessnateur. No one is better at writing and presenting aviation facts and stories, I was honored to share his story and talk Aviation with him.
Avination, welcome back to episode 226 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with, Gulfstream and seaplane pilot, Chris Turner. Chris has an awesome story and one you won’t want to miss.
Avination, welcome back to episode 225 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with air show pilot, Kevin Coleman. This is a re release episode from a few years ago. Good news! The pod has been unloaded, Wi-Fi installed so here’s to some new episodes coming soon!
Driving from IL to NC will update later
Avination, welcome back to episode 223 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, we are talking with Airport Manager, Emily. You might know Emily from her IG account Emilyattheairport! This episode was a great one and it was so awesome to hear more about what it’s like to manage an airport.
Avination welcome back to episode 222 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays podcast is with Nick aka Jazz Pilot on Instagram. Find out why Nick left his dream corporate job for the airlines.. only to leave the airlines to come right back to corporate.
Ask me anything is live!!!
Avination, episode 220 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast takes off now! Today, I’m talking with Canadian corporate pilot and aviation photographer, Jan Jasinski!
Avination, welcome back to episode 219 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with Corporate Pilot, Claire Schindler. Find out how Claire build her hours and landed her dream job flying a Falcon all over the world!
Avination, welcome back to episode 218 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today we are talking with Maggie. Maggie is a current major airline pilot. Find out her path to becoming a major airline pilot!
Life of a Freight Dog
Welcome back to episode 216 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays is a look into what it was like flying Aerial Survey! If you’re interested in how pilots build their time, or want to skip CFI and fly Aerial Survey than this podcast is for you!
Avination, welcome back to episode 2-5 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is a gear episode. All about the gear I use on a daily basis with pros and cons. Linking full details later!
Avination, what is going on and welcome back to episode 214 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today I am bringing back one of my favorites, Mike Wagner. I interviewed Mike in 2017 while flying single pilot 135 freight. I remember this episode because I was using my cellphone as a hot spot in my hotel room that lost power.. Man, I do not miss my freight days ha. I hope you enjoy this episode! Justin
Avination, what is going on and welcome back to episode 213 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Todays episode is with my wife DOCTOR Christina Siems! If you enjoy this podcast make sure to let us know and make sure you leave a review and check out Pilot’s Coffee!
Episode 212 of the Pilot to Pilot featuring Nick Hoffman is live! Will update more info when I’m done flying today!