Alex Abad: Gulfstream Captain
Find out how Alex walked away from a career at Red Bull to land his dream job as a G-IV captain.
Find out how Alex walked away from a career at Red Bull to land his dream job as a G-IV captain.
Welcome to episode 65 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. In today's episode, we are talking with Jesse McClintock from Wing Swap. Wing Swap is aviation's fastest going marketplace.
How Joe became a 747 cargo pilot, and how he attained over 1,000,000 subscribers on Youtube.
Aviation podcast episode that aims to get more women into aviation.
Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode number 62! Today, I am talking with John Zimmerman from Sporty's Pilot Shop. In this episode, John and I talk about... How Sportys is just a collection of pilots that made a business. John talks about his earliest memory of aviation. How John grew up around aviation without realizing he could be a pilot. How the aviation industry isn’t the best at inviting new pilots in. John talks about his training. How John claims he made every mis...
Avination, have you ever wondered what it is like to fight fires in an airplane? Well, here is your chance to find out. Some of the things Chris and I talk about are... How Chris is a second generation pilot Aviation wasn’t his first career choice. Chris moved to North Carolina to pursue a career in racing. How a phone call from his dad convinced him to become a pilot. How he started out his aviation career by loading ag planes. Chris talks about timber season for ag pilots. Chris talks about hi...
Avination, this is episode 60 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast featuring Haraldur Diego aka Volcano Pilot. Haraldur and I have been trying to get this podcast recorded for a very long time. I was first introduced to Haraldur by Noah (@thectflyguy) and Pilot Maria. With only spending a few minutes on his Instagram page I knew he was someone that could inspire the Avination. In this episode, Haraldur and I talk about... Haraldur talks about how and why he got into aviation. Why Haraldur told himself ...
Avination, welcome back to episode 59 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast featuring Gene Reynolds. Gene has pretty much seen it all as a helicopter pilot. He has flown in the army (special ops) and as a civilian pilot in many facets. Some of the main topics Gene and I talk about are... How the movie Top Gun led him to want to become a military pilot How a medical issue messed up his flight slot for the military. How and why he joined the warrant officer flight program. Talk about the differences betwe...
Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode 58 featuring Reed Chuda. Reed is a currently building his time as an FO on the mighty PC12 aka baelatus. Some of the things we talk about on today's episode are. His Grandpa flew bombers in the Army. Reed’s brothers is a fighter pilot in the Navy. How aviation skipped a generation in their family. Reed talks about his support system while training. How the University of North Dakota flying camp helped Reed realize this is what he actu...
Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode 57 featuring Jim Sorsby aka Captain Moonbeam. Jim has an incredible story and it is one that you will not want to miss. Avination, I need your help, I want to get this podcast in as many pilots ears as possible. Make sure you are sharing this with all your aviation friends! Some of the things Jim and I talk about are... How Jim got hooked on Aviation. Why Jim convinced himself aviation was too expensive. Jim was 28 when he started his...
Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode 56 featuring LIFT Academy. Find out how you can not only get a guaranteed job as a CFI to build time but a guaranteed FO job at Republic Airways. If that is something that appeals to you than you are going to want to check out this episode! Some of the things we talk about are... Make sure their pilots are airline ready when they are done. LIFT students have a guaranteed job as an FO for Republic. We talk about what happens if the eco...
Special thanks to today's sponsor LIFT Academy, check them out at What is going on Avination and welcome back to episode 55 of Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, I am talking with Shannon aka PilotShanelly on Instagram. In today's episode, Shannon and I talk about... Find out what ShaNelly got into aviation Her dad flew the B52 bomber. What Shannon looked for when choosing an aviation school. Shannon talks about what it was like to balance athletics and flying. Why Shannon's parents ...
What is going on avination?! Welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode 54 featuring Michael Mainiero. Michael is absolutely killing this whole piloting thing, he is 22 years old with 3200 hours, current in over a dozen aircraft, and was just hired by a big 121 carrier. Some of the things Michael and I talk about are.. How Michael got into aviation. How Michael put a presentation together for his Parents on why he should get flight simulator. How Michael had to talk his mom into letting ...
What is going on Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode 53 featuring David Campbell. David is 49 Private pilot who walked away from a high paying job to start his career in aviation. Some of the things David and I talk about in this episode are. Why David left a $100,000 a year job to start training and learn to become a pilot. How David originally went to college to become a pilot. Why David didn’t finish his pilot training at Western Michigan. How struggles in college an...
What is going on Avination, welcome to episode #52 featuring Stan Kuliavas from Levaero Aviation. In this episode, Stan and I talk about what it is like to go to Embry Riddle without wanting to become a pilot, how he had zero interest in aviation even though his dad was involved in aviation and much more. How Stan took his first intro flight. How Stand is thankful his dad didn’t push aviation on him. Why you have to love the process of becoming an airline pilot. How your first few hundred hours ...
Avination, welcome to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, I am talking with Jason Miller. Creator of The Finer Points and arguably one of the best flight instructors there is. If you have ever wanted to find out how and why Jason become a pilot, then you came to the right place.
Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode number 51 featuring Petter from Mentour Pilot. Petter, as many of you know is the creator of the amazing aviation page Mentour Pilot on Youtube and Instagram. In this episode, Petter and I talk about. Petter wanted originally to be an archaeologist. How Petter’s dad got him into aviation. How Petter’s intro flight sealed the deal for Petter to begin a career in aviation. How you are very fortunate to figure out you want to be a pilot ...
Avination, welcome to episode #50 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, I am interviewing from Arizona Diamondback pitcher Will Locante. In this episode, Will and I talk about.. Why he retired from a career in baseball to become a pilot. When Will knew he wanted to be a pilot. Wills uncle is a 787 sim instructor for American. Why Will wanted to capitalize on his sports career as long as possible. When I knew I wasn’t going to go pro in football. How I used athletics to put myself in the best pos...
Avination, welcome to episode number 48 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast featuring Mel Williams. To get the episode notes make sure to sign up via Patreon! Happy Flying, Justin
Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode 48. In this episode, I am talking with Joshua Maddox. Joshua and I have a few things in common, we both flew aerial survey instead of becoming a CFI and we were both freight dogs. Joshua and I flew together in Omaha, Nebraska flying Amazon packages and dodging thunderstorms. For episode notes make sure to check out our Discord page. Episode notes are for Patreon members only as of now. Happy Flying, Justin...
Avination, Welcome to episode 47 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. You guys asked the questions and Stab Daddy and the Drizzle have the answers. Make sure to listen all the way to the end of the episode to find out who won the Cadence Aviation headsets! Happy Flying, Justin
What is going on, Avination?! Welcome to episode number 46 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, I am talking with Reed Keahey. In this episode, Reed and I talk about.. How to become an agriculture pilot. How most ag pilots are in it for life. How Reed dealt with an electrical fire in flight. Why Reed got into aviation. and what the daily routine of an Ag Pilot is like. Avination, I hope you enjoy today's podcast. If you do make sure to leave a review on iTunes and check out our Patreon! Happy F...
Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. This is episode 45 featuring Noah Goldstein. In today's episode, Noah and I talk about... How Flight Simulator helped fuel the fire. What his reaction was after his discovery flight. How only real pilots fly with one hand. We talk about how flight simulators can be frustrating. Why Flying simulators are harder to fly than the real airplane. How he is the first person in his family that got into aviation. Is the aviation community doing a goo...
What is going on Avination, welcome to episode 44 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, I am talking with Marissa Colclasure who is currently a regional Airline Pilot. In this episode, Marissa and I talk about. How Aviation found her. How she was 18 when she took her first lesson. Marissa and I talk about how the romance of flight needs to come back. Marissa talks about how we have too much technology in training aircraft. Why Marissa calls herself a hybrid pilot. Why Marissa moved to Hawaii to ...
Avination, welcome to episode 43 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, I am talking with Jan Sears. Jan is currently flying for the California State Highway Patrol. In this episode, Jan and I talk about.. - Why Jan chose to attend Embry Riddle. - Why Jan left Embry Riddle. - Why Jan chose to join the Highway Patrol. - How Jan transferred from to patrol to flying for the highway patrol. - Jan explains what a day in the life of a highway patrol pilot consists of. Avination, I hope you enjoy this e...
Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode number 42. Today, I am talking with NOAA aka Hurricane Hunter Rebecca Waddington. In this episode, Rebecca and I talk about... What it is like to fly around Hurricanes. Why Rebecca joined the NOAA. How you can become a Hurricane Hunter. What a day in the life of a Hurricane Hunter is like. .. and much much more. I hope you enjoy today's episode, don't forget to check out our Patreon and leave a review! Happy Flying, Justin...
Avination, welcome to episode 41 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, I am talking with Cory Robin. In this episode, Cory and I talk about.. When Cory knew he wanted to be a pilot. How old cory was when he got his first job. What he spent his first paycheck on. How his passion for aviation has only grown over the years. How flight training is about prioritization How he only made $3.10 an hour. Why it is important to go at pilot training at a pace you are comfortable with. What Cory struggled w...
Avination, what is going on? I have an amazing episode for you guys today. I am talking with Rich Curcio, who has lost his medical TWICE. But, was able to get it back each time and is now killing it in the aviation world! I hope you enjoy today's episode. Justin
Pilot to Pilot Podcast Episode 40 With Randy Witt. What is going on Avination, and welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, I am talking with X-Planes very own Randy Witt. Some of the things Randy and I talk about are When Randy knew he wanted to be a pilot How he started flying in High School When he bought his first aircraft Any issues Randy had with his training. Why his training was sometimes one step forward two steps back. How a high school kid was playing Flight Simulator and th...
What is going on Avination?! Welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode #39! I can't believe it has been 39 episodes already, time flies when you are having fun. Today's episode is a big one, I talk with TMT pilot AJ Ramsey. Yes, TMT as in Floyd Money Mayweather's pilot. I mean talk about one of the best jobs in aviation. You truly never know where you can wind up in this crazy industry. In this episode, AJ and I talk about. Why AJ wanted to become a pilot. How he held a job during his t...