Airlines Are Hiring It Is Time To Start Flying
The Airlines need pilots bad. Now is the time to start your training.
The Airlines need pilots bad. Now is the time to start your training.
Avination, episode 38 with Jeremy Grodin is live. Jeremy drops some great insight in this episode. Like how it is important to create a business plan when deciding how to finance and pay for flight school, what he looks for when hiring pilots and top red flags a pilot can put on his resume. Avination, I hope you enjoy episode 38 please leave a review on itunes or Facebook. Don't forget to check out our Patreon page! Happy Flying, Justin
Avination, Welcom back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, I am talking with Flight Attendant Joe. Some of the things we talk about are.. How Joe was a nurse for 15 years before becoming a Flight Attendant How Joe had to conquer his fear of flying to become a Flight Attendant How Joe was originally turned down from his first airline How a British TV show helped him get over his fear of flying Some hilarious Flight Attendant Joe stories Joe talks about the transition from being a nurse to becom...
What is going on avination?! Welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, I am talking with David Lombardo, a co-founder of everyone's favorite aviation meme page ATC Memes. What we talked about in today's episode. Pilots are more than just pilots. How David loves Youtube and it is the epitome of the internet. How the page really exploded when they messed around with audio. We find out why David wanted to be involved with aviation. He got into aviation because of video games. Why it is imp...
Find out how Ryan went from flight instructor to regional pilot to Grant Cardone's private pilot.
Ever wondered what it sounds like to fly in the flight levels? Well, here is your chance.
Pilot to Pilot podcast episode 33 ft. Michael Healey: Commercial Pilot and College Student. What is going on Avination and welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. Today, I am talking with Michael Healey. Michael is a current commercial pilot that is balancing both being a college student and flight training. Some of the things we talk about in today's episode. Why Michael became a pilot. How he wanted to originally be a filmmaker. How Instagram actually led to him wanting to learn to fly. Ho...
I answer all the most asked questions by pilots.
Pilot to Pilot podcast episode 30 featuring Colin Henry: CFI Building Time. What is going on avination and welcome to the Pilot to Pilot podcast. This is the first episode of 2018 and I can't wait to share it with you all. Colin is a current CFI in California building his time before he figures out what his next move is. In this episode we talk about. How Colin didn’t love flying when he was younger. How he slowly warmed up to flying and became a sim geek. How a TBM was Colin's first plane to fl...
we find out why Dean created Flying Eyes and what he loves most about aviation.
Steve talks about how he went from a regional pilot to State Troper to Airline pilot.
Pilot to Pilot podcast ep 28 ft Greg Mink Business Aviation and former F16 pilot. What is going on avination, this week I am talking with Greg Mink. You might know Greg by his Youtube name Premier 1 Driver. Greg is former Air National Guard F16 pilot and current Beechcraft Premier pilot. In this episode Greg and I talk about. How Greg's dad got him into aviation How struggling to taxi a 172 made Greg wonder if he would ever be able to master flying. How Greg and his dad did their training togeth...
Jim Krecek is an aeronautical engineer and private pilot. Find out how you can be apart of the aviation industry without becoming a pilot.
PILOT TO PILOT PODCAST EP 024 FT. LOGAN FLOOD: REGIONAL AIRLINE PILOT & PLANE CRASH SURVIVOR What is going on Avination?! Today, I am talking with Logan Flood. Logan is a current regional airline captain, flying out of everyone's favorite Laguardia airport. Logan has overcome an incredible amount of adversity and disabilities to get to where he is today. If you would like to read more about Logan and his accident check out this article "No One Would Ever Hire Me" Some of the things we talk about...
FlightAware CEO Daniel Baker shares why he created FlightAware and why he became a pilot.
Pilot to Pilot podcast ep 022 ft James Heath: Pilot turned ATC. What is going on Avination, Welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast, today I am talking with aviation journeyman James Heath. James is a former CFI, airline ground handler, 2x regional pilot and current air traffic controller. In today's episode we talk about. How a movie led him to aviation. How the book Contact led him down the path to find ET. How a young Eagle flight with the EAA at age 9 was one of the coolest and most terri...
Come find out why Chris Palmer chose to become a pilot.
Download Episode! Pilot to Pilot podcast ep 020 ft. Giselah Ebanks: The First Female Pilot to Fly for Grand Cayman Airways! What is going on Avination?! Today I am talking with Giselah Ebanks aka @flylady_gizzy. In this episode we talk about how Giselah thought I was a 787 pilot, the struggles she had with her instrument rating, and talk about some crazy stories from her training. We also talk about how Giselah got her airline job and what it was like being the first woman to fly the Twin Otter ...
Download Episode! Pilot to Pilot Podcast EP 019 FT. Dave Herwig: Airline Pilot & Former Army Golden Knight. What is going on Avination?! Today I am talking with Dave Herwig, a former Army Golden Knight and newly hired regional airline pilot. When Dave was with the Golden Knights he was given the opportunity to skydive over the White House, at multiple professional sporting events, and travel the country to skydive at air shows. In today's episode, we talk about how being stranded on Lake Eire le...
Pilot to Pilot Podcast EP. 018 FT. Jeffrey The Pilot: Corporate Pilot What is going on Avination?! Today, I am talking with Jeffrey The Pilot. Jeffrey is a Canadian corporate pilot and aviation social media influencer. In this episode, we talk about why Jeffrey became a pilot, the differences between flying in Canada vs the USA, why it is important to start flying now, and how Jeffrey flew cargo in the US to help build his hours. We also talk about the two biggest failures in Jeffrey's aviation ...
Pilot to Pilot Podcast ep 017 ft. Martin Rottler: Aviation Educator What is going on Avination?! Today, I am talking with Martin Rottler. Martin is an aviation educator at The Ohio State University. Martin has helped take Ohio State aviation from almost being shut down to one of the best aviation schools in the nation. In this episode, we talk about why Martin got into aviation, the differences he saw in part 141 and part 61 training. We talk about if Martin has any regrets about not becoming an...
CEO Coradine Aviation What is going on Avination?! Today, I am talking with Noah Lieberman. Noah is the CEO and creator of one of my favorite aviation applications LogTen Pro X. In this episode, we talk about Noah's first flight, and how it was in a DC3. We talk about how automation can get in the way of flying safely. We talk about what it is like flying in an unpressurized airplane over the Rockies, and why Noah created LogTen Pro X. If you enjoyed today’s episode, please let us know. Email us...
Mike Wagner: Corporate Pilot & Aviation Content Creator What is going on Avination?! Today, I am talking with Mike Wagner, also known as Pilot Wagner. That name should sound familiar, especially if you are involved in the chemtrails community. Mike, creates some of the best aviation content videos. Including Chemtrails At Night, the Teterboro video, and most recently I Sit Around Part Deux. In today's episode, we talk about why Mike became a pilot, how he was able to take his private pilot check...
What is going on #Avination?! In today’s episode, I am talking with European airline pilot and mega aviation social media influencer @pilotmaria. It doesn’t matter if you are a major airline pilot, sim geek, or taking your first lesson today. This is an episode you do not want to miss. Some of the things we talk about in today’s episode. Why she became a pilot Differences between European and American flight training. Differences in Modular and Integrated training. The biggest struggle for her w...
What is going on #Avination?! In today’s episode, I am talking with Derek from Airline Pilot Memes . Derek is a current major airline pilot and one of the most popular meme artists of 2017. That's right kids it’s 2017 and you can be a meme artist. Some of the things we talk about in the episode. What it is like being a meme artist. Why he started Airline Pilot memes. How he walked away from a well paying civil engineering job to become a pilot. How he was able to finish his training in 8 months....
What is going on #Avination?! In today’s episode, I talk with Steve from the popular aviation Instagram account @combatlearjet . Steve was an active duty Air Force pilot for ten years and flew in the Air National Guard for another 17. In this episode, we talk about. Why Steve went the military route. Why the Air Force. We find out what the lifestyle of an active duty Air Force pilot is like. How long a deployment is and the type of flying they would do. Why now is the best time to become a pilot...
What is going on #Avination?! In this episode, I talk with Cody Martz. Cody is a current Army black hawk helicopter pilot, trained air traffic controller, and a commercial fixed wing pilot. Oh, and he is only 24. Some of the things we talk about in today’s episode. Why he joined the Army. How he was lucky and got a slot as an air traffic controller. How he paid for his training and when he was able to apply his GI bill to his training. How being an air traffic controller helped speed up his pilo...
What is going on #Avination?! In today’s episode, I am talking with Justin Zeller. You might know Justin Zeller from his Instagram page @carlsbadpilot . Justin has done a lot to get to where he is today. He has gone from flying for the regionals to 135 charter, to 121 airline pilot. Some of the things we talk about in today’s episode are. How he was able to solo before he could drive a car. Why it is important to get your hours as fast as possible. How a Craigslist ad helped him build his time. ...
What is going on #Avination?! In this episode, I talk with Kurt Leuschner who is a major airline pilot. You might know Kurt from his popular aviation Instagram account @stabilizer_motion . In today’s episode, we talk about. How he got his commercial rating by age 18. Odd jobs he did around the airport to help fund his training. How you need to treat yourself as a business. Why a 750-hour pilot needs to be extremely careful. What the interview process is like. How he almost wrecked his car when h...
What is going on #Avination?! In today’s episode, I am talking with South Florida’s very own John Mark. John is a current CFI and professional pilot building his hours to get on with an airline. In today’s episode, we talk about. How he didn’t love aviation at first. What he loves most about the aviation community. Best and worst parts of being a CFI. Things he sees his students struggle with most. And much, much, more. If you enjoyed today's episode, please let us know. Either email us at pilot...