Jordan Peterson Discusses God Part One
Dr. Craig listens to excerpts from an energetic interview with Jordan Peterson and responds.
Dr. Craig listens to excerpts from an energetic interview with Jordan Peterson and responds.
In this conclusion to the series, Dr. Craig takes questions from the audience.
Dr. Craig reflects on how the culture has changed since he began his career.
Dr. Craig recounts the beginnings of his profession and debates. Including some of the colorful events in his career so far.
Dr. Craig comments on the demise of the New Atheists and the return of respect for the Christian Worldview among popular secularists.
A recent study provides strong evidence in support of Dr. Craig's book on the historical Adam.
Dr. Craig continues his response to secularists on the direction of New Testament scholarship and work being done among elite scholars.
What is the difference between popular apologetics and Christian scholarship?
Answers to questions about the latest artificial intelligence and UFO craze, and the importance of church attendance.
Dr. Craig interacts with a skeptic who claims two leading experts on the resurrection of Jesus deny its historicity.
Dr. Craig responds to more dialogue between Richard Swinburne and Richard Dawkins on God's existence and simplicity.
Dr. Craig evaluates an intense exchange between Richard Dawkins and Richard Swinburne as they discussed the mystery of existence.
Dr. Craig fields questions on the fate of those who never hear of Jesus, atheism, and whether God has favorite things among his creations.
Philosopher Trent Horn offers some revisions to the Kalam Cosmological Argument.
Dr. Craig answers a variety of criticisms including recent statements from Ken Ham.
Dr. Craig discusses whether recent data from the James Webb telescope undermines the Big Bang.
Dr. Craig looks at some of the latest research on the effects of gender-altering surgery and procedures.
Dr. Craig clears up some misunderstandings surrounding the term 'theory'.
Dr. Craig evaluates a view of the Atonement from a recent paper.
Did Jesus have false beliefs? A Muslim questions the crucifixion. Will humans advance to the point they won't need God?
Dr. Craig converses with prominent agnostic philosopher Michael Ruse on meaning, metaphor, the resurrection of Jesus, and many other topics.
Dr. Craig continues his evaluation of the debate and offers some conclusions.
Dr. Craig begins his evaluation of a contentious and intense debate on the origins of life.
If there's life on other planets, will they join us in the New Heavens and New Earth?
Dr. Craig is interviewed by the #Momlife podcast on teaching children science, evolution, and answering theological questions.
Dr. Craig and Dr. Moreland continue their interview including Mind-Body Dualism and Artificial Intelligence.
Dr. Craig and Dr. Moreland are interviewed for the 20th Anniversary of their book Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview".
What is at stake if we don't love God 'with all our minds'? Do we 'dumb down' teaching in order to reach people?
Dr. Craig documented some of the latest tests being conducted on fossil remains of ancient hominids.
Despite the overturning of Roe v Wade, the New York Times says the future of abortion is taking a new turn.