Two Recent Supreme Court Cases
Dr. Craig considers two recent Supreme Court verdicts to be very positive in the fight to protect religious liberty.
Dr. Craig considers two recent Supreme Court verdicts to be very positive in the fight to protect religious liberty.
Some think debating atheists is a waste of time. Dr. Craig disagrees!
Recent Experiments on Human-monkey Embryonic Hybrids Are a Cause for Concern.
Dr. Craig discusses the theological implications of life on other planets.
Dr. Craig relates some new insights on the topics he's writing about in his Systematic Philosophical Theology project.
Are God's justice and mercy mutually exclusive? Dr. Craig also addresses Inclusivism, and the salvation of those with mental illnesses.
The unusual concepts of infinity come up often! Dr. Craig also answers issues with the historical Adam and Eve, and Theistic Personalism.
A scholar thinks Dr. Craig's most popular book is too advanced for the average churchgoer. Dr. Craig offers suggestions.
Dr. Craig has some disagreements with scholar John Walton on interpreting Genesis.
Dr. Craig responds to staff of Southern Evangelical Seminary who critique his view of God's simplicity.
Answers on the nature of numbers, hatred depicted in the Psalms, and whether God thinks or just knows.
Questions from Muslims received by Dr. Craig include the historicity of Christ's death, the nature of repentance, and Divine Command Theory.
Dr Craig answers questions on the definition of 'nothing', whether God can take away our free will, and the nature of Christ's miracles.
Dr. Craig Comments on a Christianity Today Article on the State of Apologetics After a Recent Scandal.
Dr. Craig receives questions on objective meaning, his certainty of God's existence, and some thoughts on the Problem of Pain.
Dr. Craig's work impacts the next generation
An objection to the inner witness of the Holy Spirit is discussed.
An Atheist Blogger Asks Why We Don't All Get The Same Evidence That Doubting Thomas Got
Kevin previews some upcoming podcasts and plays excerpts from Dr. Craig and Dr. David Baggett on the best Moral Argument for God.
Dr. Craig speaks to a congregation on the historical events that lead up to Easter and the profound meaning in what happened.
Interesting questions on atheism and solipsism, God and logic, and the name of God.
Listeners have questions on the nature of the Trinity, Neanderthals and genetics, and the complexities of gravity.
Is the universe a simulation? Dr. Craig answers this and questions on Causation, Soul Sleep, and some marriage advice.
Dr. Craig answers questions on where Christ's body is before his second coming, Molinism as related to Transworld Damnation, and what is meant by 'the Word of God'.
Listeners ask about atheist philosopher Graham Oppy, the Atonement, and why debates are important.
Dr. Craig examines an atheist's contention that Christians act irresponsibly due to their view of end times.
Dr. Craig addresses criticism leveled at him from Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis.
An atheist blogger asks why Christians bother to pray when God will do what he wants anyway.
Someone on Facebook accused Dr. Craig of not believing John 3:16. Dr. Craig straightens things out.
Dr Craig begins writing his Systematic Theology with a discussion on the relationship of faith and reason.