A Skeptical Philosopher Becomes a Christian Part One
Dr. Larry Sanger, the founder of Wikipedia, has become a follower of Christ and Dr. Craig comments on some of the details of Larry's journey.
Dr. Larry Sanger, the founder of Wikipedia, has become a follower of Christ and Dr. Craig comments on some of the details of Larry's journey.
The conclusion of an examination of Deconstruction of the Christian Faith, including the role of emotions.
Dr. Craig offers a response to a YouTube atheist on Deconstruction. In this first part, Deconstruction is defined.
Dr. Craig answers questions on souls and gender, the definition of a necessary being, mega churches, and the addictive nature of video games.
Dr. Craig receives questions on Buddhism, how to determine consensus among scholars, and the difficulty of choosing among Christian denominations.
Dr. Craig interacts with a news report that mentions his work on the historical Adam.
A continuation of Dr. Craig's discussion on the first release of his epic Systematic Philosophical Theology.
A continuation of Dr. Craig's discussion on the first release of his epic Systematic Philosophical Theology.
Dr. Craig talks about the release and contents of Volume One of his multi-volume Systematic Philosophical Theology.
A big announcement from Reasonable Faith and a collection of popular questions on Molinism.
Dr. Craig discusses some very interesting attributes of God he's writing about in his upcoming systematic philosophical theology.
A Muslim apologist gives a unique illustration of the Kalam Cosmological Argument.
Are there comparisons between Paul's encounter with Christ and Joseph Smith's vision of two personages?
An examination of this very popular phrase that is increasingly being used in major corporations and political agendas.
Dr. Craig responds to key moments in a podcast in which he is accused of misusing science.