Don’t be offended! Today I look at how we are manipulated by the press to become outraged and how this nonsense affects our productivity. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “We are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” - Edward Bernays “It’s a world of ever-increasing fa...
Dec 15, 2019•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I will be talking about AFFIRMATIONS and how they can be used to change your life. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “An affirmation is almost like a mantra. It does not really matter if what you are affirming is not totally true as yet. By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually, it becomes your reality.” - Stuart Wilde “Lots of people want ...
Dec 08, 2019•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I’ll be tackling a form of behaviour which I see more and more often, and it took me a number of years to realise that BULLIES are as much a part of adult life as they were in school - but I’ve had enough of them, and I have started calling them out when they raise their ugly heads. They don’t like it though. They don’t like it at all.... For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “No one can make you feel inferior w...
Dec 01, 2019•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I am answering questions sent in by listeners. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” ― Mark Twain “Better a good enemy than a bad friend.” - Plato “Live in such a way that if someone should talk badly of you, no one would believe it.” - "Zig" Ziglar "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." -...
Nov 24, 2019•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is the final episode of this special interconnected series within the series focusing on Napoleon Hill’s powerful book THE LAW OF SUCCESS IN 16 LESSONS. In whatever walk of life you are in, WANTING TO BE SUCCESSFUL is a universal theme that I felt vital to explore here on the show and this book based on Napoleon Hills own lecture tour I felt was the key to it’s delivery. Now if you’ve not yet heard the previous shows on this topic then I’d strongly advise you to go back and listen to episod...
Nov 18, 2019•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast In whatever walk of life you are in, SUCCESS is a universal theme that will be of interest. This is the fifth of six interconnected episodes about Napoleon Hill’s powerful book and if you’ve not yet heard the previous shows then I’d strongly advise you to go back and check out episodes 40 through 43 FIRST before listening to this one. My aim is simply to give you a glimpse of the power that lies within its pages, but there is an order to the lessons that he presents and starting here may cause y...
Nov 17, 2019•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is the fourth part of my series on Napoleon Hill’s powerful book and if you’ve not yet heard the previous parts then I’d strongly advise you to go back and check out episodes 40 through 42 first before listening to this one. My aim is to give you a fleeting glimpse of the power that lies within the book ad to open your mind to the possibilities that lie within its pages. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “Clo...
Nov 11, 2019•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is the third part of my breakdown of Napoleon Hill’s powerful book THE LAW OF SUCCESS IN 16 LESSONS but if you’ve not yet heard the previous episodes in this particular series then I’d strongly advise you to go back and check out episodes 40 and 41 before listening to this one. My aim here is to give you a fleeting glimpse of the power that lies within the pages of the book. In the show notes for this episode I will give a link to A FREE DOWNLOAD OF A PUBLIC DOMAIN .MOBI VERSION OF THE COMP...
Nov 10, 2019•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Here we are now with part 2 of Napoleon Hill’s powerful book THE LAW OF SUCCESS IN 16 LESSONS, and before I get into it, IF YOU’VE NOT YET HEARD THE PREVIOUS EPISODE, which covers the introduction and the first two lessons in this series then you should really go back and check it out. My aim with this 6 part series within the series is to give you a fleeting glimpse of the power that lies within its pages as I believe that this will OPEN YOUR MIND to the concepts and theories presented within. ...
Nov 04, 2019•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Over the next six episodes, I will be introducing you to the concepts and principles which he first presented in his very powerful book THE LAW OF SUCCESS IN 16 LESSONS – It’s the book that his more well-known work Think and Grow Rich was based on as well as many many other self-help books and concepts which we find discussed in productivity circles today - And if you think you’ve got nothing to learn from something written nearly a hundred years ago, then think again. This is potent stuff. For ...
Nov 03, 2019•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I’m going into another in my TELL IT LIKE IT IS series of shows which have proven to be very successful in the past – These are episodes where I talk about a problem which it’s likely we may all have come up against but which out of politeness or awkwardness or some other reason we just don’t discuss. This is one which has bit me in the ass a good few times over the years. Before I get into it though, I am increasingly conscious that I may come across as a moaning old git, but I do draw up...
Oct 27, 2019•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I’m releasing release two shorter more on point episodes. This episode SWIM FOR YOUR LIFE is the first show where I’ve talked about fitness… it’s a very limited immersion (pun very much intended) in a topic that I feel may make a big difference to your life if you can go with it. There’s plenty of other stuff in here too if you are a non-swimmer so stay tuned! Now not only is STAYING ACTIVE one of the ESSENTIAL 5 A DAY FOR GOOD MENTAL HEALTH elements, but it’s also vital if you are to be a...
Oct 20, 2019•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast In today’s episode, I’m going to be talking once again about HABITS. I’ve gone into them before in episode 13 - HABIT FORMING FOR A BETTER LIFE and I will be coming back to them again. The more you do something, the stronger and more efficient the connection becomes. Habit-forming, you see, is yet another essential part of self-improvement. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellenc...
Oct 20, 2019•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today, I’m talking about crowdfunding - If you have ever considered running a campaign of your own then there are a few things which I’ve picked up along the way that you might find useful. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “If you launch your campaign with zero audience, you are launching to crickets.” — Khierstyn Ross “Crowdfunding Uncut” “Before you even start building your crowdfunding page, Start building a c...
Oct 13, 2019•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast I talked about A SENSE OF URGENCY last season in my episode entitled DRIVE, but for me, it’s really one of the cornerstones of productivity itself. John Kotter’s quote there says it very well. This is not about panic, anxiety or fear (although you may have to fight them off a wee bit along the way) it’s about killing complacency and replacing it with something else. An "inner energy" that drives your forward, to complete on your plans, to hit deadlines and to achieve great things. For a full tra...
Oct 06, 2019•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I talk about how to deal with problems that upset your plans and why you shouldn't let them derail you. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win.”- English innovation strategy specialist Max McKeown “Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth.” - Mike Tyson “Mistakes are a part of life; you can't avoid them. All...
Sep 29, 2019•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you tend to overthink your choices to the point where you feel paralyzed and don’t make a decision? If you recognise this in yourself then listen up as this week I’ll be talking about how to overcome it. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are...
Aug 20, 2019•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Law of Single Handling states that you will only maximize your performance and potential when you discipline yourself to concentrate single-mindedly on the single most important task from inception to completion without distraction. Only in this way will you effectively optimize your output and productivity. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twe...
Aug 18, 2019•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you Google why you SHOULD GIVE UP ON STUFF you’ll get a thousand hits that say the exact opposite - the message is strong and positive and seemingly sensible – NEVER GIVE UP – but this is not a black and white issue - there’s nuance here – You’ve already caught the episode title, and I say – let’s just wait a second here – and talk about this. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “Every new beginning comes from so...
Aug 04, 2019•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast The main benefit of a social media detox is that it gives you an increased focus on what really matters. Today I talk about this and the other benefits of taking a social media break. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine or idealism.” - Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung “Just as one goes on a fast or a body cleanse you owe it to yo...
Jul 14, 2019•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today's episode looks at 10-minute motivation and the concept of the minimum viable product as applied to creative projects. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “If you cannot fail, you cannot learn.” - The Lean Startup by Eric Ries “Simplify, slow down, be kind. And don't forget to have art in your life - music, paintings, theatre, dance, and sunsets.” - Children’s author and designer Eric Carle You can find out mo...
Jul 14, 2019•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast This show is the last of season 2 and today I will encourage you yet again to take control of your life and work and dreams and ambitions by adopting the productivity techniques that I have talked about here on this podcast. Call it a motivational talk if you will, but by recapping on some of the key techniques I have introduced here, I will show you how you can gain back control of your life and take positive action to move forward. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the officia...
May 12, 2019•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I will be following up on Season one’s FIVE FREE PRODUCTIVITY APPS episode with five more awesome apps for IOS or Android. These are apps that I use myself, if not every day of the year then certainly every week. Please note that apps often get changed or deleted from app stores and over time, may render some information contained here obsolete. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “The obvious rule of efficien...
May 05, 2019•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast (Edit August 2020 - I should have called this "Start With What You've Got" as it's a little less film-specific.) This lesson can be applied to any endeavour. This week I’m postulating on why many of us spend so much time chasing after the next shiny new thing, whether that’s a bit of technology or whatever, or feel we have to wait for the planets to come into JUST the right alignment before we can even consider getting out there and doing something that we really want to do. For filmmakers, and ...
Apr 28, 2019•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast As last season’s 5 FREE APPS TO MAKE YOU MORE PRODUCTIVE episode was so incredibly popular, I thought that I’d continue with a couple of episodes this season on similar themes. Today I will present 6 awesome FREE extensions for Google Chrome. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” - Hans Hofmann New York Times Bestselling auth...
Apr 21, 2019•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I’m tackling a subject which I think every one of us faces at least every now and again. It’s one of a series of episodes where I TELL IT LIKE IT IS. The SERIES 1 TIMEWASTERS episode was in the same vein and hugely popular and generated a lot of activity on social media and I suspect that my episode of a few weeks ago – COLLABO-HATERS will go down just as well. Today I will be talking about all different forms of TOXIC people, advising you how to SPOT them, how to AVOID them and how to get...
Apr 14, 2019•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today’s show is all about KILLING THE MICROWAVE MINDSET and replacing it with something much more realistic. If you can understand the concepts I raise here and apply them to your life and work, and particularly to your skillset and long term goals then somewhere down the line, they will deliver massive and impactful results. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “having the attitude that if something can't be done in...
Apr 07, 2019•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this week’s show, I talk about RUMINATING. I mentioned it in passing on THE INNER CRITIC episode 6 but I expand on it here and offer solutions. Rumination can take over your mind, kill your creativity, bring you down, make you paranoid and kill your love for life. It’s a nasty, nasty piece of work. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: Karen Lang - “A year from now you may wish you had started today.” The Cambridge...
Mar 31, 2019•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week I’ll be talking about another topic which every one of us likely suffers from, from time to time - PROCRASTINATION. We’ll look at what it is and its causes and list a few techniques and tricks that can be used to burn it to the ground and let you move forward with what you have to do. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the official website Quotes: “You may delay, but time will not.” - Benjamin Franklin “You can't just turn on creativ...
Mar 24, 2019•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast On today’s show, I will be talking about a subject that no one ever seems to discuss but it’s one that creatives have to endure perhaps more often than most. Whereas I can admit that sometimes collaborating on a venture can be awesome, there are times when it just ISN’T a good idea for productivity or for your sanity or career or goals or bank balance to do so. I’ll also discuss specific types of collaborator that you MUST learn to avoid. For a full transcript of this episode please go to the of...
Mar 17, 2019•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast