In this episode, Eckhart discusses excessive thinking as the source of incredible unhappiness for millions of people. He goes on to explain that it’s not the circumstances of one’s life that makes people miserable. It’s the overthinking that causes their suffering. Eckhart shares a story from his own life just after he experienced his awakening. He was homeless and spent many days on a park bench. He admits he would have been justified if he were filled with anger and resentment, but he wasn’t. ...
Jan 11, 2024•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart sits down with an audience in Paris. He encourages participants to explore the experience of his talk, beyond the words, because it holds the seeds to awakening. He also talks about the obstacles presented by the ego which he illustrates with the ancient Greek myth of Narcissus. The story goes that Narcissus was a beautiful young man who drowned in a pool of water gazing at his own reflection. Eckhart explains there is a deep truth to this story which is still relevant t...
Jan 04, 2024•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks about our connection to the source of universal consciousness, which he compares to the vastness of the ocean. He says each person with individual awareness is like a small ripple on the surface of that ocean. However, he believes if we only ever know ourselves as a ripple then we won’t recognize our true depth. Eckhart asks participants to consider who they are beyond the surface, as a person with a personality to the fathomless, invisible self, deep below. Eckhar...
Dec 28, 2023•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart talks with an audience explaining the primary reason for this gathering is to become more aware of our transcendent consciousness, the part of us that is beyond the limits of our personality. He says we can do that through stillness because when we practice stillness, we counteract what Eckhart calls ‘possession by the mind.’ He explains most of us are completely absorbed by thinking, without realizing it. The good news, he says, is we can change that. Eckhart believes w...
Dec 21, 2023•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart talks about suffering consciously and how to deal with difficult emotions including fear, anxiety and regret. Eckhart also discusses Nihilism - the belief that life is pointless and devoid of meaning. He explains the idea dates back to Darwin and his idea that evolution is a random chain of events involving molecules and atoms aimlessly coming together over millions of years. Eckhart says this very limited, negative view still affects millions of people today. He says Ni...
Dec 14, 2023•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart explains that humanity is at a pivotal point. He says the most urgent task of our lives is to connect more deeply with the transcendent part of ourselves. Eckhart explains the possibility is always there, just waiting to be discovered. He uses an ancient Greek term called “Metanoia” which means a profound spiritual awakening brought about by a dramatic shift in consciousness. In certain mystical traditions, it’s called Buddha nature or Christ consciousness. Eckhart says ...
Dec 07, 2023•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart encourages us to rise up to meet the challenges of the present time. He says the turmoil that exists here and around the globe is an opportunity to grow spiritually. He explains most people do not awaken when they are in their comfort zone because it usually takes a “push” in the form of a crisis. He says if we are not challenged, then the motivation to change is not there. He goes on to say that our external circumstances do not have to determine our fate. He cautions a...
Nov 30, 2023•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks further about dealing with adversity. He says when we experience challenges in the form of loss including jobs, homes, relationships, political instability or the pandemic, it’s actually an invitation to connect more deeply with the present moment. Eckhart says the conditioning of our minds determines how we respond to situations. He says if we spiral down into fearful thoughts whenever a crisis occurs, it’s a sign that we’re out of alignment. He believes the first...
Nov 23, 2023•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart answers questions about turning adversity into spiritual growth. A mother wants more emotional stability in her life. She says she often wakes up, feeling full of energy, only to find the next moment she’s irritable and exhausted. She’s concerned about transmitting her negative moods to her children. Eckhart encourages her to remain alert when the low energy takes hold. He also explains that sustaining consciousness during difficult times is a great art and this could be...
Nov 16, 2023•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart answers questions from a virtual audience around the world including a young woman struggling with very low self-esteem. Eckhart explains intense self-criticism often originates in childhood. He says affirmations can help – such as: “I am one with the power of all creation.” He explains it’s important to be grateful for the opportunity to heal, because it pushes us to grow beyond our limited sense of self. A young man asks when to stop connecting with dysfunctional family...
Nov 09, 2023•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart answers questions from a woman seeking insights for her sister who recently was diagnosed with a mental disorder. She wants to know how Eckhart views the diagnosis within the context of his teachings, asking, “Could there be a silver lining?” Eckhart says while dysfunction may be present, he cautions against using labels. He also shares that he believes many mental illnesses are normal human behavior which has been exaggerated by the ego. The solution, he says, is to rem...
Nov 02, 2023•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast This special episode features Eric Toda, Global Head of Social Marketing and Executive Director of Meta Prosper. Eric joins hosts Greg and Faith to discuss the importance of advocating for your community in professional circles and standing against hate. Eric speaks candidly about the struggle to find his voice and represent the Asian American and Pacific Islander community as well as the complex reactions he received at a pivotal moment in his career. Our hosts and Eric also discuss how inclusi...
Nov 01, 2023•2 hr 30 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart talks about the process of writing his first book, The Power of Now. He says he surrendered to the idea that the book wanted to be written. He explains he had a vision which inspired him long before he wrote the first word. He shares he encountered naysayers - people who tried to discourage his pursuits. Eckhart says when an individual or group tries to bring new knowledge to the world, they often encounter resistance. The book eventually became a number one New York Tim...
Oct 26, 2023•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks to a live audience in Hawaii. He ponders the paradise surrounding them: the sun, the palm trees and the sea. He then quotes famous French philosopher, Albert Camus, who said: In the midst of winter, I found there was within me, an invincible summer . Eckhart explains that Camus is referring to the spiritual dimension or what he calls ‘the alive inner peace at the core of our being.’ Eckhart says it’s inevitable that life’s hardships will pull us off center and dark...
Oct 19, 2023•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart answers questions about a variety of concerns. A man experiences relentless anxiety and says meditation doesn’t relieve his symptoms. Eckhart explains an overactive pain body is at the root of his troubles. He then shares the wisdom he gained through healing his own pain body. Another audience member asks if there are any transgressions which are unforgivable. Eckhart explains some violations may seem beyond acceptance, but our goal is not to try to forgive. Instead, he s...
Oct 12, 2023•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart jokes with an audience about getting a call from the Star Wars Galactic fleet. He then turns to practical matters when he discusses returning home after being away on a retreat. He says we all have a “life situation” which includes: relationships, work, finances and physical health – all burdens we carry with us even when we’re on vacation. Eckhart cautions against having our consciousness completely absorbed by problems. He says our “real life” is in the present moment ...
Oct 05, 2023•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart answers questions from an audience in Hawaii. A man asks if we actually have “free will.” Eckhart explains we won’t experience “free will” while living on the level of ego, because we are conditioned by the past. He believes until we transcend our past, we are at the mercy of our unconscious patterns. A woman who is a therapist and works with trauma survivors, asks how to deal with her resentment at God for the abuse her clients suffer. She questions how can God allow suc...
Sep 28, 2023•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart talks about the sense of guilt which has plagued humanity through the centuries. He says it’s part of the ego’s dysfunction: the feeling that not only is there something wrong with the world, there’s also something wrong with me. Eckhart explains certain religious traditions have interpreted this as God’s punishment - we believe somehow we are at fault when bad things happen. He says this results in a heavy pain body burdened by resentments, grievances and also the sense...
Sep 21, 2023•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart talks about the soul of the world which in Latin translates to Anima Mundi. He says when we awaken to the transcendent dimension within ourselves, we are then able to discover the soul of the world as our own soul. Eckhart says that's the essence of all spirituality and is the primary reason we are here. Eckhart then answers questions on a variety of subjects: a woman asks what the functional purpose is of becoming more aware. Eckhart explains there are many benefits to a...
Sep 14, 2023•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks about the awakening universe. He says the great miracle and the mystery is that the universe is conscious. In fact, Eckhart explains it is a manifestation of consciousness itself and we are part of that. Eckhart explains there are millions and billions of other life forms across the galaxies, but here on earth the universe expresses consciousness through us. He believes as we grow in awareness, we let go of the limitations of the ego – we discover we are more than ...
Sep 07, 2023•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart answers questions from the audience. A woman is reluctant to experience another life on earth. She asks, “Do we actually choose to reincarnate?” Eckhart says if we’re compulsively reincarnating with every thought and emotion that occurs, then we probably will continue the same dysfunctional pattern not only in the next moment, but in the next life. Another woman asks about how to be a conscious parent. Her teenage daughter feels unmotivated and wants to find her purpose....
Aug 31, 2023•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks about setting goals and deferring satisfaction. He says for many people, the activities they’re engaged in are just a means to an end. He believes they are not present in what they’re doing now, because they’re projecting where they want to be in the future. Eckhart explains this is a self-defeating way to live because while we may need to defer satisfaction to reach a goal, there is also aninherent danger to it. He says after years the pattern may become so engrai...
Aug 24, 2023•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart says we are at a critical juncture. He explains we must evolve to the next stage of development and transcend the ego. Hesays many people try to go back to their pre-egoic state of consciousness anesthetizing themselves with alcohol, drugs, food, sex and work… all of which lead to unconsciousness. He says even though the ego is a key part of our development, it’s time to let it go. So many of us are stuck inwhat he calls the narrative of me: the unhappy story we tell abo...
Aug 17, 2023•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks about an inspiring trip he took to Alaska. He describes the awe he felt on a tour through a majestic forest. Eckhart explains, at one point, he lagged behind his guided tour group so he could feel the sacredness of nature all around him. He says we have lost touch with a form of knowing which transcends conceptual learning. He believes beyond our five senses, there is a more profound form of knowing that we must revive. Eckhart explains ancient people sensed the al...
Aug 10, 2023•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart says no one person can make us happy because the demand is not only too much, but also an impossible task. He explains falling in love may feel wonderful. The honeymoon starts and everything is beautiful. Until the day comes when we discover our partner has issues or even worse: a very active pain body. He says we might panic, thinking I made a terrible mistake! With humor, Eckhart explains what’s really happening is the relationship no longer masks the real problem: our...
Aug 03, 2023•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart talks about the importance of remaining what he calls ‘teachable.’ He cautions us to be aware of the stories, concepts and labels we use to interpret the world. He encourages us to ask ourselves: when we meet someone new, do we give ourselves space to just be, to perceive? Or do we instantly judge and manufacture stories about this person? He ponders when we travel, do we experience awe? Or do we compare it to other places we’ve been? He points out that when we never expe...
Jul 27, 2023•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart talks about suffering and how to transcend it. He says suffering is everyone’s spiritual teacher because it drives us to a kind of willingness. He believes it cracks open the hard shell of the ego, suddenly allowing the light to shine through. Eckhart mentions thelegendary singer Leonard Cohen who wrote a song about this universal experience. He sings: “There’s a crack… a crack in everything... That’s how the light gets in.” Eckhart also uses the example of Buddha who suf...
Jul 20, 2023•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart talks to a live audience in Hawaii. He says ‘Aloha’ to the crowd and then explains the spiritual meaning of the word. He also mentions stillness which he says is the essence of who we are. He defines stillness as the absence of internal noise and the incessant stream of self-centered, harmful thinking that keeps us from realizing our being. He says looking into the eyes of a baby is a spiritual experience. The baby looks back and the light of pure consciousness shines thr...
Jul 13, 2023•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart discusses our deeper purpose. He emphasizes how important it is for humans to be connected to the kind of higher intelligence that comes from presence. While our careers matter, he says what we do in our work life is secondary to our state of consciousness. He explains there is a vast intelligence underlying the world that we perceive with our senses and our job is to connect to it. Eckhart believes we are all manifestations of the one great consciousness, emanating like ...
Jul 06, 2023•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart begins with a few thoughts on meditation. He talks about the Chinese philosophy of Taoism (dow-ism). He says one of its key principles is Wu Wei (woo way) which he explains loosely translated, means non-action or “to sit quietly and do nothing.” Eckhart follows up with a quote from French philosopher Pascal who said, “All the troubles of humanity can be traced back to a person's inability to sit quietly in a room.” Eckhart says we’re so immersed in the outer world that w...
Jun 29, 2023•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast