In this podcast, Eckhart gives a brief talk about the difference between being versus becoming . He says when we focus on becoming, we look to the future for our fulfillment. We lose sight of our being which is connected to the now. Eckhart then answers a question about the need to be right and winning an argument at all costs. He explains as we grow in presence the drive to be right diminishes. The ego loosens its grip, and we discover we might even be willing to admit we’re wrong. He says that...
Nov 24, 2022•52 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart answers questions about addiction and facing illness consciously. Eckhart speaks with a woman who had cancer fears its return and the possibility of an early death. While difficult, Eckhart encourages her to practice presence by staying in the moment because he explains then there is less opportunity to play out scenarios where death seems imminent. He urges her to release the mental gymnastics that plague all of us. He says it’s imperative that we work with life’s chall...
Nov 17, 2022•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart encourages participants to start with a moment of stillness. He says through quiet and calm we get in touch with that part of ourselves Eckhart calls “The Deep I.” Eckhart believes that by reaching beyond our personality and our physical bodies we will discover a deeper dimension to who we are. He says it’s here where we transcend the old inner narratives to find liberation from ourselves.
Nov 10, 2022•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart answers questions about dealing with grief consciously. He asks what does the grief process look like for an awakened person? Do we experience the classic stages of denial, anger and bargaining? Eckhart says even if we’re in touch with the transcendent dimension, we will still experience grief, it doesn’t disappear completely. He believes, however, the intensity will be less. Eckhart explains that facing the possibility of death is vital because it is the catalyst for the...
Nov 03, 2022•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart answers questions about why it’s important to seek awakening and how we can learn to function in a world that seems chaotic. Eckhart says we must learn to awaken to free ourselves of suffering. It is part of our legacy to realize a sense of peaceful aliveness that is independent of our external circumstances. He believes when challenges arise, we shouldn’t spiral into unconscious reactivity. He says that only amplifies the problem. Instead, Eckhart suggests we should rel...
Oct 27, 2022•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks with a live audience in Greece. He cautions participants against the belief that enlightenment is somewhere ‘out there’ or is something to be achieved in the distant future. He says we don’t have to go through a long process of ‘becoming’ to find liberation. Eckhart explains the irony is that when we look to the future, we miss the opportunity to find freedom right here in the present moment. He urges all of us to wake up and to realize we already are who we want t...
Oct 20, 2022•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart reflects on the power of presence and the accompanying state of stillness. He says it’s in those moments when we’re not thinking that we experience pure awareness. He then answers questions about what presence is not. He says it is not about monitoring our inner state or exercising control over our thoughts or feelings. Eckhart also explains it’s possible to be fully awakened and still enjoy the things of this world.
Oct 13, 2022•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart answers questions about the aphorism “be careful what you wish for.” He says when we attempt to manifest certain desires in our lives, it’s critical we discern whether the motivation is ego-driven or something more profound. Eckhart encourages everyone to be who they are at the deepest level. He says anything we achieve on the horizontal plane will also have a downside. Therefore, he encourages us to not get too attached to outcomes. He says as we reach a state of deeper...
Oct 06, 2022•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart talks with a live audience in Greece. He kicks off the session discussing the spiritual wisdom of ancient Greek philosophers. Among the most renowned was Socrates who humbly said, “I am the only one who knows that he knows nothing.” Eckhart believes Socrates meant that he was comfortable with the state of not knowing and the pure awareness connected to deep insight.
Sep 29, 2022•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart answers questions about conscious manifesting. He says it is part of our heritage that we have abundance in our lives. Eckhart describes it as what he calls “the fullness of life.” He believes the source for fullness is the vast underlying consciousness that is the foundation for everything which he calls “the being dimension.”
Sep 22, 2022•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart answers questions about the process of awakening and how to create more abundance in our lives. Eckhart says when we desire something we believe that we already have it. He says consciousness is the source from which everything flows. Eckhart reminds us that while we may want or need many things, we do not need certain outcomes for our fulfillment. He explains that on the inner plane we are already complete and have everything we need.
Sep 15, 2022•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart talks with a live audience. He encourages participants to release their thinking so they can become aware of their “being.” He says most of us have a mistaken sense of identity based on what we think about ourselves, but that’s not who we really are. Eckhart goes on to quote Jesus who famously said, “You are the light of the world.” Eckhart believes what he meant is that we are all are the light of consciousness and that is our true identity and the source of our deepest ...
Sep 08, 2022•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart answers questions about transcending our limitations. He says every human has certain obstacles in their life and facing them is part of the path to awakening. However, Eckhart warns that problems arise when our limitations become part of our identity. He believes we create a false narrative about who we think we are. Eckhart says while it’s important to surrender and accept what is, we do not confuse deeper acceptance with acceptance of the narrow concept we mistake for ...
Sep 01, 2022•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart answers questions on several topics including how to differentiate between a true creative impulse and the ego. Eckhart refers to his own experience of writing The Power of Now . While living in England, he says he felt called to move to Canada. He says he had to discern if the impulse was coming from a deeper place or just a passing whim. He also cautions against listening to the mind and its toxic narrative. After waiting several months, Eckhart realized the feeling was...
Aug 25, 2022•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart answers questions about suffering as part of the human condition. He says many spiritual traditions focus on awakening as the end of suffering. Paradoxically, Eckhart says we need to go through a certain amount of suffering to realize we don’t want it anymore. He says oftentimes our suffering is caused not by our life situation, but our reaction to it. He believes much of our pain is generated by the mind and its toxic narrative. Eckhart says we can move beyond suffering ...
Aug 18, 2022•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart answers questions about healing from childhood trauma. He says it’s important to acknowledge the trauma and to work through it, but not to get stuck in it. He believes while we may feel like a victim it is not ultimately who we are. Eckhart shares stories about his own childhood trauma. He explains that his father had intense anger issues and abandoned Eckhart and his mother when he was just eleven years old. As an adult Eckhart later realized that his father had been tra...
Aug 11, 2022•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart talks about the importance of finding stillness. He says we are never more ourselves than when we are still. Eckhart then answers questions about what we can expect during the stages of awakening. He says as we become more conscious, we learn to respond rather than react to conflict. Eckhart explains we may feel the emotion, but it doesn’t take us over because ego diminishes as we step into the light of presence.
Aug 04, 2022•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart talks about our growing awareness and how it can be used in service of others. He says when presence is the foundation of our lives, we are more available emotionally. He explains why this is when the pitfalls of the ego no longer block us. Eckhart believes when we are confronted by the pain of others, if we have a clear channel connected to the source of consciousness, we will exercise empathy and compassion. In this state he says we will not be shaken when the winds of ...
Jul 28, 2022•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart reflects on the power of the present moment. He then answers a question about the individual and collective pain bodies. He says we all have both and sometimes one is stronger than the other. He believes those with a strong pain body are often more likely to awaken than those who don’t have one. He explains that either way, the great danger is falling into the trap of what he calls “victim identity.” Eckhart says we need to take responsibility for the accumulated sufferin...
Jul 21, 2022•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart talks with a live audience in Winnipeg, Canada. People from 30 countries around the world participate. Eckhart explains the reason they are there is to experience spiritual awakening. He says there is a hidden dimension to their gathering which is deeper than words. Eckhart believes part of his mission is to provide signposts which lead to a state of consciousness he calls Presence . Through the practice of Presence, Eckhart teaches we become aware of the deeper reality o...
Jul 14, 2022•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart answers questions about practicing presence and peace in a world fraught with conflict and chaos. Eckhart reminds us that we are not dependent on external conditions. He says it is possible to remain peaceful even in the midst of negativity and destruction. He explains we have the freedom to choose even though that choice may not be an easy one. Eckhart believes we don’t have to be drawn into dysfunction, but instead believes we can be the light of consciousness even dur...
Jul 07, 2022•47 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart addresses concerns about using conscious manifestation for both practical as well as spiritual purposes. Eckhart cautions listeners that awakening should not be something we put on our to-do list. He says it is not another goal that we attain. He believes when we define enlightenment in those terms it becomes an obstacle. Eckhart says awakening is not an achievement, it's a realization which really means it's already here.
Jun 30, 2022•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks about overcoming obstacles to conscious creativity. He explains we may have a vision of what we’d like to create, but when we try to express ourselves the ego kicks up resistance. Eckhart says we feel attacked by inner voices such as, “Who do you think you are? You’re not ready for this” and then we self-sabotage. He explains how we doubt our talent and give in to our fears. Eckhart says when this happens, we must recognize it as the voice of the ego and in those m...
Jun 23, 2022•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart leads a short meditation and then answers a question about our fear of suffering. Eckhart says suffering plays an important role in the evolution of our consciousness. He says without it, we would not grow in awareness. Eckhart believes, for many people, suffering is their primary spiritual teacher and much of our pain is self-created through dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors. He explains why the pain can also be a catalyst for spiritual growth. He says if we focus on ...
Jun 16, 2022•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast, Eckhart talks about fulfilling our desires and what we can do to make that happen. however he cautions against becoming dependent on external circumstances for our happiness. He says attachment to the outcome can actually become a barrier. Eckhart believes we must visualize that what we want is already ours. and that ultimately the external world is inseparable from our state of consciousness.
Jun 09, 2022•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode Eckhart reflects on what it takes to create a successful life. He says we must live with a foot in two worlds. We must learn to reconcile the everyday with the transcendent. Eckhart explains why we should consciously manifest our aims and aspirations while also practicing presence. Eckhart says the most important part of living in this world is bringing those two together.
Jun 02, 2022•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast Eckhart talks about our dependence on people, places, things and concepts as the source of our identity. He says most of us derive a sense of self from our attachments. He believes the essence of who we truly are is much deeper. Eckhart calls it the alive stillness at the center of our being. Once we become aware of it, our attachment to external things fades and we discover our true nature. Eckhart illustrates this idea with the story of a Buddhist monk who sought to release wor...
May 26, 2022•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart reflects on his signature teaching about being aware of the present moment. He says when we focus on the here and now our senses become heightened. Eckhart says when we give any experience our full attention, we are taking the first step towards what he calls “self-transcendence.” He explains why we need to release our limited perceptions and connect with the aliveness of the universe.
May 19, 2022•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Eckhart answers questions about our identification with the ego and our thoughts. He says the light of consciousness is relentlessly gobbled up by the mind and turned into thinking. He believes practicing presence is the only immunity against our thoughts. He says as we begin to awaken, we have glimpses of awareness. Eckhart says we don’t have to wait for those glimpses to arise spontaneously. He explains that we need to invite them into our lives so that awakened consciousness becomes an integr...
May 12, 2022•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eckhart talks about expanding our consciousness. He says that we outgrow the limited perception we have of ourselves: a person with a personality and a product of our past. We need to get in touch with what Eckhart calls the “deep I,” or the transcendent self. He says we are more than our personalities and more than our bodies. Eckhart shares what we perceive with our senses is only a tiny fraction of what’s actually here. He believes what is essential in us is invisible to the ...
May 05, 2022•47 min•Transcript available on Metacast