"He stared down at himself with the same horrified expression. I knew right away he saw it too. As I opened my mouth to say something, he screamed. His feet fell out from under him, and I screamed too as his head hit the edge of the bridge, as I watched him seemingly get pulled straight down into the river." In Great Falls, Montana, some police officers are among those who believe that one of their jail cells is haunted. The Old Cascade County Jail was built in the early 1900s, directly across t...
Sep 15, 2021•1 hr 23 min•Transcript available on Metacast "Then he heard Wei’s scream get cut off abruptly and then he heard a quick succession of thumping… like a body falling down the stairs… or being dragged. And then a moment later..." In story one this week, we go to Beijing! A beautiful and ominous, ivy covered French baroque style mansion sits in a complex with another mansion inside an impressive courtyard in the Dongcheng District of Beijing. Originally built by the American Catholic Church in 1910 and then used from 1930 until 1949 as a Chine...
Sep 08, 2021•1 hr 16 min•Transcript available on Metacast BIG TW ON THIS EPISODE! DAN'S SECOND STORY CONTAINS GRAPHIC DETAILS OF TORTURE AND MURDER. VERY EXPLICIT! " A tap tap tapping beneath his feet made him jump. It sounded like something was just underneath the ice. Caleb watched, frozen in fear…. as the dark outline of a hand pressed against the ice from below. Tap tap tap...." In Dan's half of the show, he takes us to Connecticut! A somewhat hilarious story of a man trying to move his house across a frozen lake leads to the house sinking. And whi...
Sep 01, 2021•1 hr 21 min•Transcript available on Metacast TW: Lynze's story contains details of the death of a child. "Rob couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw a scruffy, human like shape coming up through the ground.He felt a wave of fear engross him as he saw what he assumed was a literal zombie - an undead corpse - climbing up through a hole at the back of the mausoleum. " There is a reason why cemeteries are so scary. The are home to the dead. What would you do if you saw someone crawling out of a grave? Find out who is back from the dead in Dan's...
Aug 25, 2021•1 hr 29 min•Transcript available on Metacast "There must have been a hundred sets of glowing eyes in front of them. Some of their figures were only shadows.But some of the closest ones, the ones moving towards them now, they could see their faces. Their bodies. All of them looked malevolent. All of them seemed to be coming directly for them." TW: Dan's second story has a violent story woven into the horror story. Proceed with caution and take care while listening. Toad Road AKA The Seven Gates of Hell is a classic haunting. Dan tells such ...
Aug 18, 2021•1 hr 16 min•Transcript available on Metacast "Their friend said that if you drove through the tunnel at midnight to the hotel and called out the boy’s name… you might see him in your rear-view mirror, running up behind your car, flailing his disjointed limbs as he tried to catch you. " Dan weaves horror this week, telling us about Japanese traditions of Kimodameshi. The folklore that comes out of Japan is possibly some of the best and most terrifying. In the summer months, they celebrate a season of hauntings. What do two friends get thems...
Aug 11, 2021•1 hr 15 min•Transcript available on Metacast ONE HUNDRED STRAIGHT WEEKS OF HORROR, CAMPFIRE TALES, POSSESSIONS, HAUNTINGS AND SO MUCH MORE!!! We can not thank you, the fans, enough for supporting us and getting us to 100 weeks of shows! WOW! It's truly amazing. We hope to keep doing this for a long, long time, if you will let us! For anyone who is tuning in for the first time, this is not our usual style of show. This week, we played a fun drinking alongside the stories, Dan told two tales and Lynze told four! After the stories and after t...
Aug 04, 2021•2 hr 25 min•Transcript available on Metacast " And then Julian felt the temperature drop and that same cold air on his right ear. And now… something new… a finger touching his back.A faint, white glow surrounded him. Something was behind him. He slowly turned around, tears running down his face, lip trembling, coming face to face with a white, womanly figure." Peru! Oh Peru! We have not travelled to this part of the world yet, making this a whole new area of spoops. A couple of teenage kids get far more than they bargained for when they em...
Jul 28, 2021•1 hr 20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Patient seemed incredibly lucid, showing no signs of psychosis. Charming, even. I asked about what she was seeing that no one else could see. “It was just a few weeks ago when it started,” she said, still in a neutral, lucid tone. " The odd rashes began coming and going, I felt something… moving… under my skin. I went into the bathroom so I could have the best possible light. It looked like… and now you’re really gonna think I’m crazy - it looked like a tiny little hand pushing against my skin f...
Jul 21, 2021•2 hr 35 min•Transcript available on Metacast "And then it started cutting back and forth between channels, fast enough that sentences began to form from the snippets of the on-screen words of various programs. Programs he didn’t recognize. I..Will…Find…You. He held his breath. Holy shit." Dan is telling one of the best stories in his first sharing this week. A game of hide and seek, kind of. What if demonic possession didn’t always take the shape of speaking in unknown languages, cursing at priests, sharing knowledge one shouldn’t possess,...
Jul 14, 2021•1 hr 16 min•Transcript available on Metacast "And it was like the man could sense his fear. His grin got wider, green eyes shining with an evil amusement. If he ran, would the man run after him? Chase him? He’d just have to find out. " The Legend of Old Green Eyes has our taking a journey down south to Georgia! There is a local legend of an unknown soldier who was decapitated after being struck by a cannonball haunting the old battlefield of The Battle of Chickamauga. When a group of professional actors assemble to recreate this battle, it...
Jul 07, 2021•1 hr 23 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode contains themes of drug use and suicide; it is explicit in every way. Take care while listening to Lynze's first tale. "According to legend, the Lai Thai is a jealous and vengeful female spirit - the ghost of a sexually insatiable, adulterous, cruel woman in life who is now crueler and more selfish in death. She roams the earth as a malevolent spirit - haunting the dreams of male villagers at night - always looking for another husband to take with her into the grave. It’s said that ...
Jun 30, 2021•1 hr 21 min•Transcript available on Metacast "Night after night for several weeks, the sound of scratching built in frequency, intensity, and volume. Eventually it felt as if at any moment - some great and terrible beast might suddenly rip a hole in the floor, wall, or ceiling and come crashing into the room. And then, for ten days in late 1960, things would escalate far beyond the sounds of scratching." Ursula and Sabina Video: https://bit.ly/3iQL2wj This week feels like Dan really went for it, hard. One incredibly terrifying tale of polt...
Jun 23, 2021•2 hr 33 min•Transcript available on Metacast "C whirled around, momentarily picking his eyes up from the floor, and he found himself staring straight into the mirror. And directly BEHIND him, he saw a dead man. A dead man who was weirdly blurry around the edges. As C watched, frozen and horrified, blood began to pour out of a hole in the man’s chest, spattering the floor, the walls, and even against C’s clothes" Our first tale is about The Hammersmith Ghost Murder Case! Starting in November 1803, the British citizens of Hammersmith were wo...
Jun 16, 2021•1 hr 21 min•Transcript available on Metacast "Take my hand, Kira. You don’t want to make me mad do you? I’ve waited too long already” “Please,” Kira whispered, frozen in place, “you’re scaring me.” “I know,” said the man, flashing a predator’s toothy grin - “That’s why you come here, right? To be scared? Being scared is fun. That’s why you all went on the rides! But you didn’t go on mine. And no one can scare you like I can, Kira? Nothing will scare you like what I can SHOW you? Once you SEE what can BE - NOTHING ELSE WILL MATTER.” Dan kno...
Jun 09, 2021•1 hr 20 min•Transcript available on Metacast "The mysterious man now noticed their headlights and turned to face them. He was hunched over, collar up, shielding himself from the rain. It looked like he was wearing some kind of long, shabby black coat.While continuing to stare at them, he took a few steps forward, and Sarah flinched back into her seat.Something was off. Who was this guy? No normal person would be standing on the overlook at this time of night, would they? Where was his car?" Dan has two truly creeptastic tales for you this ...
Jun 02, 2021•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast "A strange and satisfied smile then appeared on his face and he asked, “Did you play with Masha? ” He paused and then added, “ Maybe she’s bored.” At that moment, the familiar sound of Masha’s music box rang through their home and Elvira jumped up in fear. Yuri also seemed afraid and he too stared at the doll in disbelief. Anatoly was unfazed. He was smiling now. “See…” he said calmly, “she’s just bored.” He then went over to the sofa to sit by the doll while his father held his trembling mother...
May 26, 2021•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast "And then soon, they went from concerned to outright scared when Kristine walked into the kitchen one day to see Natalia pouring Pine-Sol into Kristine’s coffee. Kristine says she ran over and stopped her immediately, hoping, praying, that Natalia was just messing around. But then when she asked Natalia what she was doing, she said that Natalia replied, “I’m trying to kill you.” " Dan takes us down a strange and peculiar story hole this week. His two stories are a bit off the beaten path. He sta...
May 19, 2021•1 hr 23 min•Transcript available on Metacast TW: There are some pretty graphic sexual true crime details in this one if you want to skip it. "But then a week later, Remy fell into another trance. And she started speaking to her husband in that same foreign voice - a voice that was angry this time... And then this voice gave him the names — AND the phone numbers — of four different people Teresita knew who could identify this jewelry as belonging to Teresita. And then the voice, after urging him again to PLEASE contact the authorities - it ...
May 12, 2021•2 hr 33 min•Transcript available on Metacast "Then, as he backed up a step, he saw the top of Victor’s head crane up towards the ceiling, and he heard Victor say, “Hey, were there always chairs on the ceiling?” Andrew’s blood ran cold. The ceiling? What the Hell was he talking about?" Can a house come alive and lure you in? And try to make you stay? In Dan's opening episode story, he tells the tale of two childhood friends, Andrew and Victor. The pair begin work on a very old, Victorian house and the odd occurrences start from the moment t...
May 05, 2021•1 hr 14 min•Transcript available on Metacast "He crawled up on top of where she lay. He sat down on her chest and stared into her eyes. And she could now see he wasn’t a little boy at all. He was something… else. Something dark and dead - a ghost of some kind. A monster. She actually told mom she thought he was a monster. And this little monster placed his hand on her chest this time, just below her neck and she felt the cold again. Colder than before. And she felt the fear. It was heavier than before." Dan brings a whole new kind of terro...
Apr 28, 2021•1 hr 24 min•Transcript available on Metacast This weeks episode is EXTRA special!! Dan and Lynze recorded on the road, from one of the most haunted cities in America, NEW ORLEANS!! Dan and Lynze love NOLA, which is no secret. This week the pair was on the road and wanted to try out recording an episode while away from their recording studio in Coeur D'Alene, ID. As the world starts to reopen, Dan will be touring again for stand up, so now seemed like the perfect time to test out the traveling recording kit! If you're considering watching t...
Apr 21, 2021•1 hr 18 min•Transcript available on Metacast "One of the most intense incidents was when Ernie sat doing his schoolwork at the dining room table and he thought he saw movement from the side of the stove. He thought he saw a dark figure moving past him. A dark figure in the room with him. He soon caught the motion again out of the corner of his eye, and then, following it, he watched one of the pepper shakers from the top of the stove start to levitate before rapidly floating over and landing beside him. " Known as the Project Poltergeist, ...
Apr 14, 2021•1 hr 19 min•Transcript available on Metacast "She could go in there, she told herself. She could go in there and see what was happening…. Angela got up and crept out to the hall. Standing in front of her daughter's door, she heard something… It was almost two in the morning. And then she heard it more clearly - a low, heavy chanting. And then that same laugh, the laugh from before. Angela felt sick all of a sudden. Some sweat slipped down Angela’s back. She reached out her hand to open the door and as she curled her fingers around the door...
Apr 07, 2021•1 hr 17 min•Transcript available on Metacast "In 1947, three supervisors all turned up missing one afternoon. They were found unconscious and locked in a small boiler room in the southeastern part of the plant. None of them could explain exactly what had happened to them. But all three agreed they’d been approached by a man they didn’t know shortly before they blacked out. A man whose skin appeared badly burned and who angrily shouted at them “to push some steel.” What if your workplace was haunted? What if the ghost haunting your work was...
Mar 31, 2021•1 hr 20 min•Transcript available on Metacast "Something was moving towards them - coming from down the hall. Carlos swore he could see something back in the shadows. Whipping their flashlights around - they DID see something. They all three saw a small, dark, evil creature quickly approaching them from no more than twenty feet away…" This weeks Scared To Death is truly unlike any other episode! Dan and Lynze welcome a VERY special guest, Mustafa Gatollori from A&E's Ghost Hunters! The episode begins with Dan sharing the tale of the Worley ...
Mar 24, 2021•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast "After having spent a night in room 314, a doctor and his wife mentioned an encounter with something paranormal at checkout one morning. The doctor had been awakened several times by a gentle tickling sensation on his feet in the middle of the night. In his sleepy state he was convinced that the comforter or the sheets were somehow responsible for the sensation of something lightly brushing his feet. But then, the final time it occurred, he looked down to distinctly see a little girl tickling hi...
Mar 17, 2021•1 hr 13 min•Transcript available on Metacast "Fast forward about a year and one night… when you were just a little baby, I overheard your mom and the guy in charge talking about how ‘now the sacrifice needed to be made. And you were mentioned. Long story short, you were supposed to be the payment made to whatever we’d brought into the world that night. This guy was telling your mom that it was ‘almost time,’ and your mom…. she seemed… OKAY with it all." In episode 79, Dan has a story based on some lost footage and a story about sleeping wi...
Mar 10, 2021•1 hr 13 min•Transcript available on Metacast "She’d later tell investigators, who were still trying to catch Phillip’s killer, that she was hearing noises coming from inside the walls of the home. Scratching, rattling noises. She sometimes could hear what sounded like someone breathing. Or someone whispering. The police came over to investigate…. and found nothing. A few days later, the nurse called them again. This time, she reported seeing an apparition on the back stairs that “chattered its teeth at her” before completely disappearing i...
Mar 03, 2021•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast "They say that under the ruins atop the former basement of an abandoned church in Stull, Kansas - there exists a sealed staircase that is almost impossible to find. And you don’t want to find it. If you do, and you follow that staircase down far enough on the wrong night, legend has it you can reach one of the seven mouths to Hell itself. And if you do, good luck getting back out…" Dan tells two really amazing stories this week! To kick off the episode, we are off to sunny Los Angeles to the ver...
Feb 24, 2021•1 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast