Subscribercast #48 – Die Hard
On this Christmas edition of the subscribercast we examine the daddy of all Christmas movies – Die Hard. I outline... The post Subscribercast #48 – Die Hard first appeared on Spy Culture .
On this Christmas edition of the subscribercast we examine the daddy of all Christmas movies – Die Hard. I outline... The post Subscribercast #48 – Die Hard first appeared on Spy Culture .
The Department of Homeland Security is one of the biggest agencies of the US government, and has a highly active... The post ClandesTime 213 – Homeland Security in Hollywood (and the Boston Bombing) first appeared on Spy Culture .
The 1968 Chicago riots at the Democrat National Convention, and the subsequent trial of 8 leaders of different radical left... The post Subscribercast #47 – The Trial of the Chicago 7 first appeared on Spy Culture .
2017’s Wonder Woman was hailed and criticised in equal measure, mostly because it featured a female superhero protagonist. But what... The post ClandesTime 212 – Wonder Woman first appeared on Spy Culture .
In this subscribercast I review and analyse a recent conference hosted by the US Naval Institute and the US Naval... The post Subscribercast #46 – Media Breakdown: Through the Camera Lens first appeared on Spy Culture .
Combat Obscura is a documentary shot on the ground in Afghanistan at the height of the war. In this episode... The post ClandesTime 211 – Combat Obscura first appeared on Spy Culture .
In this subscribercast I take a more philosophical turn and explore what I think is the greatest philosophical mistake we’ve... The post Subscribercast #45 – Our Greatest Philosophical Mistake first appeared on Spy Culture .
‘Cultural Marxism’ is a term that these days is almost exclusively used by hard right wing critics of the popular... The post ClandesTime 210 – Conspiracy Theories: Cultural Marxism in Hollywood first appeared on Spy Culture .
On this month’s subscriber-only podcast I examine four very different movies, three with a ‘social action’ or political element and... The post Subscribercast #44 – Battle of the Genres first appeared on Spy Culture .
In this episode I welcome back friend and journalist James Oddy so we could discuss the 8th and final season... The post ClandesTime 209 – Good Riddance to Homeland first appeared on Spy Culture .
Platoon is one the great American anti-war films, beloved by many veterans for its realistic combat sequences and its full-blooded... The post ClandesTime 208 – Platoon first appeared on Spy Culture .
On this month’s subscribercast I break down and analyse an interview by the Hollywood Reporter with Warren Leight, the showrunner... The post Subscribercast #43 – Media Breakdown: Hollywood and Copaganda first appeared on Spy Culture .
There are dozens of films about the ‘Troubles’ but very few of them engage with the covert operations run by... The post ClandesTime 207 – Hidden Agenda vs ‘71 first appeared on Spy Culture .
How much responsibility does the TV crime genre have for police racism, brutality and corruption? On this month’s subscriber-only podcast... The post Subscribercast #42 – Systemic Racism and Cop Shows first appeared on Spy Culture .
This three-part radio documentary produced by CBC (and featuring Matt, Tanner Mirrlees and myself, among others) explores the role Hollywood... The post Myths on Screen – The Full Series first appeared on Spy Culture .
The Little Drummer Girl is an espionage drama based on Operation Wrath of God – the Mossad operation to track... The post ClandesTime 206 – The Little Drummer Girl first appeared on Spy Culture .
In these times of strife, confusion, hostility and boredom it is important to keep ourselves amused. In this month’s subscriber-only... The post Subscribercast #41 – Keeping Amused first appeared on Spy Culture .
Hi everyone and thanks for tuning in – this is just a quick intro because a listener said I should... The post The Rookie: Made by the LAPD (audio version) first appeared on Spy Culture .
Spy Games is a recent reality TV game show where 10 dipshits compete for the approval of three ex-spooks who... The post ClandesTime 205 – Spy Games first appeared on Spy Culture .
Over more than a century the US government’s entertainment liaison offices have supported over 1000 movies, along with thousands of... The post ClandesTime 204 – Why the Entertainment Liaison Offices Matter first appeared on Spy Culture .
‘Movies don’t create psychos, movies make psychos more creative.’ That is a quote from the 1996 horror-comedy Scream, but it... The post ClandesTime 203 – Psychopaths and the Copycat Effect first appeared on Spy Culture .
After many of my patreon subscribers said I should make the full podcast available to everyone I decided to unlock... The post Lockdown: The Dark Side of Social Distancing (FULL EPISODE) first appeared on Spy Culture .
In this subscriber-only podcast I explore the haphazard and irrational implementation of the COVID-19 social distancing lockdowns currently in place... The post Subscribercast #40 – Lockdown: The Dark Side of Social Distancing first appeared on Spy Culture .
The recent Netflix series Messiah depicts what would happen if a Jesus-like figure suddenly appeared and started influencing geopolitics. In... The post ClandesTime 202 – Messiah first appeared on Spy Culture .
So what the hell is going on? Are we all going to die in the great corona-zombie apocalypse of 2020... The post Subscribercast #39 – Rorschach Politics: Coronavirus first appeared on Spy Culture .
In this episode I welcome Kevin Gosztola, a journalist, editor of Shadowproof and co-host of Unauthorized Disclosure. We talk about... The post ClandesTime Special – Kevin Gosztola on the Assange Extradition Case first appeared on Spy Culture .
In 1962 the US and the Soviet Union came to the brink of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis... The post ClandesTime 201 – Thirteen Days and the Cuban Missile Crisis first appeared on Spy Culture .
To mark the 200th episode of this podcast I decided to combine several ideas into an open buffet of information... The post ClandesTime 200 – Extravaganza first appeared on Spy Culture .
When you think of radical or counter-establishment films the 1998 thriller The Negotiator probably doesn’t come to mind, especially if... The post Subscribercast #38 – The Negotiator and Israel’s Nuclear Smuggling Ring first appeared on Spy Culture .
What’s the connection between the wars in Yugoslavia in the 1990s and the resurgent Neo-Nazi movements popping up in Western... The post ClandesTime 199 – Neo Nazism and the Yugoslav Wars first appeared on Spy Culture .