A Come, Follow Me Podcast based on the CFM Curriculum but geared towards teenagers and parents of teenagers. With shorter episode lengths, several key points and a focus on one main principle from each weeks study, this is a podcast that teenagers can listen too and learn from. The included application questions, stories and experiences will help them see how to best apply in their own lives what they are learning.
(June 26th - July 2nd) Listen to this weeks CFM for teens episode for a few principles about how trust that things will get better. How Christ can take what is broken in your life and bring new life into it. Why it’s so important to make your bed and how to love the Savior more than anything else in your life! (This Weeks Chapters include Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20-21)
(June 19th - June 25th) Listen to this weeks CFM for teens episode for a few principles about how to become a finisher like Christ. Some of the Saviors greatest teachings came from his example in going through the final moments of his life, including how to handle adversity, persecution, false accusations and being alone. (This weeks chapters include Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19)
(June 12th - June 18th) Listen to this weeks CFM for teens episode for a few principles about how to drink from life’s bitter cups without becoming bitter. How to better emulate the Savior in saying “not my will but thine be done!” (This weeks chapters include Luke 22; John 18)
(June 5th - June 11th) Listen to this weeks CFM for teens episode for a few principles about love, how and why it is so vital to stay connected to Christ, and how the Spirit can help heal our troubled hearts and remove fear and anxiety from life. (This weeks chapters include John 14-17)
(May 29th - June 4th) Listen to this weeks CFM for teens episode for a few principles about how to best remember Christ, serve Him, find happiness in serving others, escape being a victim and utilizing the power of music in our lives. (This weeks chapters include Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13)
(May 22nd - May 28th) Listen to this weeks CFM for teens episode for a few principles about how to best be prepared for the Second Coming of Christ and how to look forward to it with faith and excitement and not be troubled by events that will precede it. (This weeks chapters include Joseph Smith Matthew 1; Matthew 24-25; Mark 12-13; Luke 21)
(May 15th - May 21st) Listen to this weeks CFM for teens episode for a few principles about what it means and looks like to put God first in one’s life, especially as a young person today! (This weeks chapters include Matthew 21-23; Mark 11; Luke 19-20; John 12)