129. La jubilación
Marta talks about her parents' retirement. Transcript here Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about her parents' retirement. Transcript here Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about Kwanzaa, the African-American celebration. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about how the holidays are not necessarily a happy season for everybody. Many people -including herself- struggle with depression, clashing with everything that the season brings. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about the gift exchange tradition during the Christmas season in Mexico and the US and its variations. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about the origins of the traditional Christmas flower known in the United States as Poinsettia Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about the soccer star Leo Messi. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about the controversies surrounding Qatar as a host country for the Soccer World Cup 2022 Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group Check the transcript for this same link to the Amnistia Internacional report
Marta talks about the soccer World Cup host country: Qatar. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group
Marta talks about the soccer World Cup tournament. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group
Marta wraps up the story of Mario, a man in search of the secret to happiness. Here is the transcript! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta continues telling the story of Mario, a man looking for the secret of happiness. In this 3-part story, Marta uses subjunctive and conditional moods. Transcript here Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta tells the story of Mario, a boy who was searching for the key to happiness. This is the first of several episodes covering this beautiful story created by Marta, and that is meant to help the listener get familiarized with the Spanish subjunctive and conditional moods; a fairly complex grammatical topic. Enjoy! Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group ...
Marta talks about the recent family events that she missed due to her living in a different country, and dreams about the things she would do if she had a private plane. This episode ups the complexity of the content of this podcast. As we go higher in our number of episodes, the expectation is that listeners are achieving a higher level of comprehension. From this episode on, Marta will try to adapt to the growing needs of her listeners to have content that challenges everybody and still addres...
Marta talks about a sad incident that she had yesterday... a dog fell off a roof! Find out what was the end of this stressful day! Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about the general causes of anxiety and the symptoms that she suffers. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about the chores that she has to do today, given that there is not much to do outside due to the rain. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about the tradition of naming a child after the saint that is celebrated on the day of his/her birth, and how it is celebrated in her family. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about the COVID pandemic and how the more relaxed restrictions allow people to have a more normal life... and then she caught it after attending a language conference. What is the solution... if any? Acceptance? Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta is back in WI from her vacation in Mexico. She talks about the details of her return, which includes three flights and two layovers. Stressful for someone afraid of flying! Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta is in Mazatlán and today she talks about her favorite restaurant there. She talks about the food, and the beautiful animals one can see while being at that restaurant. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group Watch the iguana under our table! La Tostadería del Mar...
Marta talks about the next part of her visit to Mexico: Mazatlán, a beautiful city located on the Pacific Ocean coast, in the state of Sinaloa. Her nanny lives there with her granddaughter's family. Here is the transcript! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about Rigo, a man who lives in Zihuatanejo and cuts hair... but he is not an ordinary barber at all! Here is the transcript! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta is still in Mexico, visiting her parents. She talks about their mango orchard, and how drought and later a category 1 hurricane that just passed through the coast of the Pacific Ocean affected their harvest. Here is the link! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about her first days in Mexico, visiting her family. Her parents are to retire soon and now they have a pool! Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about her summer vacation plans, and how hugging her parents is her priority this year. She is also excited to meet the new member of her family: José Carlos, the grandson of Marta's brother. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about Sarah and Ruth, the two exchange students that she hosted this school year. In a few days, Sarah will return to Germany and Ruth to Spain. That is something that makes Marta sad but she is also grateful for having met them. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about goodbyes or farewells and how what makes them difficult. Transcript here! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Marta talks about the importance of having a proper routine to take care of our teeth. Here is the transcript! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...
Welcome to season 2! Marta talks about Teacher's Day in México and in the United States. Ideally suited for the topic, Jim Wooldridge, the creator of the Señor Wooly website for Spanish teachers and learners, opens season 2 with a greeting to our listeners! How perfect is that!? A great new item in this season is listeners' participation! Do you want to be a part of an episode and inspire Spanish learners around the world? Well, then send me a short voice message in Spanish either through the an...
Marta talks about how the so anticipated Spring is not as perfect: Allergies make her feel sick! Here is the transcript! Email us! Become a supporter! Buy Me a Coffee Facebook Group...