Since it’s Christmas, we decided to wrap up all the practical advice from 2017 and give it to you in a single episode.
Tune in to Blake Mycoskie, Chief Shoe-Giver and founder of TOMS, for the first three hires you should make as you scale up your business. Charles Duhigg, author of Smarter Faster Better reveals how to build mental models to help you avoid wasting time on unimportant tasks. Professional storyteller Tricia Rose Burt gives you the story structure that will help you resonate with your audience. And Robert Sutton, author of The A-hole Survival Guide, will tell you how to avoid jerks at the office. We’ll finish with advice on how to close deals from Molly Fletcher, author of A Winner’s Guide to Negotiating.
Whether you’re traveling today or just waiting around for Christmas dinner to come out of the oven, listen to these episodes you may have missed or review the key points of 2017.
We hope you’ve learned as much as we have from our guests this year. And we wish you a happy, healthy business that will bless you and your loved ones as it grows.