CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)… 00:00:00.000 = Show Open 00:01:56.000 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “The Golden Cauldron” (June 30, 1975) 00:48:36.029 = Cloak and Dagger, “Wine of Freedom” (October 15, 1950) ***WD 01:20:27.839 = The Clock, “Spangler’s Attic” (January 26, 1947) ***WD 01:46:24.499 = Confession, “Roger S. Chapman” (September 13, 1953) 02:16:10.919 = The Creaking Door, “Aunt Mae” (ADU) 02:45:24.429 = Creeps By Night, “Six Who Did Not Die” (July 11, 1944) ***WD 03:14:39.859 = Dark Fantasy, “Dead Hands Reaching” (May 22, 1945) ***WD 03:38:56.949 = Sounds of Darkness, “Birds For Sale” (December 01, 1967) ***WD 04:05:08.199 = CBC Deep Night, “Bonehouse” (August 07, 2005) 04:39:16.429 = The Devil And Mr. O, “Chest” (January 28, 1972) 05:07:31.538 = Show Close