Our Guest WeatherBrain tonight is an old friend of the show. He recently joined Spire, a weather forecasting company that utilizes advanced satellite technology and data analytics to produce highly accurate and timely weather forecasts. He appeared on show No. 303 in November 2011 and show 751 a few years later in 2020. He's a seasoned meteorologist with extensive experience in weather technology data analysis. He co-founded Weather Decision Technologies before it was acquired by DTN. Michael Eilts, welcome to back to WeatherBrains.
Bruce Jones of Midland Weather Radio also is back to discuss the importance of NOAA Weather Radio and its timely warnings and information.
****Also you can now get 25% off a NOAA Weather Radio at MidlandUSA.com by using PROMO CODE SPANN25****
Our email officer Jen is continuing to handle the incoming messages from our listeners. Reach us here: email@weatherbrains.com.
Web Sites from Episode 956:
AI weather modeling: Spire and NVIDIA’s partnership presents true evolution in weather prediction
Picks of the Week:
Bruce Jones - Foghorn
James Aydelott - Video of the tornado in the Jemez Mountains
Jen Narramore - Jen appears on "Across the Sky" podcast to discuss Tornado Talk
Rick Smith - April 25-May 10th 2024 Severe Weather Sequence analysis from NWS SPC
Rick Smith - PBS NOVA Tornado! Original Broadcast, 1985
Troy Kimmel - Tennessee Valley Weather
Kim Klockow-McClain - Foghorn
Bill Murray - Foghorn
James Spann - National Hurricane Center Products and Services Update for 2024 Hurricane Season
The WeatherBrains crew includes your host, James Spann, plus other notable geeks like Troy Kimmel, Bill Murray, Rick Smith, James Aydelott, Jen Narramore, Dr. Neil Jacobs, and Dr. Kim Klockow-McClain. They bring together a wealth of weather knowledge and experience for another fascinating podcast about weather.