Recyclable, non-toxic, cost-effective, and abundantly available - zinc presents itself as a promising candidate for long-duration energy storage technology.
Through the innovative process of dissolving zinc in a liquid electrolyte, e-Zinc, is pioneering advancements in this field, offering a carbon-neutral alternative.
In today’s episode, Quentin Scrimshire is joined by Balakrishnan Iyer (Chief Commercial Officer at e-Zinc). Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:
▶ How e-Zinc's proprietary energy storage system works.
▶ What makes zinc storage unique from other technologies.
▶ The type of applications zinc is particularly suited to.
▶ Why zinc is so suitable for long-duration energy storage.
About our Guest
e-Zinc are a developer of a low-cost, flexible, and long-duration energy storage solution, harnesses the electrochemical technology of zinc. e-Zinc’s storage system retains 100% of its usable capacity throughout its lifetime. and each element has an existing recycling market or can be reused in subsequent systems. For more information on what e-Zinc do - head to their site.
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