After building an asset and connecting it to the grid - the next step is to enter the markets in order to earn revenue. Optimising the actions of a battery asset is vital in order to make an asset profitable. An pptimiser is there to get the most out of a battery. In today's episode, guest host Robyn Lucas is in the studio with Chris McLeod - Head of Trading at Habitat Energy. Over the course of the conversation they discuss:
About our guest
Operating across UK, USA and Australia, Habitat Energy’s mission is to get the best possible return on your investment, whether that’s a single battery, co-located renewable generation or a whole portfolio of assets across multiple locations.
To find out more about what they do - head to their site.
About Modo
Modo Energy is the all-in-one platform for battery energy storage analysts.Through an integrated mix of price forecasts, revenue benchmarking, in-depth research, real-time market screens, and downloadable data - you can finance, build, and operate the energy system of the future. Modo’s paid plans serve more than 80% of battery storage owners and operators in Great Britain.
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