When a battery can no longer effectively fulfil the role, it was first intended to - it doesn’t mean it's the end. Getting the most out of every stage of an asset's life stage is crucial in not only maximising the revenue it can generate whilst also lowering its environmental impact. Zenobē is working on some really cool endeavours to repurpose the batteries from their electric bus fleet and putting them to good use in new and exciting projects. Robert Long, Business Development Manager at Zenobē, joins Quentin for today’s episode. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:
Mentioned in the episode
Our first episode featuring Zenobē - Business, buses and giving batteries a second life with Steven Meersman
About our guest
Zenobē provide end-to-end solutions for electric transport fleets, provide large-scale battery storage for deployment in the grid, as well as today’s focus of refurbishing end-of-life batteries for their second (and third and fourth) life - providing portable power or on-site static power to maximise clean energy usage.
About Modo
Modo is the all-in-one Asset Success Platform for battery energy storage. It combines in-depth data curation and analysis, asset revenue benchmarking, and unique research reports - to ensure that owners and operators of battery energy storage can make the most out of their assets. Modo’s paid plans serve more than 80% of battery storage owners and operators in Great Britain.
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