With the vast proportion of UK homes still relying on gas to heat homes - the need for lower carbon options is a top priority in order to reach net zero targets. Tepeo - manufacturers of the ZEB (Zero Emission Boiler) are on a mission to provide consumers with a greener solution.
In this episode, Quentin is joined by Johan du Plessis - Founder & CEO at Tepeo. Over the course of the conversation they discuss:
About our guest
Tepeo aim to give customers a low cost, low carbon, smart and yet simple route off of fossil fuel heating. Tepeo’s goal is to help millions of homeowners heat their homes, not the planet with their Zero Emission Boiler (ZEB). For more information on what they do, head over to their site.
About Modo
Modo is the all-in-one Asset Success Platform for battery energy storage. It combines in-depth data curation and analysis, asset revenue benchmarking, and unique research reports - to ensure that owners and operators of battery energy storage can make the most out of their assets. Modo’s paid plans serve more than 80% of battery storage owners and operators in Great Britain.
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