Today’s episode marks 100 episodes of the Transmission podcast! As a thank you for being part of the conversation around battery energy storage, energy markets and beyond - we are giving away 100 exclusive 100th-episode anniversary t-shirts! Enter here for your chance to win!
In this very special episode we are going full circle. Quentin is talking to Harmony Energy CEO & Founder, Peter Kavanagh. Long time listeners might remember our first ever episode, where Quentin spoke with Paul Mason, Chief Investment Officer at Harmony Energy, about taking Harmony Energy Income Trust to IPO.
One hundred episodes later we take a look at the rest of Harmony’s story, from the challenges and triumphs of scaling up projects, the complexities of the energy market, the impact of fluctuating revenues, and the strategic decisions behind diversifying suppliers and expanding internationally. Over the course of the conversation, Quentin and Peter discuss:
About our guest
Driven by a vision of a greener future, Harmony Energy has evolved into a global operation of developing, owning and operating utility-scale battery energy storage, solar farms and wind assets across the globe. For more information on what Harmony does, head to their website.
About Modo Energy
Modo Energy provides benchmarking, forecasts, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place.
Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets. Modo’s paid plans serve more than 80% of battery storage owners and operators in Great Britain and ERCOT.
All of our podcasts are available to watch or listen to on the Modo Energy site. To keep up with all of our latest updates, research, analysis, videos, podcasts, data visualizations, live events, and more, follow us on Linkedin or Twitter. Check out The Energy Academy, our video series of bite-sized chunks explaining how different battery energy storage systems work.