Accounting for 20 percent of global energy consumption, industrial heat is a massive area in need of decarbonization.
Covering everything from pasteurisation to steel manufacturing, there are countless businesses that will need to step away from the current method of burning natural gas, in order to reach net zero goals.
In this episode, Quentin chats to James MacNaghten - CEO at Caldera - about how this can be achieved and what Caldera is doing to be part of the change. Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:
Mentioned in the episode
A look at how the Caldera storage boiler is made.
Calderas current funding round on crowdcube - capital at risk.
About our guest
Caldera is on a mission to make zero-carbon heat the norm by developing technologies that pave the way for a faster and smoother energy transition. Caldera’s systems can replace or supplement any industrial or commercial fossil fuel boiler. For businesses that need process heat, they provide the same energy storage benefit as batteries more affordably and can generate steam, hot water or air.
For more information on what Caldera do - head to their website.
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